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Approved NPC Taskforce Dauntless

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Thom Naudir


  • Intent: To create a personal combat unit for Sentus Olan, create further roleplay connections on Bakura, and a as needed honor guard for the Arenais family.
  • Image Credit: Link
  • Role: The elite bodyguard and shocktroopers of Grand Admiral Sentus Olan and other members of the Eternal Empire, drawn from the members of the Olan family on Bakura.
  • Links: N/A
  • Unit Name: Taskforce Dauntless
  • Affiliation: Sentus Olan
  • Classification: Infantry, Special Forces
  • Equipment: Laser Reflective Armor, Vibro Sword and Knife, ARC-9965 Blaster Rifle, Kueget LN-21 Blaster Rifle
  • Description: Taskforce Dauntless began as a loyalist combat unit of the Olan family during the first Bakuran civil war, just before the planet was taken by the First Order. Nicknamed the "Dauntless Few" by their peers, Taskforce Dauntless fought across the entirety of the planet against the conservative forces calling for do or die resistance against the First Order, at times standing alone against hordes of enemy soldiers. Following the end of the civil war, Taskforce Dauntless switched over into a policing and counter-terror organization, focused on dealing with the few remnants of the conservative forces and helping to establish order on Bakura. Following the planets freedom from the First Order, Taskforce Dauntless would again take up arms against the resurgent conservative forces, helping to hold the line long enough for peace to be secured. Following the return of Sentus Olan, Taskforce Dauntless would become his own personal military unit, a gift from Sentus's father in law. Every soldier in Taskforce Dauntless is trained extensively in close quarters and ranged combat, able to fight in almost any possible environment called for, and capable of serving as bodyguards or police when not in combat. They focus on non-lethal measures in initial engagements, preferring to disarm and move on rather than kill if possible, but will resort to lethal force when called for or ordered.
COMBAT INFORMATION: The combination of Unit Size and Availability below is the indicator of how numerous your unit is. Stormtroopers for instance would be considered Large/Common, while Rogue Squadron would be a Small/Unique unit. Majority Force User Units are prohibited from being Common or Large. The stronger and more specialized your unit is (FU or NFU), the smaller and less common it should be.
  • Unit Size: Small
  • Unit Availability: Uncommon
  • Unit Experience: Veteran
  • Combat Function: Taskforce Dauntless is used in combat support and deep operation missions. They work best on their own, and rarely interact with the larger units in any military they serve in. In combat, they rely on non-lethal measures, as they are considered a police keeping force in times of peace, but when pushed or ordered will resort to lethal force without hesitation, though with some regret. They specialize in covert combat assaults, infiltrating enemy positions and hitting them from the inside, or surrounding their foe and annihilating it utterly in a single move. When neither is possible, they continue to refrain from open combat operations, instead dividing into constitute squads and waging hit and run tactics against their enemy, weakening them until either a time presents itself for a single decisive victory, or another military unit can wipe them out. When serving as bodyguards, they prefer to operate in small squads, deployed in almost every direction of their charge. Long before their charge arrives at their destination, members of Taskforce Dauntless have already sweeped the building or station for threats, and secured exit routes before the first blaster is ever seen.
  • Adaptive: Taskforce Dauntless do not rely on a single combat method when fighting, instead changing their tactics and goals as necessity demands to ensure they have the maximum chance of victory.
  • Veterans: Each soldier in Taskforce Dauntless is a veteran of numerous battles, and is not easily shaken. They will not hesitate in a combat situation, and have the experience and training to overwhelm lesser opponents with ease.
  • Assault: Taskforce Dauntless is not equipped or geared towards large scale combat engagements. In an open battle, their lighter load out leaves them vulnerable compared to other front line units, and their reliance on small squad tactics instead of large group forces leaves them isolated and exposed.
  • Training: Only citizens personally sworn to the Olan family on Bakura and having at least three years of experience in the Bakuran Defense Force are allowed to join Taskforce Dauntless, leading to the number of recruits and combat replacements to be limited at the best of times.
Months before the civil war on Bakura ever began, both sides knew conflict was inevitable. The Bakuran Defense Force stood divided, with soldiers and ships loyal to both sides standing poised to tear themselves apart from within the moment the first shots were fired. Realizing they needed a force outside the standard military, the Olan family began to equip and prepare a new unit. When the civil war did finally begin, and army and fleet units turned on themselves as their soldiers showed their true allegiances, the Olan family deployed their special project. The first operation of the unit was to launch covert assaults on the conservative families homes within the capital city. They infiltrated many of them with ease and wiped out their forces and heads of the families, leading to a mass exodus from the city long before the civil war ever spread there. Thanks to their quick work, the capital city of Bakura would remain in the hands of the Olan family and its allies for the rest of the war.

their second deployment saw them dropped deep behind conservative lines, where they began a campaign of hit and run assaults on enemy supply depots and rally points, killing or wounding thousands of conservative troops in exchange for only a few dozen losses on their part. They continued this operation for nearly the entirety of the civil war, allowing loyalist forces to concentrate and secure other parts of the planet, wiping out the under equipped and poorly supplied conservative armies. Their operation came to an end when their base of operations was discovered, and every available conservative unit nearby was sent to wipe out those that had caused them so much trouble. For two weeks the Olan forces held their command post. Wave after wave of enemy soldiers were repulsed, columns of vehicles reduced to burning wrecks, and air units were either shot down, or the airfields they were using suffered surprise night time assaults to knock them out permanently. By the time the siege was lifted, it was revealed that of the roughly five hundred soldiers originally present, only forty seven had survived. They earned the nickname the "Dauntless Few" from those loyalist troops that came to support them, and from then on their official name became Taskforce Dauntless.

They would see minor action for the rest of the civil war, eventually shifting into a peace keeping role as the personal security of the Olan family in the capital city, working with the First Order to root out the remnants of the conservatives, and protecting the justice they had fought for. Their numbers were slowly replenished over the course of their service to the Olan family, and they became experts at counter-terror operations, and as personal bodyguards for the Olan family and its closest allies. When the second Bakuran civil war began, they were already in position to wipe out several conservative positions across the planet, having caught wind of the coming conflict and taken steps to prevent it, though they ultimately failed. They would fight dozens of minor actions the rest of the conflict until finally a peace was secured. Following the return of Sentus Olan to Bakura, a detachment of Taskforce Dauntless were given over to his personal command, where they serve as his personal bodyguards and shock troops in times of need.
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