Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Tatooine: Desert Flare, Signal in the Sands. (Nima)

Motesta, just off the circle route

Heat, heat heat. A planet that had plenty of it to go around. A small farming community, Motesta had one of the planet’s few oasis nearby, simply known as the Motesta Oasis, freshwater located on the edge of the settlement. Part of the circle route, the farming settlement saw traffic and speeders to and from the capital and space ports, but it was still a smaller community, everyone important knew everyone else, and the buildings were spread out with ample room. Species were mixed like anywhere else on the planet, and the diversity here was nothing short of spectacular. All kinds of creatures and people made their lives on Tatooine for a wealth of different reasons.

Kei had been on the tale of supplies for his men, as always, his ship and crew were up against the wall. He’d been sent here so he could haggle some rations, a few medical supplies, anything at this point, Tatooine was almost his last chance stop. Motesta, a farming community had everything he needed, if only he could somehow find the credits to pay for it!

Dusty, weary and unshaven from his travels; the large Epicanthx was dressed in green combat fatigues, a black t-shirt, with his blaster carbine Kira over one shoulder, and his saber unity clipped to his hip; finally he stood in thick black boots and wore a black tactical pack on his back. The Epicanthx was in the local bar, always the place to go on Tatooine he’d been told, to find anything out at all. It wasn’t much, just a makeshift roof, four walls, a few seats and a smoky atmosphere to add to the dry heat.

So far he’d got nowhere! All anyone wanted to talk about was the standoff between the moisture farmers and some criminal syndicate, all over a valuable stretch of land at the oasis, owned by some desert nomads. He rubbed the bridge of his nose, okay, one problem at a time.

[member="Nima Tann"]

Playing this as his first meeting with the silver Jedi and his entrance, have fun!

Nima Tann

Master of Her Own Destiny
Tatooine... Of all the planets they could send her, it had to be the desert. No matter how she hated the heat... and deserts at that, a Jedi had to do what she had to, so she didn't have the right to speak against it. After her Master's death, she stopped caring about this stuff, because she realized that whatever they did, the death always won. All they could do was just extending it's time. She sighed, looking at her equipment. Wearing her crop top and sports shorts to make sure heat wasn't as big as a problem, she filled her backpack with lots of water, she controlled her lightsaber and at last, the time for departure had come. She walked towards the Hangar, examining the surroundings. The gardens were much more quiet after the funeral, much more... dead. Normally in this hour, there would be Padawans running around, Knights and Masters training. But today, just silence.

She jumped to one of the shuttles just departing from the Hangars and sat to one of the many empty seats. Opening her datapad, she started to read the briefing. One girl contacted the Order, the girl wasn't ordinary one, she inherited a big lot of land from her family. And it didn't look as just a land fight, she said that she was scared for her life, as she got a lot of threats from anonymous people. Reading the mission through, it looked like an easy one at first but nothing was easy of course.

The shuttle stopped at Motesta, a calm farming community, one of the places that you could find less Tuskens, since they were cleared by the community wherever seen. Just to take a breath and get the exhaustion out a bit with a good blue milk, she entered to one of the bars, still keeping her lightsaber in her backpack to make sure she didn't look like a threat. But of course, a purple Twi'lek, which she wasn't still used to, being red before all this Netherworld event happened, she already was too much bright and visible in this yellow and greenish place. She walked slowly as all the eyes were watching her, she could say it was disturbing, but she continued moving, and sat to the only chair available. To her left, there was a man sitting, she could say that there was something eating his mind and by the Force he looked dirty, like he just fell in a trash can. Aside from that the most eye-catching thing about him was the lightsaber on his hip. Things were going to be interesting.

"Blue milk please." She said to the bartender and started to wait what would happen next. Just a drink, nothing bad will happen.

[member="Kei Amadis"]
Nodding to the purple Twi’lek as she entered politely, “miss,” carrying a backpack and wearing sensible clothing, she looked like one more traveller, was she Rutien? probably not. Kei wasn’t particularly aware of any one individual truth be told or he might have picked up she was Jedi. He’d received some solid instruction from his old Master Kiskla, but lacked that constant state of awareness or connection that came with being a Knight or Master, and his mind was occupied.

Over a large table several mixed species farmers and community leaders were debating how to best win these pesky’ nomads over for ownership of the Oasis, or just the girl heiress who owned it, which was mentioned by some of the louder voices. “We just need her,” “let’s trade them food, get them to move on.” Were among things being said in murmured agreement.

Breathing out to settle and find the force, Kei rubbed his large hands together clapping them, okay, solve this problem, help these folk, then maybe you can help your crew. He was doing something, acting, not just sitting there. So he stood up, and without a further thought, confidently walked over to the table. Another Jedi might have calmly looked at the situation and observed, but that finesse was still lacking in the padawan.

Clearing his throat, “I hear you have a few issues, I’m a Jedi and want to help.” Direct, straight to the point, his voice was sincere and serious. It got him a few looks, and a stare at his blaster carbine. Certainly a few of them distrusted this stranger outside of the community walking up, but one or two whispered in favor of the possibility, the farmers could go either way.

"A Jedi? Looks like a merc to me." One particular withdrawn looking Rodian blurted in common.

All NPC’s or bit characters are yours to use however you want.

[member="Nima Tann"]

Nima Tann

Master of Her Own Destiny
"Hi." Giving a small smile as he welcomed her to the bar, the bartender finally brought a cup of delicious Blue Milk at his hands. "Here you go miss." She thanked the man and took the first sip of the drink, a happy sigh escaped her lips afterwards. She looked distracted but she was well aware of the little conversation between the community, something about a land, and a "she". Was that just a coincidence, or were the people in here connected to this mission of hers, well, the only way to find out was to sit patiently and listen.... What? The man to her left just stood up and said he was a Jedi, to her shock. She had to cough up a little of the Blue Milk. What was he trying to do? Now she left her cup to the table and started to listen them.

"You... a Jedi? Don't make me laugh. Aren't Jedi supposed to be all shiny knights in white armors?" One of the Twi'leks said. "Yeah, lightsabers don't prove anythin'." the Rodian added. But the community was torn by half, well, way to go. "What if he's telling the truth? He can help us." And the voices continued. "Weren't one of the bounty hunters giving a huge amount of money for your kind?" All of the attention was now on the man, well, it was his fault. You can't just say that you are a Jedi, especially now in this era of darkness. She felt like she had to act, and telepathically reached to the man's mind. "I don't think it's going very well for you." Now he could understand she was a Force User too. Then smiling to the bartender, she took the last sip, and put the empty cup to the ground and continued to listen, her back turned to the table pretending that she was just minding her own business.

[member="Kei Amadis"]
~I know.~ What Nima didn’t know yet, is Kei was stubborn, incredibly so when he thought he was helping. ~We’ll work through it.~ Back through the force, the voice in her mind was feint, telepathic communication he was very weak at given his race's innate traits. Another force user here, biding her time, better be an ally, he had all he could handle in front of him!

Force Ease Tension

Keeping his cool, like he’d been in front of doubting voices more than once, tension was eased in the room, a technique he was adapting, bringing his senses outward to take on then let some of the friction go around them. Bounties? “They’re paying for republic. I’m not republic.” Best to diffuse that threat right away. If anything he thought that might appeal to some sensibilities in a place like this. He actually had two bounties on his head, one very large one from the black sun, and one smaller one from the crystal cutters.

Picking up a chair, “Shiny armor, Tatooine, you get dust.” he grinned, looking at each doubt in turn, and addressing it. Lightsabers don’t prove anything, a small cup was levitated on the table, then dropped to a few more surprised stares, and murmurs about the place, one Rodian physically ran out of the bar.

It hadn’t gone all that well, but it had gone, and here he was. “Now to business.” Kei dropped his chair, sitting alongside the table, over the back of it casually. Although he was rough around the edges and direct, he was seemingly managing to stubbornly not give up.


More Silence

Look, I’m here, can’t hurt to try right.”

So eventually they opened up. Because Kei just didn’t move, talking about all three groups wanting the oasis land for themselves, nomads, the farmers, and…

Unknown to him, the local crime syndicate. Who were coming in the bar’s back door, four representatives, burly looking criminals were about to break in and add their voice to proceedings. What looked to be the Rodian from before, a Gamorrean and…

Fill in the blanks, all yours!

[member="Nima Tann"]

Nima Tann

Master of Her Own Destiny
She could hear a weak voice from his mind, that was showing his mind's strength, very hard do read unless they wanted you to read. And she didn't look a simple human at that. "All yours." She responded back, this time she turned to the table, didn't want to miss the show. As she continued watching, she felt the tension slowly dropping as he talked through the questions that was thrown at him. A small smile formed on her face as she watched him, and talked to his mind once again. "Impressive." It was impressive indeed. Then the backdoor opened...

"Look, just play safe and learn something about this problem of theirs. Use whatever you used before because trouble is coming." She warned him about the mean looking aliens entered through the door, and she could say that they were angry. "That little brat! Doesn't know who we are, she is testing her luck I tell you." The Rodian showed the man with his eyes, a dirty grin was clearly showing. "He says he's a Jedi, he can help us boss." And then the Gamorrean laughed, moving to the chair he was sitting at. "You want to help us, Jedi?" The tone he said Jedi, Nima could clearly see that he hated them."Talk some sense into the girl who owns the land. Else, we will talk with her." Yes, now she was sure. Anger started to boil in her heart as the Gamorrean talked, and she didn't know why. Who the kark they were to threaten a girl like that? "Don't forget, play safe and learn what they want. I'll keep an eye out for the Gamorrean." Simple instructions, what a great way to communicate.

[member="Kei Amadis"]
Struggling to hear Nima clearly through the force, one of his biggest weaknesses was the use of mind speak, he heard about playing it safe, but that was it. Naturally trying what he did before to settle the commotion. Kei pushed his fledgling ease tension technique out, the opposite of heighten agitation that some force users used to force mistakes, or some Sith gave off in their aura. Trying but with little training, all it achieved this time was to relax a few muscles and limber people up nearby.

Play it safe, he got that much again, ~Watch my back~ sent to Nima. Moving much like a soldier might in this situation, Jedi training was there, balanced with all his military drills and time in the field. He put himself between the new comers and anyone else in the bar. Hands up protectively, both a warning of space and a defensive posture should anything happen.

“Won’t hurt for a Jedi to talk to her.” Kei said directly to the Gamorrean. The four facing him were getting more angry, but also more receptive, a strange mix. “What do you want her to do?”

“Shutta will Marry Boss, give us land.” A thinner Felcatian growled from the back, much to the annoyance of the rest of his group that he’d spoken out of turn “What you want!” The Rodian butted in again to Kei, pushing to the front, caring nothing for personal space. He was then shoved out of the way by the larger Gamorrean, clearly showing who was in charge.

A shove which then aimed it's way for Kei as well, and to be shoved by a Gamorrean was like being hit by a wall, it took the large Epicanthx a good few steps back, straight into the table. He steadied himself on its edge, plates went flying, and a few more farmers running out.

“Jedi Stink of Shunfa Slag.” The Gamorrean was inches from Kei’s face drooling, but Kei hadn’t gone for a weapon, hadn’t reacted, not yet, he was steadfast, bracing himself against the thug's weight. ~Now would be a good time.~ Gritted teeth, he mindspoke to see if Nima could cause a distraction, or come up with something clever that didn’t damage things here before they started!

[member="Nima Tann"]

Nima Tann

Master of Her Own Destiny
Despite of the man's attempts, the temperature started to increase again as the Gamorrean pushed him to one of the tables, as she expected. One couldn't just say he's a Jedi and rest without meeting a bad person... or a Gamorrean... or whatever. She understood that the time for listening was over, it was the time to act. She always hated the bullies anyway. Slowly standing up from her chair she moved towards the little fight, and stopped as she just get between the Jedi and the criminals. "Let's just calm down, sit and drink okay? There is no need to fight." Gamorrean laughed and pushed her. She knew it. No more words. "Get out of my way, Twi'lek." She didn't listen his words, instead without even showing any emotions, she looked at his eyes, seeing the fire of anger in them as she stood without saying anything, held her hand up and felt the Force slowly flowing from her whole body to her hand, and she talked afterwards. "You don't want to fight. You want to get out of here. All of you." Then she looked at the others. The instructions were simple, as simple as to insert into someone's brain.

Gamorrean moved a step or two backwards, his brain was strong indeed. "I... What the... I don't... I don't want to fight. Let's.... Let's get out of here." No matter how his brain reacted, there was no running from the Force. 4 confused criminals, slowly moving towards the backdoor they just came in. Then she turned to him, smile forming on her face. "Ahhh criminals... Always have to be bullies. Even when you want to help them." Then she showed the chair with her hand. "So, what would you like to drink?" She was happy to finally talk with her mouth, not with her thoughts. Because it was tiring to send messages directly into the brain.

[member="Kei Amadis"]
At this point he wasn’t far from his weapon, but had the training and more importantly the trained experience to hold his ground, pressed as he was to the table, with this large bag of muscle pushing down on him. That didn’t mean it didn’t hurt like hell to have this weight on top of him! Gritted teeth, the force flowed through him, [member="Kiskla Grayson"] ’s training entering his mind and body, indirectly she settled a tense situation inside the padawan, tipping the balance toward peace.

Mind trick, he could recognize but not replicate it, his race’s mind was a blank slate to others, it made it very difficult to effect anyone else’s mind or be effected for that matter. Seeing the criminals running out without him going for his weapon, was strangely satisfying, and a welcome change from usual.

“Appreciate it.” Kei nodded rolling his neck around, letting out the tension, shrugging his stiff shoulders back that had been weighed down by the bulk of the Gamorrean. The few farmers left at the table also thanked Nima in their own way, either directly or just by the relief they showed.

“Whatever you are having.” Kei grinned, and rested on the bar, holding his hands up to the farmers as if to say, all is well now, calming them down. Criminals and bullies, “always someone wanting to throw their weight around,” he admitted, usually the results were more violent, if not for her. “Thanks, miss?” Kei asked, extending his hand.

[member="Nima Tann"]

Nima Tann

Master of Her Own Destiny
"No problem, never liked the bullies anyway. But, I don't recommend saying that you are a Jedi unless you are in friendly territory. If... there's a place like that anymore." The sudden cold air in the room made her a little disturbed, so she smiled. "Two blue milk please." She said to the man, who looked terrified and left immediately after taking the orders. "Just don't get into more trouble..." He murmured. "Since we are alone now." They were alone, yes. But safety before the incident so she lowered her voice. "I am Nima, a Jedi Knight from the Order of the Silver Jedi. How about you, my friend?" Was he a friend? She wasn't sure, but if he wasn't, she could understand it already.

"And what brings you here? If you don't mind me asking." Well, there was always a little time for chit chat before a long boring mission. And maybe this man would help her in this mission, a mutualistic offer for them. Help me, I'll help you. But, every plan of hers were depending on the man's choices of words. He looked tall and muscular, like he had some time in military, or something like that. But sometimes appearances would be deceiving.

The bartender came with the cups of blue milk after a couple of seconds, still fresh and smelled very good. He put the cups harshly to the table, she understood that they were the unwanted company. "Just two cups and you'll be free of us soon." She reassured the man, with a sarcastic tone. Well, if the things went wrong there was always another friend she could depend on, her lightsaber.

[member="Kei Amadis"]
Although mellowing as he aged and trained, Kei hadn’t considered stating he was a Jedi would bring someone else further risk, not just himself. He would call it from the rooftops if he had his way, but he might get another hurt, and that thought had only just sunk in. Protective as he was and furthered by his Jedi training, he would never put another intentionally in harms way, unless there was no other way.

Blue milk, that was a first, and he was game! Always wanted to try it, broad grin given to her smile, the chill didn’t bother him so much with all the gear he was carrying.

“Name’s Kei Amadis Miss, ex republic, ex AoL.” She was a Jedi, “blew your cover.” Damn, he scratched the back of his neck, rubbing it, tense as always. “Here to find supplies and food for the crew.”

Kei pulled out a pad, dropping it on the bar, it showed the beacon, an interdictor class cruiser, with several thousand men, and the condition they were in, which wasn't pretty. Kei being one man now, had no hope of maintaining that ship, or her crew. He was ready to believe she was a Jedi here to help, why, because he needed a break, any break, the men relying on him needed that more than ever, it had been a long war for them.

“Looks like we wandered into a mess of trouble,” someone else might have asked how to handle it, or for feedback, Kei just made a plan, then asked, usually when they were somewhere in the middle of it. “Best if we headed straight to the oasis.” He said signalling with his hand poignantly. Route one direct, not always the best choice, but that was Kei. Wrapping his large hand around the milk, he took a pull on the blue liquid now that was nice. “Sound good?” Damn that was nice, he looked at the glass holding it up.

[member="Nima Tann"]

Nima Tann

Master of Her Own Destiny
"That's not a problem, I was here for a mission anyway. So they would learn it sooner or later." She gave a slight nod. He was ex-Republic, like the Silver Jedi once was. They had some disagreements, but now it looked like the relationships were increasing with them, which Nima was grateful. Because they were already fighting the Sith, and fighting among themselves wasn't a good option of course. And he was in AoL before which meaned he had seen battlefields before, that would be a great asset for the Silver Jedi. "[member="Kei Amadis"], nice to meet you." Smiling to the man, she took a sip from the delicious Blue Milk. That was pretty good, she had to come here some time. But she wasn't sure if the bartender would like it.

"That sounds like a plan, and I have business to attend to there. The girl that they were speaking about, I am helping her." She was pretty clear on her mission now, she knew what to do and she understood what she would deal with. But of course, an extra hand was always useful. "Say, Kei. I have a proposal for you." She continued, help me I help you, always worked of course. But she didn't know if it would work on him. "I may need some assistance in my mission. You saw them, they are a lot. And this time they'll come with reinforcements. After we deal with them, we can fly your ship back to Voss, and you can get what you want. Helping a Jedi can be rewarding." She smiled and waited for his answer.

"Tastes great, right?" She talked happily as she saw his reaction to Blue Milk, and took another sip from her cup, almost finishing it.
“Likewise.” He clinked his cup to hers, welcome to meet a Jedi here of all places. Finishing the milk and putting it down. Kei handed his empty over and put some credits on the bar to pay for both, with some extra for the trouble. He didn’t have much but what he had, he shared.

“Sure does Nima.” Sounded like a plan falling into place. About this time, his dairy allergy kicked and he sneezed, clearing his throat. Better than a hangover, it’d be worth a sore throat for that taste. Holding a palm up to say he was okay, and then grinning.

Then tapping that same large palm down on the bar, “well alright then,” if she was willing to help his crew, he didn’t care about the rewards, “all I care about is getting them patched up and fed.” He extended his palm out if she needed a hand down from her seat. “Time to get moving.” Helping fix up the tables before he left, making sure things were as they were when he entered. “Sorry about the commotion.” Kei nodded to the bartender, and got a glare. Hopefully the rest of his stay would ruffle less feathers but part of him he doubted it.

Pulling the door aside, and letting her leave first, this was just natural in the man it wasn’t a gesture, more instinct. A warm breeze hit his face as he looked out. The dusty settlement didn’t have a large community but it had a lot of land, that meant walking, as land was cheap or free for the taking if you were brave enough to expand the borders. Almost all the land that is apart from the:

Motesta Oasis

The Oasis was one of the few, freshest and sources of natural water for a very, very long way, perhaps one of the freshest on the entire planet. This meant the land here compared to that outside was incredibly expensive and every bit precious

Unlike the settlement, this area had domed makeshift houses, mixed in with what look liked pumps someone was trying to build, draining small areas of the land, the precious water pumped away. Other areas had been dammed off, literally stopping someone taking it all, and there was the dispute clear as day.

Other threads:

A thirteen year old blue Twi’lek girl wrapped up in desert clothing, standing alone poking a cooking pot with her stick. Around her nomadic half humans who had interbred with the more vicious desert tribes, it was hard to make out what race they were, they travelled so much, multi-species. Soon they were ushering her into a tent, she looked utterly downtrodden and dejected. As the pair approached, she along with most of the nomads moved from sight, but several of the tribes trades came over bringing a wide variety of goods, and eager to do business!

Nima Tann

Master of Her Own Destiny
She was sure that the proposal would work, and as she expected it worked. Kei looked like he would do anything for his loved ones, and she felt bad for using this as her advantage but she needed extra hands, and he needed help. This didn't count as "using" someone. "Thank you for helping me, Kei. Don't worry, we'll give you whatever you need after all this." She reassured him, and then as he let her leave first, leading the way to the girl she took her mission from. As they continued moving, she realized that the land's condition was getting better and better as the every step. She didn't believe her eyes that the land contained a big amount of water, clean water. She was now sure why everyone wanted the land, in Tatooine water was gold, or even more valuable.

She saw the girl, didn't expect her to be a Twi'lek but she was happy because their species had some special dialogues with each other, so communication would be much more efficient than just speaking. The nomads continued to move as they got near to them. Yes, they looked dangerous with lightsabers and all that, and they didn't want to lose their valuables, she could understand that. "Kei, look at that Twi'lek. Do you think that she is the one for the mission? She looks unhappy, and she looked at me as if she wanted me to follow her." She asked, helping another, it was a primary mission of a Jedi. "And she's a Twi'lek. I... I almost recognize her from somewhere." Yes, she was indeed very familiar. She didn't remember her past because of the blaster to her brain took some of her memory away, but it was way too long ago. Besides, she looked very young, it would be impossible that she was one from her past. But the life was full of surprises, who would know...

[member="Kei Amadis"]
To [member="Nima Tann"] , “I know you will.” Kei was on edge for the crew, and he’d been screwed over before, but he trusted her. Besides, better to do something here to help these folk, and fail, than sit there doing nothing. The land around them was a lot less harsh, you could almost feel the water soaking up the otherwise arid heat, maybe that was just his imagination, but that was a sight for sore eyes in a place like this.

Was she the girl. He scratched his chin, something the Amadis brothers did a lot of when thinking. “Not sure. Let’s ask.” Yeah the blue twi'lek had looked familiar, one of those faces? As soon as the first trader came over, Kei pulled him up, not literally but walked over to him directly.

“Welcome, welcome, we have many fine things to trade,” both happy go lucky, “yes yes welcome,” the other added, showing a bundle of goods to Nima. Desert wares, or those they’d trade between settlements, a less tactful man might call them junk. Some of them were nice looking junk, with a decoration or two, as well as valuable bottles of water with a very high price tag.

Kei breathed out to settle himself, moving with the force, in the force, at this stage in his life his words were still only snapshots of it. “Who is the girl?” Kei asked point blank. Some more tactful people might be face palming about now, but it got results. “The Twi’lek girl,” he added before they could deflect his question. Direct, but the force was guiding him more these days, because the words came before they were needed.

“No. She is not your concern.” Their friendly expression was still there but cracked somewhat, “we trade these instead yes?” The other trader opened his sack and unloaded his goods on the floor in front of them. They were obviously suspicious like everyone else, everyone wanted that one girl, even the Jedi now it seemed. You had to wonder if anyone had asked what she wanted.

“We are Jedi and here to help.” He looked to Nima with a grin, as if to say, any ideas?

[member="Nima Tann"]​

Nima Tann

Master of Her Own Destiny
She returned his grin, definitely those people didn't want to show them the girl, since she was so different than them, she could feel something was very similar to her heart, but she couldn't understand what was happening. She had to think something, fast. These people seemed nice but they lacked patience, she understood it in first impression. "No no no Kei. No need to lie, they look nice." She started to talk, well, it was the time for an act. "We are traders, just like you. We trade goods, even we had bought these fancy things from our merchant friend." She showed the lightsabers. "Excuse my friend here, we are concerned about our safety. The girl, we were asking about her because we made a deal with her before. And I promise you my friends, if you just show us the way, it will be for both of our profits. If you don't, then you'll not get any chance for that much of a money. So it's your choice." Profit, the keyword of traders, she didn't know that they would buy this, but she tried her best.

"Be ready for anything." She talked to Kei's head, and examined their movements. The man she was talking to had a little smile on his face, which was a good sign. "Tell them what we have in this little ship of ours, Kei." She continued her acting, winking to him and telling him to just play the part. Lying was not one of the Jedi's traits but it sure had its advantages. Besides, she wasn't one of that traditional Jedi, do anything to achieve the goal, it was her motto. "And don't leave any tiny bit behind, I want our friends to see what they are dealing with." Giving a little smile, she tried to look as honest as she could.

[member="Kei Amadis"]
If you were a student of history, Nima had pulled a Qui-gon Jinn of a move, not that Kei remembered the name or had even seen the inside of a book before unless forced, let alone spent more than a few grudging days at a time in the archives.

“Tadi’etti, she’s not for sale,” said one of the traders. Obviously someone here, probably the criminal cartel, had offered money for Tadi'etti. The other trader hushed his friend, considering the offer carefully.

The traders were reluctant, but Nima’s force senses were sharper than Kei’s. They proved susceptible to bargaining, in the grand scheme of things the Jedi were doing this to aid a settlement. Kei didn’t mind cutting corners either, though old Master’s might have advised otherwise, when it came to protecting lives here he was compelled to act, before the situation escalated between the three groups wanting the land. It was by far the greater good to save people from harm.

“Bring you enough water to fill that oasis again.” Kei didn’t have it on his ship, assisting Nima’s ruse, but he was true to his word and he would bring it.

“Twice over,” one of the traders haggled, twice would take two trips with his freighter, the beacon cruiser could do a lot more than that, but she was on her last legs. “Twice. We get to see the girl and talk with her.” He had a feeling with all these groups pulling on the girl, the farmers, the criminals and the nomads, where did she fit in all of this?

So the traders led them into a tent, where one nervous Twi’lek girl stood named Tadi’etti. Folding back the tent flap for Nima to enter, Kei grinned to the young girl, she was wearing the same grey and brown desert garb as the others, simple but well aired so to not sweat you in the desert heat. Tadi’etti wasn’t alone, an older female guardian of sorts had her hands firmly on the younger twi’lek’s shoulders, giving the newcomers a hard look, then a smile as they approached. Her guardian, the older human tribal leader, asked the traders to leave and then put the obvious question to the Jedi, somewhat of a bitter tone in her voice.

“You are here for our oasis too?”

[member="Nima Tann"]​

Nima Tann

Master of Her Own Destiny
She listened Kei's words as he spoke and persuaded the traders to let them see the girl. The thing she was afraid of was the girl's condition. Because she was wanted by everyone for this little but too precious land, but no one has asked her what she wanted. And even them, the Jedi, were after her. Living a life like her must be like hell, and she felt different when she saw her, as if she knew her from somewhere, maybe met her before, that's why she was so concerned about her, this little trip has started as a mission but it was more than that, she could feel it. As they continued to pass through the traders now looking to them in confused but happy eyes from the offer of them, she felt bad for lying, but it was the right way, the quiet way. They didn't need to know that they were a Jedi since the traders loved money and there were lots of bounties for them. Nodding and thanking to the traders she continued to move towards the tent of the girl, Tadi'etti if she remembered correctly, following Kei.

She gave a little smile to him as he opened the tent for her to enter in, saying in a joking way. "Such a gentleman." And then winking to the man she saw the Twi'lek and her... guardian, elder or... something like that? Giving a small nod to them, she examined the area, the tent looked comfy, comparing to outside. This was because she was the owner of the land, she could predict. "We are not here for your oasis. Don't worry." She reassured the woman, which seemed a little sad while talking about the land. This was the time to drop the act, since they were at their destination, and lying more would be problematic. She needed to trust them, in order to let them help her. "We are here for her. She called us to help." She explained the holocall to her. The elder woman looked at the Twi'lek with cold eyes first, but then a smile formed on her face. "Tadi'etti... About time. Finally decided to act, huh?" Looking at the young girl, she seemed to have a decent relationship with the elder woman, almost like mother and daughter. She was shy, sad... and confused. This was very familiar, and this started to disturb her. The headaches were kicking in again.

Without knowing, she started to move towards her and then sat to ground, getting an eye contact with her. "Tadi'etti, right? This is Nima Tann, from Silver Jedi and Kei Amadis, ex Military and Jedi. We are here to help you."

[member="Kei Amadis"]
Kei hadn’t realised he’d been doing it, holding the doors open, he did it on impulse, old habits from a good upbringing. The Epicanthix cleared his throat, and let the flap shut behind Nima, rubbing the back of his neck.

They didn’t have more than the basics outside, but here they were comfortable, round floor cushions, and a few beds with thin dividing shutters for privacy. He got the impression for a nomadic tribe, this was more of a fixed location they could return to. Was nomadic the right word for them when they’d pitched up camp here, he scratched his chin, something told him that was significant?

Kei played along with Nima’s lead, when people took charge he respected it, something the Epicanthix liked in people, a lot. Giving a firm nod when she called the padawans name and introduced them.

“We will sit.” The camp’s elder said, producing a smoking container with four pipes in it, and placing it in between the cushions provided. It smelled, well best not think about what it smelled like if you asked Kei!

Tadi’etti eventually sat down but took awhile, shy Kei thought, sitting like she wasn’t sure of herself. Was her shyness because of all of this? Everyone pulling her in different directions that she never knew herself? She liked that she was being talked to by Nima, and fumbled some of her words but got her message across. “Tribe w.w…want to k…keep our home, mupples outside want it fer their grubby mits.” Why the sudden burst of nervousness and stuttering? Because her elder was watching her carefully, like a hawk. Mupples, tadi’etti had a new word for every situation, and often ones she just made up that sounded good.

At this point in his life Kei was still a padawan, he didn’t know if he felt pain from Nima, but gave her a look of concern all the same. Letting her do the talking for now, but he also made sure she knew he looking out for her, and by the way his caring eyes fell on Tadi’etti he was more than bit concerned for her as well.

[member="Nima Tann"]​

Nima Tann

Master of Her Own Destiny
After smiling to the man, she sat beside them, offering smiles. The weather between them was cold, especially the guardian was looking at them with suspecting eyes. Yes, they came out of nowhere, but that didn't mean that she could influence her thoughts to hate them. "But what do you want?" She asked to the young Twi'lek, looking at the old woman, more like returning the gaze. "They all want something, they all need something. We lose ourselves in the process when we think about the others instead of looking at our own hearts. You, are the land's owner. You have the choice, not them. Not her. You." She was pushing the buttons maybe, but she was here to help and she was doing it. "But... But... I don't have... a choice." The girl was indeed under influence at the eyes of the woman, which looked like a motherly figure first, but the things were different when you get to know, and it was a matter of time that she would ask Kei to let the old woman out.

"Kei, what do you think about this? Am I wrong?" She returned the look to the Epicanthix, to ease the tension growing between them a little. "If you own something, then you get to decide for it. Look, Tadi'ette... You always have a choice, the important thing is to just say it. Don't think about the consequences, just, do what your heart says you to do." This, was probably a bad advice, considering that she always made mistakes whenever she tried to listen to her heart. But, she wasn't like that, Tadi'ette was pure and naive, and they were using her for this. Even in this room, she could see that the old woman started to move, as if she was disturbed about this conversation. But she said first that this was a good idea to get help. Maybe they were near to crack the mask she was wearing, but only the time would tell.

And also, the smell coming from the pipe started to make her light-headed. Almost, getting sleepy. She didn't understand what was happening, but she thought that it would be because of they were foreign to this side of the planet and probably to its herbs.

[member="Kei Amadis"]

((EDIT: Also so sorry for the late reply :( ))

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