Lady Falentra
Nouqai Veil
- Intent: Warmount gift for Secret Santa 2024 Sith Edition
- Image Credit: Jerad S. Marantz
- Role: War mount
- Permissions: -
- Links: TSK-9i | Tsis'Kaar Underwater Base and Research Facility,ΣΜΖ-aka-the-demuirge.188810/
- Age: 3 years
- Force Sensitivity: Untrained Force Sensitive
- Species: NQV-IIΣΜΖ aka Demuirge
- Appearance: Massive, red, winged, multiple barbed tails, rhino-like horn, multiple legs,
- Name: Tarragon
- Loyalties: TBA
- Personality: Aggressive, Loyal
- Combat Function: Can spit acid and breathe fire. Can stomp with its heavy size and can stab with tentacle like tails with the barbed ends.
- Combat Capability: Large and strong, capable of maintaining mid-air combat.
- Defenses: Hard nearly impenetrable leather-shell back.
- Force Abilities (Force User Units Only): Force smell, infrared sight
- Role: Armored Transport
- Size: Large
- Weight: 235,000kg
- Mount Experience/Training: Trained
- Maneuverability: Very large and hard to miss, not very agile in flight, however, incredibly agile in water.
- Speed: Horizontal flight: 220 km/h Downward dive: 380km/h Running speed: 40km/h
- Locomotion: Quadrupedal with wings
- Passenger Capacity: Up to 4-5
- Cargo Capacity: 2,000kg
- Claws and Tentacles: The limbs and tentacles of spawn can grow up to massive lengths. They crustacean-like limbs are powerful and protected by near-impenetratable shell while the tentacle-tails are built of pure muscles and are barbed at the ends. With adequate time are able to gradually grow back gradually if severed.
- Sonic Scream: Like the Nouqaispawn, the Demuirge are able to unleash a shrill cry similar to a force-scream that can throw a target violently off course or deafen. They also use this scream to communicate with underwater.
- Spit Acid and Breathe Fire
- Massive Size: Gives them power and intimidation factor
- Fast swimmers and flyers: Made for duality, are able to cover a big distance in a short amount of time. Are also especially fast in space without gravity and friction.
- Vicious: They have large appetites. They do not discriminate, although they tend to target non-force users.
- Infrared Vision and Force Smell: Although they have very bad sight, they are able to make up for it with their heat vision, able to detect heat signatures from a very far distance. They also have a strong sense of smell, relying on the force.
- High Frequencies: They are sensitive to high frequencies, it will cause them a lot of discomfort and will deter them away.
- Light Aggravation: Those with eyes are sensitive to bright lights. While some will be deterred from the light, others may be aggravated and attack instead.
- Its massive size means its not good for stealth missions, and is also hard to miss
- Bad Sight
- Beast Instincts
- Frost-Intolerant
Lady Falentra engineered the NQV-IIΣΜΖ and gifted one to someone for Christmas/LIfe day.
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