Via Dolorosa
Amans In Tenebris
Name: (What is the name of this type of unit, or the name of a unique unit? For instance "Republic Infantry" or "The Chancellor's Guard")
Intent: Security Force For TDI
Affiliation: CEO Tion Dr'iol / TDI
Availability: Common
Quality: C
Type: Infantry
Strength: 50
Description: (Please describe your unit, how they came about, any special features or noteworthy features. This must be at least a paragraph in length.)
Links: (Please link all relevant threads here. This can include tech submissions, development threads or previous RP usage.)
Intent: Security Force For TDI
Affiliation: CEO Tion Dr'iol / TDI
Availability: Common
Quality: C
Type: Infantry
Strength: 50
Description: (Please describe your unit, how they came about, any special features or noteworthy features. This must be at least a paragraph in length.)
Links: (Please link all relevant threads here. This can include tech submissions, development threads or previous RP usage.)