Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Tarian Keldau, Son of Myrkr

NAME: Tarian Keldau
FACTION: Mandalorian
RANK: Initiate
AGE: 16
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.8 m
WEIGHT: 83 kg.
EYES: Hazel
HAIR: Light Brown
SKIN: Tanned
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+Mandalorian: Although he grew up on Myrkr, his father took the time to train him as a warrior. He was still, in the end, left alone on the planet when the man died, but he knows how to fight and the basics of culture
+/-Fascination: Tarian loves learning about technology. He likes to spend his time taking apart and learning how everything around him works. No coments on how many blasters he's broken like this.
+/-Force Dead: Tarian has spent his entire life on Myrkr, and from it, any possible connection to the force is dead. He can't be seen or hurt with the Force, but he also can't be healed by it.
+/-Heart of Gold: Even having grown up in a dangerous environment, Tarian cares about others, even his enemies. However, this does not mean he will not fight, just that he will be more merciful
-Backworlder: Having lived his whole life on Myrkr, Tarian has seen no technology more advanced than a slugthrower or beskar'gam.

APPEARANCE: Tarian is a young man with rarely cut hair or beard, in the prime of his life. His armor is a forest green, and an off white plate in the shoulder, which was his father's before he died.

BIOGRAPHY: Johanna and Garon Keldau announced their son-to-be to the clan as soon as they knew it themselves. As the newlyweds headed to their honeymoon on Myrkr, the shuttle was damaged, and the ship went down in the jungle. They were never found again.

Seven months later, Johanna died giving birth to a son, who, with her last breath, she named Tarian. His father buried her in the jungle, and built a fence from the ship's wreckage to keep predator out. And then, he worked on raising his son, teaching him everything that he could on being a mandalorian. And so, the pair lived until Garon died in his sleep at the age of thirty. Tarian took his armor, buried him in his mother's grave, and began to live on his own. Eventually, he stumbled on an outpost, and for the first time, left planet.

SHIP: None

KILLS: None.



The Child of Myrkr
Domination of Togoria
@[member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"] I'll give you that.

@[member="Tarian Keldau"] if you ever feel like learning how to use a real weapon, come to me and I can teach you how to use a Beskad properly.

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