Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
FACTION:Death Watch Sith Empire
RANK: Tactician
SPECIES: Super Tactical Droid
AGE: Manufactured 19 BBY, Activated 20 BBY, Deactivated 20 BBY, Reactivated 835 ABY
GENDER: Masculine Programming
HEIGHT: 1.8 m
WEIGHT: Presumably heavy.
EYES: Yellow
SKIN: Dull, tan durasteel.
[Tactical Genius] - Of course TB is good at tactics. It's what he was programmed for! Quite extensively, I might add.
[Droid] - TB doesn't get tired, require food, sleep, or much anything else. Those are advantages in my book!
[Dogmatic] - TB rarely questions and even then will go through with anything ordered of him.
[Speciest] - Towards all species. Clumsy, unintelligent organics... He typically keeps these feelings to himself.
TB-18 is not a talkative droid. When he does talk, it is generally to give orders, announce the status of the situation, or announce the activation of his self-preservation protocols. TB-18 is rigid and unwavering, in addition to completely cold in his dark profession of war. He feels neither sympathy nor compassion for the soldiers under his command, only an unrelenting desire to fulfill his objectives to the best of his tactical ability, all while adjusting for unexpected variables.
TB-18 does not have a ship at present. He wants a Lucrehulk-class Battleship for his birthday, however slim the chances are of that happening.
Manufactured on Hypori during the waning years of the Clone Wars, the hopes and dreams of the Separatist movement were running on the well-oiled durasteel shoulders of TB-18. A member of the Super Tactical Droid series, TB was programmed with years worth of tactical knowledge and expertise regarding both naval and land combat. TB was going to win the war, or at least help General Grievous do so. Then when Grievous suffered a heart attack (via sustained blaster fire), the engineers working on him quickly decided TB was going to win the war.
The Separatist movement met a swift and almost total end with the sudden execution of the Separatist Council and the deactivation of their droid armies. TB's creators went into hiding on Mustafar, taking their precious droid with them. TB was locked in a utility closet, having only been activated previously for a grand total of one standard month, for the next 815 years. TB-18 was activated in the waning hours of the Death Watch's invasion of Mustafar in a desperate bid by the planet's inhabitants for help. It was too little too late in the end, and by the end of the battle TB-18 had joined the ranks of the Death Watch- along with the rest of the Mandalorians.
Fortunately, TB didn't know his makers long enough to form any sentimental attachments, so the transition was rather innocuous. After Tyrin Ardik betrayed the Death Watch, he brought TB-18 along with him and set him up as a commander in the Imperial Military, where he resides today.
RANK: Tactician
SPECIES: Super Tactical Droid
AGE: Manufactured 19 BBY, Activated 20 BBY, Deactivated 20 BBY, Reactivated 835 ABY
GENDER: Masculine Programming
HEIGHT: 1.8 m
WEIGHT: Presumably heavy.
EYES: Yellow
SKIN: Dull, tan durasteel.
[Tactical Genius] - Of course TB is good at tactics. It's what he was programmed for! Quite extensively, I might add.
[Droid] - TB doesn't get tired, require food, sleep, or much anything else. Those are advantages in my book!
[Dogmatic] - TB rarely questions and even then will go through with anything ordered of him.
[Speciest] - Towards all species. Clumsy, unintelligent organics... He typically keeps these feelings to himself.
- [Tactics] - TB possesses excellent, albeit somewhat outdated, knowledge when it comes to developing strategy. Not only for battles, but for wars as a whole.
- [Command] - TB, unlike other droids, is more than able to command soldiers effectively while directly on the battlefield, and shows great capacity for rapid changes in plans as the battle unfolds.
TB-18 is not a talkative droid. When he does talk, it is generally to give orders, announce the status of the situation, or announce the activation of his self-preservation protocols. TB-18 is rigid and unwavering, in addition to completely cold in his dark profession of war. He feels neither sympathy nor compassion for the soldiers under his command, only an unrelenting desire to fulfill his objectives to the best of his tactical ability, all while adjusting for unexpected variables.
TB-18 does not have a ship at present. He wants a Lucrehulk-class Battleship for his birthday, however slim the chances are of that happening.
Manufactured on Hypori during the waning years of the Clone Wars, the hopes and dreams of the Separatist movement were running on the well-oiled durasteel shoulders of TB-18. A member of the Super Tactical Droid series, TB was programmed with years worth of tactical knowledge and expertise regarding both naval and land combat. TB was going to win the war, or at least help General Grievous do so. Then when Grievous suffered a heart attack (via sustained blaster fire), the engineers working on him quickly decided TB was going to win the war.
The Separatist movement met a swift and almost total end with the sudden execution of the Separatist Council and the deactivation of their droid armies. TB's creators went into hiding on Mustafar, taking their precious droid with them. TB was locked in a utility closet, having only been activated previously for a grand total of one standard month, for the next 815 years. TB-18 was activated in the waning hours of the Death Watch's invasion of Mustafar in a desperate bid by the planet's inhabitants for help. It was too little too late in the end, and by the end of the battle TB-18 had joined the ranks of the Death Watch- along with the rest of the Mandalorians.
Fortunately, TB didn't know his makers long enough to form any sentimental attachments, so the transition was rather innocuous. After Tyrin Ardik betrayed the Death Watch, he brought TB-18 along with him and set him up as a commander in the Imperial Military, where he resides today.