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Approved NPC TC-3PO

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Name: TC-3PO
Loyalties: Tyrion Rexus
Role: Protocal Droid and Translator for Tyrion.

Age: 883 Years
Model: Protocol Droid (TC-3PO)

Appearance: Red Protocol droid with visable wiring on the waist and neck, with his forearms attached to his arms by a metal bar that makes it so his arms are in a L position at all times along with his yellow eyes.

Personality: Very afraid of everything, quirky, and intelligent.

Combat Function: Liability in battle, that is only able to wobble to get out of it. Only way of defending its self is by attempting to talk its way out of the situation with it's language matrix of over 7 Million languages.

Notable Possessions: The necklace of a old master.

History: TC-3PO was made at BlastTech industries as a production of the 3PO line where he was then sold to the Jedi order and used as a translator in diplomatic missions. TC-3PO served on missions with Master Lin, Master Kap'tow, and other Jedi masters during his time in service. When TC-3PO was with Master Lin he went on missions to planets such as Kashyyyk and Felucia. TC's time on Kashyyyk was not the most pleasurable due to him being afraid of everything and attempting to run from every battle, causing the Wookie's to threaten to rip off his head several times before his departure form the planet. After TC went and served with Master Kap'tow they had a good relationship do to their very formal and polite way of handling situations. But his time with Master Kap'tow was short and after this the end of the clone wars hit and he and several other protocol droids were moved to Tatooine where he lived for two centuries before being shut off, around four centuries later he was bought by a young force sensitive Shi'za. She brought him around the Galaxy as she learned about the force and about the cultures and the costumes of all the races with the help of TC-3PO. As she grew older she found a young Togruta named Tyrion Rexus who she made her padawan and taught him all that she and TC-3PO had learned in their years of exploring the galaxy. Then after she died TC-3PO she gave him her necklace and he was given to Tyrion to continue to learn about the Galaxy and the force.

[member="Michael Shepherd"]

Good day, Let’s see what hotness you got for us .

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[member="Michael Shepherd"] - Hello Michael, just looking over a few items I think we should expand and explain here.

Michael Shepherd said:
Age: 34 BBY
Just to be clear is this his birthdate / creation date, because if it is that makes this droid 883 years old. (34 + 849 current year)

Michael Shepherd said:
with his forearms attached to his arms
I think you meant to put something here as all forearms should be attached to arms. Did you mean they were a different color or that they had some unique attachment?

Michael Shepherd said:
Liability in battle with the fastest speed of a wobble to get out of it.
Now I know what you are trying to say here but it is not totally clear to another reader. I think saying something like " A liability in battle, that is only able to wobble away to get out of it." Would be better to get your point across to another reader.

Michael Shepherd said:
Notable Possessions: Language matrix making it able to translate over 200 languages.
Think you are mixing Notable possessions and skills. A language matrix is not really a possession, it would be like an eye is a possession of a human. A matrix is just a part of the droid. This would be used to list actual, physical items that are not attached to the droid. Something like a lucky coin it carries from a past master or a book of Wookiee poetry. The matrix can just be listed either in the history or combat function as "or attempts to talk his way out of it with his language matrix making it able to translate over 200 languages."

Some other items to consider.

As for the history, I'm not sure you know that the droids last master must have been well over 800 years old, doesn't read that way. While many species in star wars can live to that age it is not clearly spelled out. Plus for the droid to be that old and only know 200 languages is well really small when you think about protocol droids as a whole, C-3PO was fluent in over six million forms of communication. So unless he was programmed wrong his is rather limited compared to most of his ilk. Some more detail to flesh out what he did for 800 years and an expansion of his abilities is in order. I would like to see a little more on his past, maybe a paragraph or so just to round out his bio.
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