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Approved NPC Task-Force Rebel Dawn

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Squad Captain
La'das Beiran.

Tactical Commander.
Field Intelligence Officer.
Tactical Starfighter Pilot.
Logistics Officer.

La'das Beiran, a native of the once-tranquil world of Lothal, had built a formidable reputation as a member of the elite Antarian Rangers, serving under the Silver Jedi Concord. His life had been one of honor and discipline, shaped by years of rigorous training and service to the ideals of justice and peace. But when the Silver Jedi Concord crumbled, Beiran's path was forever changed. The dissolution of the order that had once given him purpose left a void, and with it, the need to find a new cause to fight for.

In the wake of this upheaval, Beiran turned his allegiance to the Galactic Alliance, a rising force dedicated to safeguarding democracy and restoring stability to the galaxy. Under their banner, he became a seasoned veteran of countless surface operations, his expertise in military strategy and combat put to the test in pivotal conflicts across the Core Worlds. Whether on the front lines or in the shadows of covert missions, Beiran played a crucial role in the Alliance's effort to defend the fragile balance of power and preserve freedom from encroaching threats.

However, as the galaxy was torn apart by the Second Great Hyperspace War, Beiran found himself yearning for a different fight—one closer to his heart. The chaos of war stirred memories of his homeworld, Lothal, now under the iron grip of an oppressive Imperial regime. The thought of his people living under tyranny ignited a new purpose within him. It was time for a change, and Beiran knew exactly where his next battle lay.

With his heart set on liberating Lothal, Beiran left the Alliance military and joined the ranks of the Tingel Arm Coalition, a growing force committed to freedom and resistance against imperial oppression. In this new chapter of his life, Beiran threw himself into the fight for his homeworld's liberation, channeling his skills and experience into every mission. Each battle, each skirmish, was not just a fight for survival—it was a fight for the future of his planet, for the freedom of his people.

Driven by an unbreakable resolve, La'das Beiran has become a beacon of hope in the Coalition, a symbol of what it means to stand against tyranny and fight for the rights of those who cannot fight for themselves. His journey is no longer just one of personal honor—now, it is a battle for the soul of Lothal itself.


Ewan Whitley.

Demolitions Expert.
Heavy Weapons Specialist.
Armoured Transport Pilot.
Combat Engineer.

Ewan Whitley, once a renowned freelancer and soldier, forged a formidable reputation in the ongoing struggle for independence and stability across the turbulent Outer Rim. His name became synonymous with fierce loyalty and skill, honed in countless battles against the advancing Imperialist forces of the former First Order and the Sith Empire. His service was defined by blood-soaked skirmishes and hard-fought victories, as he stood resolute against the oppressive regimes that sought to control the fringe worlds.

As the Galactic stage shifted and alliances realigned, so too did the forces Whitley served. The Outer Rim Coalition, once his stronghold in the chaotic expanse, gradually morphed into the Outer Planets Alliance before evolving into the Rimward Trade League. Through these transformations, Whitley remained an unwavering pillar of strength. The banners he fought under might have changed, but his commitment to his people never wavered. With every transition, he adapted, maintaining his reputation for exceptional military prowess and unflinching discipline.

Whitley's life was defined by a deep-rooted sense of duty—his personal code built on the pillars of law, authority, and order. Yet, it was his belief in the sovereignty of individual planets within the Rim that truly set him apart. He was a staunch advocate for their autonomy, fiercely opposing any force that sought to impose unwanted control over his people. When the Tingel Arm Coalition arose from the remnants of the Rimward Trade League, Whitley saw it as the next chapter in his lifelong mission.

To him, the Coalition represented the continuation of the fight against oppression, a chance to defend the freedoms of the Rim from those who would crush them under the heel of tyranny. Without hesitation, Whitley enlisted, once again taking up arms to protect the independence of the Outer Rim. His path was clear: he would continue his fight for justice, as he always had—relentless, determined, and utterly devoted to the cause of liberty in the far reaches of the galaxy.


Reuben Fletcher.

Infiltration Specialist.
Reconnaissance Scout.

At 17, Reuben's world shattered in a single, brutal moment. The peaceful protest his mother had joined—one of many quiet acts of defiance against the ever-tightening grip of the Empire—was interrupted by the sharp crack of blaster fire and the relentless march of stormtroopers. Imperial forces stormed the crowd, arresting anyone who dared to resist. His mother was among them. Branded a traitor for her outspoken opposition, she was executed swiftly, her death meant to send a message to all who dared to question the Empire's authority. Reuben watched helplessly as the light in her eyes dimmed, his heart hardening with each passing second.

The loss of his mother left an irreparable void, but it was the reaction of his father that truly fractured what remained of his family. His father, who had always kept a low profile, trying to avoid drawing the attention of the Empire, withdrew even further into himself. He became a shadow, distant and cold, retreating into silence. Reuben was left alone, filled with a grief so sharp it felt like a blade, and an anger that burned hotter with every breath he took.

With no clear path and nothing left to lose, Reuben made a choice. His desire for justice—no, for vengeance—drove him from the ruins of his home and into the arms of a local resistance cell. There, he found purpose. He channeled his rage into action, training in the deadly arts of covert operations, infiltration, and sabotage. The once aimless boy became a skilled operative, his natural talent for crafting and deploying explosives setting him apart from the others. Each mission he undertook was precise, calculated—an effort to strike at the Empire's heart, to bleed them as they had bled his family.

For years, Reuben waged a quiet war, his attacks targeting Imperial supply lines, shipyards, and patrols scattered across the Outer Rim Territories. Each explosion was a small victory, each successful operation another step closer to the justice he craved. His reputation grew in the shadows—an invisible force striking at the Empire's weak points, crippling their operations.

Eventually, his actions did not go unnoticed. Word of his exploits reached the ears of the Tingel Arm Coalition, a larger, more organized rebellion forming against the Empire of the Lost. Impressed by his skills and his unrelenting drive, they recruited him into their ranks, offering him a chance to fight on a grander scale. Reuben, once a boy lost in grief and rage, had become a weapon—a weapon aimed directly at the heart of the Empire.


Isabella Johnson.

Communications Specialist.
Hacker/Slicer Specialist.
Combat Technical Specialist.

Isabella possessed an innate talent for both technology and languages. By the time she reached her teenage years, she had already mastered several galactic tongues, including Huttese, Shyriiwook, and Binary, each language adding a new layer to her understanding of the galaxy's diverse cultures. Her fascination with communications technology only deepened as she grew older. She was captivated by the vast, intricate networks of hyperwave transmitters and encrypted channels that kept the galaxy connected, despite the distances and conflicts that separated its countless worlds. While her parents hoped she would pursue a peaceful career in diplomacy, Isabella couldn't shake the sense that the galaxy's peace was fragile, always teetering on the edge of collapse.

After the chaos of the Second Great Hyperspace War, the galaxy remained a simmering cauldron of unrest. Criminal syndicates and Imperial remnants, scattered across distant systems, continued to disrupt any sense of order. Amid this turmoil, Isabella recognized a critical weakness: the galaxy's communication systems had been left vulnerable, fragmented by years of conflict. Strategic coordination was failing, leaving many systems isolated and at risk of further destabilization.

Determined to restore order in her own way, Isabella enlisted with the Tingel Arm Coalition, bringing her skills to their military forces as a communications specialist. Her mission became clear—repair the shattered lines of communication that linked the galaxy together and ensure that no world would remain isolated, unprotected, or voiceless in the face of ongoing threats.


Oscar Buckley.

Combat Medic.

With the end of the Second Great Hyperspace War, Oscar Buckley saw a chance to take his skills far beyond the battered surface of his homeworld. The war had left the galaxy fractured, vulnerable to new threats, and Oscar knew that his role as a combat medic was needed more than ever. He joined the Tingel Arm Coalition's military forces, driven by a desire to bring stability and hope to the countless systems still teetering on the brink of chaos. In those dark times, Oscar quickly earned a reputation for his unwavering commitment to saving lives, often risking his own safety to pull soldiers from the battlefield's unforgiving grip.

As the galaxy tried to rebuild, criminal syndicates and power-hungry warlords fought for control of weakened systems, creating pockets of lawlessness that threatened the fragile peace. It was in this uncertainty and disorder that Oscar thrived. His presence on the front lines was a beacon of reliability for those around him, a constant reminder that no matter how dire the situation, someone would be there to tend to the fallen, to heal, and to keep hope alive.

Oscar wasn't just a soldier—he was a lifeline. His ability to navigate the brutality of war while maintaining his role as a healer set him apart from his comrades. In the heat of battle, he moved with a calm efficiency, his hands steady as he patched up wounds and stabilized the critically injured, all while blaster fire whizzed past. His mind was always sharp, making split-second decisions that often meant the difference between life and death. Whether dragging a wounded soldier to safety amidst enemy fire or crossing dangerous terrain to rescue an injured civilian, Oscar's instinct was always the same: put others first.

But behind his calm and stoic exterior lay a quiet, unspoken grief. The weight of the lives he couldn't save haunted him, the unrelenting scars of war etched deep into his heart. Yet it was this very pain that fueled his determination. The memory of his mother's resilience, tending to the wounded on Ryloth despite overwhelming odds, was ever-present in his mind. Joining the Coalition wasn't just about fighting for peace—it was about ensuring that no one else would have to endure the same devastation that had marked his own life.

Now, as the galaxy struggles to find its footing in the aftermath of war, Oscar Buckley remains steadfast in his mission. For him, the fight isn't just about defeating enemies—it's about preserving life, ensuring that the senseless loss of war is minimized, and standing as a symbol of hope amidst the chaos. On the battlefield, he has become more than just a combat medic; he is a reminder that in the darkest moments, there are those who will stand ready to heal, protect, and fight for a future where fewer lives are lost in the endless struggle for freedom.

Unit Size: Small.
Unit Availability: Unique.
Unit Experience: Veteran.

Multi-purpose Blasters:

Blaster rifles:
Blaster Pistols:
Heavy Weapons:
Combat Function: A rebel unit operating autonomously, often at the edges of the conflict where few dare to venture. They specialize in high-risk, high-impact missions, their actions leaving a lasting echo throughout the galaxy long after they've slipped away into the shadows.
Force Abilities (Force User Units Only): N/A.


  • Special Forces Unit: Task-Force Rebel Dawn is an elite, tightly-knit military unit, honed for precision and excellence across multiple theatres of war. Whether fighting on the ground, engaging in aerial dogfights, or battling amidst the stars in the vacuum of space, this squad excels in all forms of combat. As Tingel Arm special forces, they are expertly trained, heavily armed, and equipped with cutting-edge technology, making them the go-to team for high-stakes, high-priority missions that demand nothing less than perfection.
  • Five-Man Army: Despite their advanced training and formidable equipment, Rebel Dawn is a small, tightly-knit team that can be outmatched by larger forces under the right conditions. Their skill and firepower are impressive, but even this elite squad can find themselves vulnerable when they face overwhelming numbers or strategically unfavourable terrain.
  • Non-Force Users: Task-Force Rebel Dawn operates under the command of Balun Dashiell, yet its members are non-Force users. While they excel in combat and strategy, they face a distinct disadvantage when pitted against opponents who can wield the Force. Without the ability to tap into that mystical power, they must rely solely on their skills, tactics, and technology, making it difficult to compete with the supernatural abilities of Force-sensitive adversaries.

Task-Force Rebel Dawn is a highly specialized five-man team of elite rebel soldiers, handpicked for their skill and precision by the upper command of the Tingel Arm Coalition. Formed in the aftermath of the brutal invasions of Lothal and Mon Cala, this elite squad is a formidable blend of tactical expertise and battlefield experience.

Their commander, Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell , a rising star in the military ranks and a former member of the New Jedi Order, personally oversaw the selection process. Though young, Balun's status as an Aquilian Ranger and his extensive training have earned him a place of distinction within the Tingel Arm Rebel Forces, granting him command of his own specialized unit.

Stationed within the heavily fortified "Nest" military bunker on Maldra IV, Rebel Dawn is armed with an impressive array of advanced weaponry and tactical equipment. Each member is extensively trained in diverse forms of combat, making the squad highly adaptable and efficient across multiple theaters of war. Their unwavering dedication to the Tingel Arm Coalition's cause drives them forward, ready to meet any challenge with precision and resolve.
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