Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Tarisian Nights

Tarisian Nights

Taris Trading Company Headquarters

Millennia had passed since an ancient Sith Empire had decimated Taris with an orbital bombardment and a planet that had once rivaled the Galactic Capital of Coruscant had never truly risen to such heights since that time. Much of the planet had been rebuilt and what had been left untouched was once more claimed by the wilderness that slowly crept back over the ruins of ancient cities and settlements. It was from the heart of this city that a new focus began to arise, once whose attention was falling upon the stars above and the city below in equal measure. Since the closing of the Great Hyperspace Wars, and the slow return of peace, a multitude of Galactic Governments had fallen and in that vacuum of power, others had already begun to rise from the ashes. Taris was now equally at the center of multiple galactic powers that sought to either stretch their own wings or continue to expand and consolidate new territories within their already impressive borders.

It was on Taris that a new company slowly stepped to the forefront and it was a company that sought to bring itself into the limelight. The Taris Trading Company has been established by a private charter, the hand that carefully guided the company was an individual that had only just recently returned to the Galactic stage and already had a hand in minor politicking along the Braxant Run and those families that had just only recently found a shaky peace between them. Sitting quietly, the woman kept her attention out upon the vast city that stretched beyond the horizon, watching the traffic as it carefully slipped through the sky lanes and avenues above the vast city below. She had a few contacts that she could draw upon, and it was two such that she had requested to meet her on the planet that was to be her newest home.

One individual she had met during their time in the Confederacy of Independent Systems, was a savvy Businessman that was well-known in the Galaxy. You would be hard-pressed to find someone that hadn't heard of Locke and Key in some manner, either through direct knowledge or some second-hand story or tale of their experience and service. The other was a more recent acquaintance, first met along the Braxant Run when she found herself assisting the House of Renoux on the planet of Jaemus. Though she could have just as easily walked away from such squabbles among noble houses, she felt that House Renoux deserved her efforts to keep it around for the next few hundred years, and she was more than willing to bring the head of the house along for the ride given the most recent attempt on that man's life. With the edges of the puzzle slowly beginning to fill in, it was only a matter of time before she would need to focus on filling in the center and to do so, she required individuals of talent and ability that could assist in leading the Taris Trading Company forward.

As the doors slowly opened, a soft smile crossed her lips while she carefully brought her chair around so that she was now facing those that entered the room. Slender fingers pressed against the armrests of the chair as she pushed herself to a standing position before motioning to the seats before her on the opposite side of the desk.

"Please, make yourselves comfortable."


H O U S E • R E N O U X

Wearing: xxx
Tag: Amelia von Sorenn Amelia von Sorenn | John Locke John Locke

Ulysses had rarely ventured from the sector of space which held close to the Braxant Run. Expanding his power and influence would re quire that he become more familiar with the political landscape of the galaxy at larger, and what better way than with the guidance of a trusted advisor.

Amelia von Sorenn Amelia von Sorenn had offered to meet, requested they do so off world. There was something she had wished to discuss, and Ulysses was curious at least. She had always been cryptic and vague with her requests, but this one had been even more so. Had he not known her well enough, Ulysses would have felt nervous. Rather the presence of Gideon, his prime, as the only Justicar showed his comfort with the arrangement.

There would have been more had @Deynaria Draco invited him. Then again, that would have meant more guards to slip past if they wished to have a private tryst. No one could know their past had not remained where it should have.

When Amelia walked into the room, Ulysses nodded.

“I am not sure I have ever ventured this far from home. Let us hope this will be worth the adventure.”

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