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Approved Armor Tarw's Personal GA Armour

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Manufacturer: Tarw Rhyfelwr
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Weight: Heavy
  • Intent: Personal armour for Tarw
  • Image Source: Images created on Midjourney
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: NA
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Classification: Multipurpose
  • Weight: Heavy
  • Resistances:High
    • Energy: High
    • Kinetic: High
    • Lightsabers: High
    • Other: Sonic - Average, EMP/Ion - Low, Elemental - High
  • Integrated holsters - Using integrated holsters, these conceal two blaster pistols and allow quick draw and servomotors in the holsters allow them to shoot out the blasters if Tarw cannot draw them for some reason.
  • Strength enhancing system - While already strong, the strength enhancing system increases the strength of Tarw and allows him to hold and use the heavy rotary blaster cannon a lot easier than he would normally be able to do so.
  • Personal Repulsor Fitting - Increases his mobility and speed for split seconds, giving him inhuman reflexes when needed and increases his jumping range.
  • Enhanced optics suite - This suite increases the capabilities of Tarw, giving him different light spectrums to see through, combat feedback, video capture and heat signature tracking. This improves both out of combat and in combat capabilities of Tarw.
  • Biorestorative underlay - This underlay increases his natural healing capabilities, turning deadly blows or crippling attacks into minor or survivable injuries. This also increases his constitution and deals with toxins that enter his body.
  • Heat Shielding - The installation of heat shielding allows Tarw to be protected from extreme heat for a brief period and to a certain temperature.
  • Increased mobile and strength.
  • Beskar plates and Armorweave underlay ensure that blaster bolts and Lightsaber strikes can be deflected somewhat.
  • Concealed holsters mean he can surprise opponents with pistols and appear unarmed.
  • Biorestorative underlay increases his natural healing capabilities and durability in combat.
  • Enhanced optics suite allows Tarw to scan and provide enhanced combat information to allow Tarw to adjust swiftly.
  • Limited beskar plating (only the helmet, shoulders, gauntlets, main chest and back as well as thigh plates are beskar, everything else is durasteel).
  • Extremely cold temperatures/ice attacks are still dangerous.
  • Ionic or EMPs will cut the electrical systems in the armour, reducing the effectiveness and making the armour feel much heavier and less nimble suddenly.
  • Cannot do prolonged healing and is limited in how much it can heal in the short session.
  • High temperatures can only be blocked for a limited time, after which it will cause serious harm.
Deciding that he needed to create personal armour that would allow him to combat some of the strongest enemies that he is likely to face as a frontline soldier. Taking the beskar from his mother’s family armour, he began to forge a new armour set for himself. Implementing supportive equipment, Tarw was determined to ensure that he was able to get the very best out of himself when he was fighting.

Taking specific underlays and armour modifications that he knew would assist him, Tarw was able to increase his mobility in the heavier armour, increase his strength and using a mix of beskar and durasteel plating increased the defensive capabilities of the armour.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: Personal Armour for Tarw
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A
Primary Source(s):


Technical Information

Affiliation: Tarw Rhyfelwr
Model: N/A
Modular: No
Material: Beskar, Durasteel, Armourweave Underlay, Integrated holsters, Personal Repulsor Fitting, Enhanced optics suite, Strength enhancing system, Heat shielding, Biorestorative underlay
Classification: Multipurpose
Defense Rating: Very High
Energy Resist: Very High
Kinetic Resist: Very High
Sonic Resist: Average
Thermal Resist: High
Radiation Resist: Average
Other Resistance(s):


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