Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Tarasynora [WIP]


Name: Tarasynora
Nicknames and Aliases:

  • Tara
  • Synora
Affiliation: Haxion Brood
Rank: TBA

Species: Elzeri
Age: Young Adult
Sex: Female

  • Saboteur
  • Spy
  • Singer
Primary Allegiance: Haxion Brood
Current Status: Active
Birthworld: Eve, Scintilla
Residential Addresses / Living Situation: Unknown
Languages Known:

Languages Spoken:
  • Galactic Basic - Native
  • Atrisian Basic - Native
  • High Elzar - Native
  • Elzar - Native
Force Sensitivity: None
Midi-Chlorian Count: 1500 Midi-Chlorian:Cell
Marital Status: Single
Parents: N/A

Height: 4'6"
Eye Color: Electric Blue
Hair Color - Head: Warm Platinum Blonde
Hair Color - Eyebrows: Brown
Skin Color: Creamy Pale
Lip Color: Mulberry Pink
Scars: None


Tarasynora was created by First United Astral Engineering, via Engineered Variance Cloning. Her creation was commissioned by AYP Entertainment Corporation, a record label known for producing A-pop (Atrisian pop) music. It was for this specific purpose that Tarasynora was made, so that she might one day make her debut as a manufactured A-pop idol in a new girl group under the AYP record label.

To this end, Tarasynora was inducted into the AYP Entertainment Talent Development Program almost as soon as she emerged from her growth tube. Over the next two years, she underwent an extremely rigorous idol trainee program where she underwent advanced instruction in choreography, dance and vocals, media etiquette, and yet more idol-relevant skills. Tarasynora distinguished herself from her peers as a talented singer, to the point where she was first from her class to earn a contract with an upcoming girl group.

However, a series of ill-timed controversies saw Tarasynora removed from the trainee program and her contract severed. As a result, Tarasynora was left in severe debt due to the expenses of her training and creation.

No longer allowed to use her voice for music, Tarasynora soon saw the opportunity to wield it as a weapon instead.

Civil Training:
  • Flash Training
    • Education Course - Equivalent to a Secondary School Education
    • Advanced Arts Course
      • Singing
      • Dance
        • Ballet
        • Hip Hop
        • Choreography
  • AYP Entertainment Talent Development Program
  • Mellifluous - Tarasynora is an incredibly talented singer. She has an extremely wide vocal range, inhumanly strong lungs, and can maintain more or less insane levels of vocal power for extended periods. However, her most significant trait in this regard is her ultra-precise vocal control, which in combination with her enhanced vocal range, allows her to wield her voice not only for song, but also as a weapon of compulsion.
  • Siren Song - While the ability to influence sentients through voice is a quality inherent to all Elzeri, Tarasynora is a prodigy in leveraging her voice as means of compulsion. Her talent in this is such that she can wield her voice like a Maelibus, capable of producing pitches that can disrupt brainwaves and hypnotize sentients. Once individuals are placed in this vulnerable state, she can compel them to execute a wide range of simple actions, including but not limited to revealing secrets, attacking allies, and taking actions that override self-preservation. She can also use this ability to implant false memories in targets or make them forget something.
Character Traits:
  • Narcissistic
  • Vain
  • Sadistic
  • Naive
  • Decadent
  • Perfectionist
  • Mellifluous
  • Empathetic
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