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Approved NPC Taris Protegen Troopers

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"Offensive is fun, any of them will tell you, but the Protegens are much more... Cordial." - Avery Regailis' remarks on the Protegen Troopers


  • Unit Name: Taris Protegen Troopers
  • Affiliation: The Silver Jedi Concord, Avery Regailis.
  • Classification: Armored Infantry
  • Description: Unlike many of the Taris counterparts, the Protegen Troopers typically have a much more stoic demeanor. Coupling with this stoic attitude, Protegen Troopers are much less 'zealous' than other Troopers, favoring a more defensive point of view. Physical, they wear a modified version of standard Anakkona Heavy Armor, going for a more metallic look. This doesn't affect the use, however, the armor still has all of the same strengths and weaknesses.

  • Shield Wall: By use of their Bodhar-Series Blast Shield, Protegen Troopers are able to set up reliable shield walls in the midst of combat. The kickstand goes a long way in making this job far easier, and the firing port allows Protegens to launch suppressive fire.

  • Offending Defense: With the help of their Razorthorn Carbines, alongside the Coldblast Grenade, Protegens are able to keep most offending at bay. With the help of explosive darts packed into their Carbines, they're able to punch holes in most armored attackers. The Coldblast Grenades help greatly too, by slowing most progressing enemy targets.

  • When All Else Fails: When a Protegen unit is on its last legs, they will resort to their Vibroblades. While their training in close-quarters combat is nothing special, it isn't to be laughed at. Most Protegens can last a good six seconds against a lightsaber wielder before meeting their demise. While that may not seem impressive, it is quite the sight considering how quickly other Taris Troopers die.
  • Movement?: Due to the armor Protegens wear, alongside the weight of their equipment, their movement speed is severely hampered. This isn't just a problem for them, however, as it can stop the backline from progressing as well, putting a drain on their offensive ability. This is why it is most common to see Protegens late into a battle, rather than the start.

  • Can't See Through These Things: Due to the design of the Protegen Troopers' helmets, they have relatively low visibility. While a good few veterans can become adept at firing in the helmets, most, if not all in the unit, will have severe penalties while shooting. This is why most Protegens come stocked with explosive darts, to combat this disability.

  • Getting Sleepy: Because of the weight of all their equipment, especially their armor, it isn't uncommon for them to become tired quickly. This is yet another one of the many reasons why Protegen Troopers are typically brought into a battle near the end.


Created as a part of the 'Taris Militance Project", Taris Protegen Troopers are the answer to the defensive problems many Taris battalions face.

Typically coming from calmer, more stoic stock on the planet Taris, the Protegens are well known for their trained way of fighting. They are formation fighters, through and through, with very little of them ever going off on their own. They stick together and are often the farthest on the battlefield from their leaders, being the first line in many engagements.

This distance from leading powers is the main reason they've adopted this formation style combat, with the sovereignty of the troopers being what keeps the units together. Unlike their brethren, they have to make the active choice to be tactical, while many other Taris Troopers are kept in line by the lease of their officers.
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