Isaac Ideus
Active Member
As our faction grows in number, I want to ask what we think our target or preferred size (in terms of members) is. And if we decide on as much (quality) growth as we can, I'd like to discuss some future strategies for such growth.
There are plenty of alliances, but there are a number of them which are either fairly or completely inactive. This leaves active members who wish there was more "action". In my opinion, these people are prime targets for recruitment. Of course, I feel we should maintain some semblance of standards in recruitment. Quality of role playing is one criteria, as is IC comparability (I would think that this faction really is no place for "good" Jedi, for example.
Furthermore, it seems as though The Nexus faction has offered themselves up for annexation. This is, yet, another way for us to grow power without firing a single shot. I feel that we have a number of role players who have a great way with words and that knack for "soft power"** that makes them great negotiators.
I might try to expand on this over the weekend. My laptop is kaputt (bad motherboard) so I'm on my iPad which makes formatting and whatnot nearly impossible, but nevertheless I'd like to take up a bit of the slack for Lysle, who has been the man who has undoubtedly brought us to this level we find ourselves at by the sweat of his brow.
There are plenty of alliances, but there are a number of them which are either fairly or completely inactive. This leaves active members who wish there was more "action". In my opinion, these people are prime targets for recruitment. Of course, I feel we should maintain some semblance of standards in recruitment. Quality of role playing is one criteria, as is IC comparability (I would think that this faction really is no place for "good" Jedi, for example.
Furthermore, it seems as though The Nexus faction has offered themselves up for annexation. This is, yet, another way for us to grow power without firing a single shot. I feel that we have a number of role players who have a great way with words and that knack for "soft power"** that makes them great negotiators.
I might try to expand on this over the weekend. My laptop is kaputt (bad motherboard) so I'm on my iPad which makes formatting and whatnot nearly impossible, but nevertheless I'd like to take up a bit of the slack for Lysle, who has been the man who has undoubtedly brought us to this level we find ourselves at by the sweat of his brow.