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Tave Kissai

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“It is known that in the course of history that in order to build a state, not only is a functioning warrior caste necessary; but also those that are able to maintain order and peace within said state. This is the fundamental law of statehood: for every warrior, a bureaucrat.”

Kissai is an ancient Sith word designating those that belonged to the priest caste of ancient Sith society. Those that belonged to this caste wielded considerable power within Sith society and were charged with dealing with visions, prophecy, magic, as well as rituals in order to further the cause of the King, Emperor, or Lord that they served. As the Jen’Qo is heavily based off of ancient Sith tradition and mythology, this tradition of the Kissai being the caste of the state and the more mystical aspects of the faith is carried over from these ancient traditions into the new age. Those that choose to join the Kissai caste are those that are searching for a much more mystical and stately experience within the Jen’Qo and the Empire of the Jen’Tevas. Around the galaxy, the Kissai work tirelessly within temples and monasteries in order to further the cause of the Jen’Tevas as well as peacefully bring the faith to the wider audience of the Galaxy as a whole. The Kissai are special in that outsiders are able to become Kissai if they so choose, however they are not allowed to advance beyond an ordained Kissai rank. This differs from the strict Virmasi in where no outsiders are allowed.

The Kissai caste operates under a diverse hierarchy much like the Virmasi caste but yet very different from their warrior counterparts. The Kissai, being priests of the Empire, do not operate under a ranking structure that is based around skill or strength but rather one of performance and intellect. Priests are expected to do their duty and further their studies during their time around the temples of the Galaxy and through this may they see an advancement of their ranks in their futures. Each priest is expected to serve a period of 8 days within a temple or monastery under the supervision of a higher ranking member of the Kissai branch in order for them to judge whether or not they can proceed to choose their assignment. The ranking system is as follows:

Loimus-Kissai: Low Priest
At this rank, priests have just come fresh out of their division applications and into the field of the priest. With no or limited prior knowledge of the faith, combat, or areas of study, these members of the Empire are those that must take the brunt of the work of the priest caste. As soon as a hopeful selects their caste, they must immediately report to the Kissai registry in order to receive their temple or mission assignment in where they will be taught and tested on their ability to adapt, learn, and interact within the larger galaxy. During this time, they will be sent to a temple of the overseer’s discretion in where they will be taught basic tenants of the Jen’Qo, weapon combat, lightsaber combat for the force sensitives, theory of the force, and practical force applications for force wielders. All of this will be crammed into a period of 8 days; a 9th day being designated for testing and grading of the Kissai hopefuls. Those that pass will be granted transport to whatever temple is acting as hosting seat of governance of the faith where they will then be able to choose missions or declare their missions in order to prove themselves for a greater rank. Those that fail will be forced to continue their studies and work once again for a passing mark on the final exam. The exam will simply be a test chosen by the overseer covering and incorporating the fields that they have taught the hopefuls during their 8 days. The members at this rank are not to be addressed with the honorific –Ulak suffix to their name.
*8 days is meant to be any number of threads in where the overseer provides training, the hopeful self-learns adequate amounts of information, or a sufficient amount of development and training occurs that may allow for the hopeful to pass. As long as information is gathered and material is learned, the thread count does not matter.

The true force of the religious body of the Empire and the faith, the Kissai are those that have shown themselves worthy of the title through working throughout the galaxy or within the faith itself in order to provide new knowledge, discover lost arts, spread the word of the faith, or preform a great service to either the Empire or the Galaxy as a whole. The Kissai are those that lead official congregations at temples throughout the galaxy and wield authority equivalent to a Jedi Knight within the faith. Within the Empire, their civilian and political power is limited officially and they are not able to hold public offices aside from those designated specifically for members of the faith. Those that reach Kissai are capable of achieving the rank of Lord if they prove themselves worthy and are delegated the honorific suffix of –ulak to their name. Henceforth, those that reach the rank of Kissai are known as (name)’ulak. Example: Etheriud’ulak. If one is to reach the rank of lord as well as priest, they shall be known as Ari’(name)’ulak. The Kissai are expected to continue pursuing their quest for enlightenment and create, innovate, and improve that which they may find. While the title of Kissai may not be revoked by normal members of the Jen’Qo faith, the Jen’Tevas wields the ability to banish those that may abuse their powers as Kissai or use their title as a means to slander the Empire or the faith.

Geras Kissai
The Geras Kissai are those that have dedicated themselves to the faith and served an adequate amount of time as a priest of the faith. These priests are those that are the true masters of temples and missions around the galaxy. The Geras Kissai are those that oversee the operations and functions of the temple as well as coordinating the priests and hopefuls that may reside within their walls as to make sure that all of the day-to-day functions of the temple and its sessions flow smoothly. Geras Kissai are chosen from the ranks of Kissai that have proven themselves to be worthy through many of the same works that would show one to be worthy of becoming a Kissai. Geras Kissai are chosen by Ari’Kissai or by the Jen’Kommunal after they have shown their worth and are then assigned to a temple or mission around the galaxy. There, they will take complete control of the temple or mission and its inner workings and hierarchy. These priests have truly earned the suffix of –ulak and should always be addressed as such. As Geras Kissai, these priests are open to promotion to Ari’Kissai and wield much more power over civilian life and political process. The Geras Kissai are comparable to Jedi Masters or advanced Sith Knights and are figures that deserve a great deal of respect within society and when they are greeted.

The Ari’Kissai are the final rank in the progression of the priest caste and are the highest one may go unless they prove themselves worthy of becoming a lord or worthy of stepping into the Jen’Kommunal. The Ari’Kissai are priests that have truly shown their worth and have managed to show a thorough and complete knowledge of the Jen’Qo, its ideals, and how to effectively manage while teaching and applying its theories. The Ari’Kissai are masters of both knowledge of the force and how to effectively promote the ideals of the Jen’Qo. The Ari’Kissai are those that control sectors around the galaxy and are those that coordinate the operation of the multitude of temples within each of their individual sectors. Ari’Kissai are very respectable members of the faith and society as they are in charge of interpreting, developing, and deciding on matters of the faith such as miracles, laws, regulations, and debates on anything pertaining to the religion and its tenants. These priests are always to be addressed with the –ulak suffix and may also be addressed with Ari’, but it is not necessary. As Ari’Kissai, these people are very capable and are up for promotion to the Jen’Kommunal if they prove themselves worthy enough of its ranks. Ari’Kissai are assigned to individual sectors and only a few may exist at any given time. Only one Ari’Kissai may oversee any individual sector, but they may build their own powerbase in order to support them in the governance.
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