Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Tarjik Khen

Age35 GSY
HomeworldRingo Vinda
Height1.83 Meters
Weight75 kg
Force SensitiveNo
VoiceJeff Leach as Ghost






Soldier: Having grown up in a warzone, Tarjik has learned to be a cunning and resourceful mercenary. From learning how to fight with various weapons, to how to keep equipment maintained in the field. He lives up to the title of mercenary well.

Adaptable: Having completed many missions in his life, he has learned how to think tactically. He also has learned how to do so on the ball. The life of a mercenary is one when the Galaxy upends the previous plan.


Aggressiveness: Due to starting his career as a resistance fighter, his style can be sometimes aggressive. To the point that, should he go overboard, tends to be reckless and dangerous.

Morally Ambiguous: While he has his preferences for certain clients, Tarjik has the mentality of "everyone's credits spend the same". Thus, regardless of what the client's actual beliefs are, he truly does not care. He draws the line at harming unarmed civilians and children, however.

Tarjik Khen was born amidst the tranquil yet uncertain landscapes of Ringo Vinda. His childhood was abruptly disrupted when the New Imperial Order launched their assault on his homeworld. The echoes of explosions and the cries of resistance fighters became the backdrop of his formative years. As a boy, Tarjik witnessed firsthand the chaos and destruction wrought by the Imperials, shaping his perception of power and survival.

As Tarjik matured, he found himself drawn to the local resistance movement. The skills he developed in guerrilla warfare and strategy quickly distinguished him among his peers. His innate understanding of tactics made him a formidable soldier. However, as the years went by, Tarjik began to see the limitations of the resistance. He realized that his talents could be better utilized and rewarded outside the constraints of his homeworld’s perpetual struggle.

Embracing the life of a mercenary, Tarjik offered his services to various governments and factions willing to pay for his expertise. His distrust of Imperial remnants lingered, a deep-seated wariness born from his childhood experiences. This caution, however, did not hinder his ability to forge a successful career. His operations spanned numerous star systems, and his reputation steadily grew.

In time, Tarjik founded Razorwolf Company, a mercenary group named after the infamous predator of Jakku. Under his leadership, the Razorwolf Company became synonymous with precision and lethality. Along with his knew mercenary unit, he takes advantage of the certain tides of battle as the Galaxy plunges into the Core Wars...

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