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Approved NPC Tazrak - The Brain Collector

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Full NameTazrak
ProfessionSerial Killer
AffiliationsB'omar Order (formerly)
Force SensitiveNo
Modus OperandiBrain Removal to give victims enlightenment
Criminal SignatureLeaves B'marr Order Hieroglyphics on victims skulls
AliasThe Brain Collector
Template Inspired By:Romi Jade

  • Intent: To create an NPC criminal who can pop up as a villain in cop stories
  • Image Credit: Will Nunes Art
  • Role: A criminal the Jedi Investigators apprehended
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Age: 25 standard years
  • Force Sensitivity: [Non-Force User
  • Species: Dug
  • Appearance: Blue skin, with one prosthetic leg. Usually wearing either a gray smock or a lab coat and lab goggles.
  • Name: Tazrak - Nickname: Taz - Alias - The Brain Collector
  • Loyalties: Formerly a member of the Bomarr Order but was kicked out. Now loyal to himself.
  • Wealth: Average
  • Notable Possessions: N/A
  • Skills: Medical and surgical training
  • Languages: Basic and binary droidspeak.
  • Personality: Very determined and task oriented. Great attention to detail and obsession with his goals.
  • Weapon of Choice: scalpel or blaster pistol
  • Combat Function: He would be good at causing a diversion and running away or using some type of gas or poison. He is not a fighter. He is a scientist.
  • Force Abilities (Force Users Only):N/A
  • Intelligence
  • Surgical Training
  • Weak in combat
  • Wanted criminal so can no longer work as a doctor
Tazrak was once a successful surgeon at Coruscant General Hospital. He completed medical school with amazing grades and high honors and soon found himself with multiple employment opportunities before he settled on the city planet. For the most part his life was fairly common until he decided to take a sabbatical to for research. This research project took him to Tatooine where he encountered the B'omarr Order. Taz was mesmerized with the monks beliefs and practices and decided to do an ethnography studying them. After almost six months of studying the monks he decided to join the order officially. He left his job at the hospital and pledged himself to learning the higher calling of the monks.

As he studied as a disciple he became frustrated that the Order didn't offer their techniques to more people in the galaxy. He started to propose that the brain removal surgery, which the monks were famous for, should be performed on anybody deemed worthy, not just the highest members of the order. The monks forbid him to do this so he started to perform the surgeries in secret. Tazrak would wander Tatooine to find victims he suspected were worthy of having their brains removed and perform the surgery, thinking he was giving them enlightenment. Unfortunately these victims were not always willing participants and this earned him the status of serial killer.

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