Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Tarru



NAME: Tarru


RANK: n/a

SPECIES: Asogian

AGE: 82

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 3'11"

WEIGHT: 90lbs

EYES: Blue

HAIR: n/a

SKIN: Brown


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
  • Cute - Who can resist those big blue eyes?
  • Curious - Eager to check out anything and everything.
  • Healer - Can mend simple wounds with a touch of his finger. Other wounds takes a wee bit longer.
  • Levitation - Can levitate himself and other objects, regardless of size.
  • Soft Spoken - His knowledge of basic isn't the best, so he doesn't speak a lot of it.
  • Pacifist - Doesn't believe in violence and doesn't engage in combat.
  • Simple Minded - Sees the Galaxy in the way that a child would.

Short, bald, but cute, Tarru is often without clothing as his species doesn't require it. However he has disguised himself with wigs and clothing before to blend in with his environment. His heart lights up during extreme moments of high emotions.

Tarru is an Asogian with their inherant curiosity. He acquired a ship once he was old enough and began to travel the Galaxy, being sure to stay away from every battle that he could. His species is rare these days due to their lack of combat skills, but that didn't stop him from being unkind.

Everybody needs a friend. Tarru included. His adventures from home could be a one way trip, though he does hope to share his stories with other Asogians some day.

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