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First Reply Tarry On Taris



TAG: Eira Dyn Eira Dyn

Taris a long history. Eons ago, during The Old Republic the Uppercity was completely decimated by Darth Malak who turned the skyline in a flaming surface. Those who survived were in the Mid Level and Undercity, especially those in the underbelly where the infamous Rakghoul virus spread. Those who had been looking for The Promise Land in poverty down there actually went to the regions safest from onslaught that hit the city. Now after so many years that counting them was quite a task, 4858 years to be exact, and thus plenty of time to restore the City World. It was to this place, that Provocatus had come, on a mission. There was a ring of Alliance sympathizers, and Jedi who was to be her target. Though The Lady of Charms did not want to spill blood, she preferred to earn their confidence and create rapport, spying for the Sith. What she needed was a partner, someone who could be the blade to her boudoir.

It seemed her prayers to the immortal gods would be answered, not that she prayed much, she preferring to play with those at the Sabaac tables, kissing the cheek of a client, and making them feel all warm and fuzzy. That was her talent, to make people at ease, silencing them she could do, she had her Shoto saber ever concealed in her thick leather boot that came to her knee cap. The problem is that if she did slay someone, and did so messily, then word would get out, and no matter of persuasion or guile would help her gain control of their minds again. So instead she had sent a message on all channels to those with these sort of talents, to help her keep her cover and do the dirty work needed to appease her handlers. Provocatus was developing a reputation, she had been on Taris for months, and the targets while beginning to trust her, were still breathing...

Inside her apartment in the upper levels, a gift from a client who showered her with credits and kisses, The Lady Charmer sat reclining in a fine chair, her exposed legs arching with out her boots. There she looking out the window saw the mighty chrome skyscrapers, and the levitating matching deck of people walking to and fro, ships descending and ascending, the hustle and bustle as it were. She enjoyed the sight of it, that was the best part about this life, she got to be in metropolises, making her craft work. She had grown rather fond of Taris, though she had not as of yet gone to the lower levels where the Rakghoul Virus was said to have had a resurgence, and was spreading. She knew at some point that she would be lead there, rumor of a cult of Light Side worshipers who were speaking of One who would "heal their wounds, and save Taris from another grim fate." Provo did not believe in messiahs, the problem is the locals did. Preachers on the Mid Levels, and even one on the Upper Level spoke of a one who would come and save Taris. The Prophecy as it was being called was nauseating, The Faithful as they were known were gaining converts. What The Lady of Charms knew is what they described could easily be fufillled by a Jedi, and she suspected that even One of them was stoking this cult, trying to gain ground on Taris. That would not do.. not at all... and so she sent out the message, summoning who would come to help her snuff out this Cult before it destroyed Taris, as most prophecies were want to do...
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Location: Taris
Outfit: Assassin Attire
Equipment: Vibro-daggers x2, vibro-sword, throwing knives, blaster pistol
Tag: Darth Provocatus Darth Provocatus

Eira had received a mission from the Tsis'Kaar, the assassin branch of the Sith Order, there was a request for help in dealing with a potential Jedi or Light Side affiliated being on Taris. Eira wrinkled her nose, Taris was a city world, it was a location that she was not a fan of in terms of there being too many people. Dantooine was her homeworld and it was a very rural location where things were quiet and there were few people that she interacted with. However, Eira knew that there were plenty of benefits to working on the city world since she could operate without being detected as easily and she could blend into the many bodies.

Arriving on Taris, her mask was donned, her hood lifted to hide her identity, Eira had been informed where to find her partner on this mission. Someone who was meant to be a good spy and infiltrator but seemingly not as confident in the killing aspect that their duty required. It was an old element to feel uncomfortable about however, Eira took it as an opportunity to demonstrate her success over a higher ranking Sith. A clear demonstration of the potential that Eira held and the ability to grow exponentially.

She arrived at the fancy apartment that this Sith Lord was staying in. She shook her head, such luxury was too obvious, it was flaunting and daring the person to be caught in her mind. Entering the apartment, Eira had gotten used to splicing her way around and getting around security systems. It was something she needed to do to be effective as an assassin and frame a scene the way she wished to ensure that her presence was never known.

"Hello, seems I caught you unaware. I am Eira Dyn, here to execute your Lower City heretic." Eira introduced herself.


Location: Taris
Lightsaber / x2 Daggers
Darth Provocatus Darth Provocatus / Eira Dyn Eira Dyn


Her bare feet touched the metal surface of the docking platform upon exiting the transport shuttle, her eyes scanning the scene around her. She had never visited such a planet so alive, so rich in architectural marvels and exotic sights, that threaten to sway her from the reason she was dispatched to Taris. Through the proper Imperial channels, a transmission had been received, the message outlining the need of assistance; a cult and a Jedi was believed to be the source of the distressed calling. The Tsis'kaar contacted the young Sithspawn, their newly acquired assassin who was created through dark magic and twisted concepts by a mad scientist and a female Sith Lord alchemist, whom she knew only as mother and father, to proceed to the planet of Taris. Once there, she was to make contact with the name attached to the transmission, upon which more details would be revealed.

Though her mind was fractured, constantly splitting between stable and demented, a by-product from her conditioning and mental reconstructing, she possessed an intelligent memory state. Important details, such as names and places, found to rumble around her mind, always keeping space until the objective was completed; then those details melted away like burning wax.

There was no mistaken she didn't fit on Taris, walking among the crowds shoeless, her bare feet exposed, a hilt dangling at her waist, and two small daggers neatly tucked in the lumbar region of her back; even the sight of her garments made her stand out as a pauper, just another beggar look for a free handout. But appearances are not always what they seem, for this young girl harbored many secrets; for she was dangerous to herself, to her target, and to anyone around her. She was only practical when her other mind was not driving the wheel of her mental instability.

The building was not difficult to find, but Zanami didn't approve of the entrance way. This Lord of the Sith's transmission could have been easily intercepted; thus, spies of this Lord's concerns could be watching the building. Opting for a different route, she walked to the side of the building, taking precautions she wasn't being watched, and extended her claws on both hands and feet, digging them into the building; ascending up the building. Slowly she sidled across the side until she reached an open window, one of the signs the Lord mentioned in the transmission where she could be contacted and leapt over the railing.

"I'm told you have an infestation problem."

TAGs: Eira Dyn Eira Dyn Zanami Zanami

In her apartment, The Lady of Charms waited for a response to her transmission, when before she could pick up her datapad her door slide open to reveal a woman with long dark locks and eyes as fire, who adressed her,
"You bypassed my security console.. impressive, most so, I am Darth Provocatus." She gave a smile, it was clear that this Assassin was ready to find the Heretic, intriguing she spoke of it singularly, since there was an entire cult, perhaps she meant the Messiah himself? Then before she could carry on another came through the window, a very pale skinned woman with no shoes, who addressed her thus, 'An infestation,' so she was keen to take on the entire Cult, not just find their holy one. How auspicious, two Assassins for the price of one transmission, and who could aid in confronting this foe on two fronts.
"Indeed, the Cult is spreading through the city, they speak of a messianic figure that I have yet to encounter. Though their preachers are everywhere, even one up here in the Upper City."
Provocatus could sense Eira's disdain for her quarters, the opulence, while this yet Unamed Shadow she sensed was not repulsed by all this despite her humble attire. Laying the Datapad down before them, she projected a map of the City of Taris, Upper, Mid, and Lower.
"The concentration of the Cult in the Lower City, though there is a problem.. The Rakghoul Virus has returned, and well.. it makes getting to their hideout a great deal more challenging." With her hand she flipped the blueish white hologram and said,
"In the Cantina in Midcity, there is a contact that promises to tell me of a hidden way there, though he wants a sum of credits, and well, me to attend a party with him in he Uppercity."

She looking between them both said,
"The Messiah they call the Ashlaem I have had a harder time ferreting out.. I do not believe he is in the Lower City at all, but is here among us in the Upper part. The details on him are scarce save the prophecy that he will, 'heal their wounds, and save Taris from another grim fate." She paused for a moment as she gave the op dump, and said,
"That first line of prophecy sounds like it is taken from the Sith'ari Prophecy, which means either whoever is controlling this cold is lazy, or they might not even be a Jedi, they maybe be renegade Darksider. The point is we should be prepared for anything."

She decided next she needed to address the elephant in the middle of the room,
"I know that you may doubt my abilities, make no mistake that I will defend you both to the death. I believe you being summoned here, and the Order sending you is destiny.. this Cult while on the surface may seem minor, could have the potential to unbalance things here.. and while I know I should not.. I have grown attached to this City. So I will not shirk from drawing my saber and throwing my weight into this fight. I do think though, we must decide how we proceed, what ideas do you as masters of assassin craft and shadows think?"
Location: Taris
Outfit: Assassin Attire
Equipment: Vibro-daggers x2, vibro-sword, throwing knives, blaster pistol
Tag: Darth Provocatus Darth Provocatus | Zanami Zanami

Eira listened, seeing someone else had decided to join in on the mission after she had taken the assignment. She was not sure they were both needed for the mission, taking out the messiah would kill the spreading of rumours and the cult would crumble without their figurehead. It was the way of all cults, the one seen as the saviour and champion dying would only signify that they were not as holy as believed. That they were not as worthy of worship as they were stated to be. However, getting to such a crucial figurehead and taking them out, that would be where Eira assumed the challenge to be. Especially since it meant solving an issue that Provocatus had not been able to figure out yet.

She was sure the Darth would have attempted some plan if she knew where this messiah was supposedly living.

"Taking out this messiah and proving this messiah to be dead, that will kill rumours of them being able to save those with the disease. It will kill all support to the cult since their saviour, their figurehead, cannot save them if they are dead." Eira mentioned, "if this messiah does hold a cure or antidote, then we take it and prove it under the guise of it being the solution that came from the Sith Order. Take the claim and reward as our own." Eira knew that it would be a way to turn the people more favourable towards the Sith and that it would help Provocatus in ensuring that this world welcomed the Sith when it was their time to take over the system.

Looking to the other assassin, "what are your thoughts then?" Ready to hear other ideas and suggestions since it was important for the three of them to figure out a plan together and enact that plan as one team. One mind. If they were divided then the cult were all the more likely to succeed over them. Something that Eira refused to allow to happen.
Provocatus listened to the Assassin, who was certain if the Messiah did fall, so would the cult.
"While that would be sensible approach, this Cult if they lost their Leader would believe that He will come again, hence the prophecy mentioning the raising of the dead. I have heard their preachers and the dogma is deep seated in them. I am not convinced that simply killing the Leader alone will end this, its why the two pronged approach I think is best. Break the Messiah, and the Following before they scatter and regroup later, and we find ourselves having to find them all over Taris."

Eira Dyn Eira Dyn was not addressing the other Tsis'kaar, and it was at this moment that Provocatus taking up her datapad began to look at the map of the Undercity.
"I would like to explore the Undercity, the sewers and grounds there, for the Rakghoul will give a cloak and if some of the followers there are found, killing them will not attract attention, it can be blamed on the plague. Our problem becomes when we tackle Mid City and Upper City, with the eyes of the criminal element in the Mid, the Gangs specifically, and in Upper City there is a lot of security forces. But I am open to suggestions, you have been summoned because you possess talents I do not. I only urge that we not underestimate this Cult, it is preying upon the destitute, and winning some of the affluent."

Between the three of them, Provocatus believed they would be able to accomplish the task. The issue was time, if they were effective of burning down this cult from both ends, they would save so much time and energy searching for the last soul that carries the malignant beliefs.

TAG: Zanami Zanami

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