OOC Account
SPECIES: Patitite
AGE: 15
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 11in
WEIGHT: 15oz
EYES: Yellow
HAIR: None
SKIN: Purple and blue
I May Be Small...: Because of her scrawny body and her diminutive height, Taz can fit into places that very few others can. However, this also means that it is easy to overpower her.
Om Nom Nom...: She has sharp teeth, which were filed down for the cool factor. This means, though, if she bites, it's gonna hurt.
Get In Mah Belly...: Having a small stomach, it doesn't take much to fill Taz up. This is a good thing, because her high metabolism demands that the Patitite eats a lot.
Energizer Bunny...: Due to a high metabolism, Taz has a tendency to become extremely hyper, particularly if she ingests sugar.
Oh Look, a Bantha!: Taz has a very short attention span, sometimes making it very hard for her to learn something unless it includes something which is able to keep her attention.
This Is NOT The Time To Catch Some Zzz's...: Taz also suffers from narcolepsy, a sleeping disorder in which the victim will fall asleep at random times during the day. She will also collapse if experiencing extreme emotions, suffer from sleep paralysis, and will stay in a deep sleep anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes. While not very serious, she will still get sleep attacks out of the blue.
The Power of Three...: For one reason or another, the number "3" figures prominently in her life.
See picture.
BIOGRAPHY: Taz was born on the Patitite home planet of Patitite Pattuna to two members of the once-prominent Tall Tribe (named for the individuals' relative tallness as compared to other Patitites). However, Taz herself was shorter than her fellow peers, giving her no end of grief. The only thing that saved her from being exiled or some other no-good sentence was the fact that the Gulag Plague completely devastated the Patitite population, particularly the Tall Clan, and in order to become as powerful as before the clan needed every person they could get.
Unfortunately, that wasn't going to last very long. The bright colors and physiological structure of the Patitites made them an excellent choice to keep as an exotic piece for slave-owners and crime lords, and as such raids made by poachers began to grow in frequency. It was during one particular raid that Taz was unable to escape quickly enough, and her years of being a piece of a collection began.
In a span of three years, this is what happened:
- Her first owner, a Devaronian spice lord, bought Taz and displayed her in his fortress. Three weeks later, pirates came and killed the Devaronian.
- The captain of the pirate crew decided to keep Taz, treating her like a pet. Three months later, the pirate crew was attacked by another group of pirates, who doubled as slavers on their free time. The first group of pirates were killed and the slavers kept everyone who was alive.
- Three days after her capture, the captain of the slavers sold her to a wealthy gentleman whose hobby was collecting odd specimens -- sentient or not. She lived there for 15 months, until the gentleman was killed by one of his akk dogs.
- All of the gentleman's items went on auction in the criminal underworld, and Taz was bought by a lower-ranking Hutt for 1,020 credits. This is her current owner.