Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Tasia Palpatine


Pronounced Tay-zee-ah

HomeForests of Naboo
AffliationRoyal Naboo Republic
Order of the Shiraya
SpeciesHuman/Kiffar hybrid
Force SensitiveYes - Jedi Knight Equivalent



She has lightly tanned pale skin, dark hair and deep green eyes. As befitting someone brought up as a Hunter gatherer she is strong and lithe. Tasia is ambidextrous but favours her right hand for her lightsaber. She is 1.75m tall and she has a Kiffar tribal tattoo on her face that matches that of her mother.


A light saber
Hunter clothes
Kiffar all-purpose combat blade


Very respectful hunter-gatherer as she was brought up to value every kill and use every part of the animal. She is light-sided, spending much of her time doing things to improve the lives of her village. She enjoys combat but dislikes the idea of killing in the name of religious ideals. Tasia is aware of her distant ancestors and the reason this line of her family left normal society behind but does not let it define her.


Skilled combatant and survivalist
Powerful natural force user
Kiffar Psychometry


Untrained with firearms
Limited piloting experience


Tasia was born in a human settlement in the forests of Naboo on Gungan lands. Around 850 years ago her ancestors, fleeing abuse suffered over their name fled to this village to start a new life and thirty generations later they are still here and the village has thrived. She grew up in one of the further out settlements as when her force sensitivity made itself apparent her parents, a Nuboo human and Kiffar immigrant, thought it better they keep a lower profile. This didn't stop word getting out and when she was three they were visited by Jedi from Coruscant who tried to persuade her parents into handing her over. Unwilling to send their child off to serve in the Jedi war machine they sent them away. The Jedi were persistent in trying to persuade the family but eventually gave up when the family decided to slip away with their small child and live wild in the deeper part of the forest for a little while.

Twenty years later she doesn't pass judgment on her parent's decision. Maybe she would have learned more as a Jedi, but also maybe she would have died on the fields of Tython so she would accept balance and assume they did what was best for her. Since she was young she has had visions, mostly linked to her psychometry but enhanced by her force sensitivity so has become something of a fortune teller in her village. Since her late teens, she has been spending more and more time seeking out visiting Jedi and enclaves on Naboo and neighbouring planets to develop her training to more advanced levels and is a very keen student.
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