Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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ᴛʜᴇ ɢɪʀʟ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴏʟᴅᴇɴ ɢᴜɴ



  • Classification: Multipurpose
  • Weight: Heavy
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: High
    • Kinetic: Very High
    • Lightsabers: Low
    • Emp\Ion: Extreme
    • Heat: High
    • Cold: Average
    • Electric: Low
    • Bladed: Average(Flight suit)
  • Energy resistance:
    • Thick layers of heavy Carbon-durasteel armor provide better than average energy resistance. These armor plates are worn over energy-resistant armorweave, Making this set highly durable in the wake of incoming blaster fire.
  • Kinetic resistance:
    • Thick layers of carbon-durasteel armor provide excellent resistance to kinetic damage and is superior to classical durasteel armor. Paired with inertial dampening devices built into the plating, This armor can shrug off the common slug-thrower or melee weapons with ease.
  • Emp\Ion resistance:
    • Internal electrical systems have been armored in reinforced duraplast, Making them extremely resistant to Ionic and EMP damage
  • Heat resistance:
    • Nomex lined and flame treated flight suit allows the wearer high protection from flames on the battlefield
  • Passive radiation resistance:
    • Built in radiation screener protects from non-weaponized radiation
  • One way shield:
    • Shield emitter does not block physical objects, Allowing the user to slip weapons through and fire while still protecting themselves behind the shield
  • Gaps & Weight:
    • Due to it's heavy weight, The wearer must forgo full protection in order to stay mobile, Thus leaving gaps in their protection
  • Weaponized radiation:
    • The radiation scanner only protects against passive radiation, And will not block out radiation based weapons
  • Lightsabers:
    • This armor offers no protection against lightsabers by itself
  • One way shield:
    • The shield emitter does not block physical objects, Allowing traditional melee weapons or bullets to pass through
  • Impact gel burns:
    • The VT-kinetic impact gel breaks on use, Leaving vulnerable holes after soaking kinetic damage
  • Lekku strikes:
    • While this armor's Lekku sleeves do offer protection to the wearer's lekku(head tails), They do not offer sufficient protection to prevent disorientation or unconsciousness if the lekku sustain blunt force trauma from high calibre slugthrowers or strong melee.

A set of personal armor for Tayl Vizsla, Manufactured piece by piece by various warsmiths of the Black Hand Collective, With input from both of Tayl's mothers and herself, Carefully designed to support her Twi'lek physique. With beskar being so rare in these times, Only the helmet is made from beskar, Forged from an ingot provided to the family by
Jademar Earisa.
The armor features a number of black market modifications and was designed with to accommodate a criminal gunslinger lifestyle, As well as shock-trooper-esque skirmishes.
Afterwards it was painted in the style of Clan Vizsla with some personal touches, Such as the black handprint on the helm, Which represents the wearer's loyalty to the black hand, The asymmetrical red trim and the six kill markings located on the visor-trim and pauldron respectively.

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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla

Hello! I'll be your judge today. This is a very detailed armour, very nicely job! The permission is appropriate, all links are good. Strenghts and weaknesses are balanced. I'm not see any problem. Enjoy your new armour! And your art is awsome!

However I'm just a trainee, the submission needs a secondary approval.

Pending approval.

John Locke John Locke | AMCO AMCO
Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla | MANIAC MANIAC

This is a really detailed and well put together armour. Congratulations on a very nice submission.

There is only one issue that caught my eye. The ENCL-JR5 jetpack is affiliated with the Enclave alone. While you are a member of the Enclave, the armour was manufactured by the Black Hand Collective not yourself personally or the Enclave. As such, they would not actually have access to this backpack. This could easily be fixed by including the Enclave, or yourself, as a manufacturer.

This is a small thing, I just want to make sure we've dotted our is and crossed our ts.
ᴛʜᴇ ɢɪʀʟ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴏʟᴅᴇɴ ɢᴜɴ
John Locke John Locke I've included the enclave as a manufacturer with clarification as to what they manufactured in this set.

I assumed it'd be fine since we don't typically include the manufacturer's of the myriad special features. I'm hoping I don't have to include the manufacturer of the missiles and the many canon weapons and gadgets built in?
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