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Approved NPC Tarragon

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  • Age: 3 years
  • Force Sensitivity: Untrained Force Sensitive
  • Species: NQV-IIΣΜΖ aka Demuirge
  • Appearance: Massive, red, winged, multiple barbed tails, rhino-like horn, multiple legs,
  • Name: Tarragon
  • Loyalties: TBA
  • Personality: Aggressive, Loyal
  • Combat Function: Can spit acid and breathe fire. Can stomp with its heavy size and can stab with tentacle like tails with the barbed ends.
  • Combat Capability: Large and strong, capable of maintaining mid-air combat.
  • Defenses: Hard nearly impenetrable leather-shell back.
  • Force Abilities (Force User Units Only): Force smell, infrared sight
  • Role: Armored Transport
  • Size: Large
  • Weight: 235,000kg
  • Mount Experience/Training: Trained
  • Maneuverability: Very large and hard to miss, not very agile in flight, however, incredibly agile in water.
  • Speed: Horizontal flight: 220 km/h Downward dive: 380km/h Running speed: 40km/h
  • Locomotion: Quadrupedal with wings
  • Passenger Capacity: Up to 4-5
  • Cargo Capacity: 2,000kg

  • Claws and Tentacles: The limbs and tentacles of spawn can grow up to massive lengths. They crustacean-like limbs are powerful and protected by near-impenetratable shell while the tentacle-tails are built of pure muscles and are barbed at the ends. With adequate time are able to gradually grow back gradually if severed.
  • Sonic Scream: Like the Nouqaispawn, the Demuirge are able to unleash a shrill cry similar to a force-scream that can throw a target violently off course or deafen. They also use this scream to communicate with underwater.
  • Spit Acid and Breathe Fire
  • Massive Size: Gives them power and intimidation factor
  • Fast swimmers and flyers: Made for duality, are able to cover a big distance in a short amount of time. Are also especially fast in space without gravity and friction.
  • Vicious: They have large appetites. They do not discriminate, although they tend to target non-force users.
  • Infrared Vision and Force Smell: Although they have very bad sight, they are able to make up for it with their heat vision, able to detect heat signatures from a very far distance. They also have a strong sense of smell, relying on the force.
  • High Frequencies: They are sensitive to high frequencies, it will cause them a lot of discomfort and will deter them away.
  • Light Aggravation: Those with eyes are sensitive to bright lights. While some will be deterred from the light, others may be aggravated and attack instead.
  • Its massive size means its not good for stealth missions, and is also hard to miss
  • Bad Sight
  • Beast Instincts
  • Frost-Intolerant
Lady Falentra Lady Falentra engineered the NQV-IIΣΜΖ and gifted one to someone for Christmas/LIfe day.
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  • Combat Function: Please see species sub. Can spit acid and breathe fire. Can stomp, can stab.
  • Combat Capability: Please see species sub.
  • Defenses: Please see species sub

I understand that you're essentially saying this is already covered in the species submission, but referring people to the species sub will need to be changed to be in line with codex rules before I can push it forward for approval. Writers should be able to open this submission and on a cursory glance be able to see what this NPC is capable and incapable of doing.

  • please see species sub
  • stronk, can fly
  • please see species sub
  • can't see well

Same thing here. Please spell out what this NPC is capable of and incapable of.

Also, please remove 'stronk' and replace it with something that provides more clarity, i.e. 'physical strength' etc. Informal language, while fine for things like Character profiles, should be avoided when submitting codex submissions.

Lady Falentra Lady Falentra
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