Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Tea Overdose

Altiria was one of those planets that didn't matter to much. To anyone. Even to the people on the planet. Divided between continents, the governments of the planet preferred the distance or else they would perpetually be at war. And don't even get started on the two moons and their occasional kamikaze attacks. Just warmongering nations who didn't have the ability to win their wars and only cared about victory, the eradication of their enemies, and claiming the vacant land for themselves. And in order to do that, they needed to hire the best, the meanest, the vicious.

And that's how a troop of mandalorians found themselves on the planet. The 2nd and 3rd Cohorts of Resol Centuria to be exact. Twenty strong, the mandos were busy travelling the city, seeing the sights, and taking in the local culture. Their armor was clear of all insignia save for the golden trident upon each of their left shoulder pauldron. The may not be of Corellia, Manda'yaim, or Myrkr at the moment. But the one unchangeable fact was they were the aliit of the Colonel, and hence wore the golden trident as their sole recognizable marking.

The twenty first mandalorian walked separate from the Cohorts but still within distance in case any trouble was to arise. But let's face it, in this place they didn't have the stones to attack a single Mando let alone two cohorts. Too bad. He could have used a little exercise as they waited for this contract to appear. The gold armor reflected the dying light of day even as the giant of a man moved lithely through the crowd belying his size. It wasn't the first time he was underestimated for being a slow moving, dim witted neanderthal. It amused him to be underestimated.

A quaint building drew his eyes and he moseyed on in, after all if you couldn't explore new places on new planets, then what was the point? So in he went while making sure to duck his head. He didn't want to crack his skull even if he was still wearing his buy'ce. He learned his lesson. Finally. Let's not talk about it.

Moving with the slow pulse of customers he made his way to the bar and rapped upon the countertop.

“Tell me you have something good to drink.”

[member="Kay Larr"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
The Sphaera Tea Shoppe was never entirely a busy shop. Of course there were plenty of orders and shipments, but most were sent offworld to various markets. But inside the shoppe itself there were but two employees, Kay whom was also the owner, and [member="Doyle"] . They both took turns on their shifts and were hardly together at the same time. There wasn't much of a need for it yet.

Given that today had good weather, there were more people about than usual. Kay overheard some of their conversations and many of them were about the Mandalorians hanging about the town as of late. Something was brewing. Another war more than likely. However there was no aggression as of yet. Instead everything was oddly peaceful.

It wasn't long before one of them entered the shoppe. At first Kay thought it was her Herglic friend, but then a closer look at the armour suggested otherwise. Well this was certainly going to be fun.

Kay's creation of Boba Bon Bons was selling like hotcakes. Their side effects included enhancing one's senses, and she was just giving a half dozen of them to one of her customers when [member="Abel Australis"] rapped on her counter. Of course she didn't recognize the armour or the insignia and no doubt she didn't look quite like her old self either. Instead of a gown or other fancy attire, she wore just slacks and a shirt with an apron dusted with bits of flour.

Grabbing one of the menus, she slid it over to him. "All of my drinks are good. Be sure to read the descriptions though, in case you order something that's more than you bargained for."
It wasn’t that he was looking for anything specific. Just that he had grown tired of waiting for something to do. And so here he was, in a tea shop of all places, waiting to order a drink on a backwater planet. Although the server at this particular establishment did have a rather nice posterior as well as a first class operation of getting drinks into the hands of potential customers. As his gaze flickered to the menu that had been slid across the bar top to his waiting hand his eyes caught sight of a profile that, for a moment, pulled him back to a magical night of dancing with a queen, being slapped by a Manda’lor, and grumbled at by an emperor. But of course the face that turned away from him must only possess similar traits. This was no place for Lady Kay-Larr Kay-Larr .

Sighing he reached up and drew his buy’ce from his head to clip at the kama about his waist. Then he began perusing the menu and couldn’t help to release a loud guffaw at the Boba bon bons. Slapping the menu down in amusement he leaned against the bar as he went back to admiring the woman serving drinks and refreshments to the following inhabitants of the homely business. Yeah he’d have some tea with a kick. If nothing, this trip had been worth the laugh and the remembered memories of a lost night.

“I’ll take a few of the Boba’s, maybe some other snack, and I’ll let you use your experience to choose the correct refreshing drink for an ole mando.”


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Abel Forsworn Abel Forsworn

It was the laughter that caught her attention. And when Kay noticed that he removed his helmet, she squinted her eyes a little as she looked at him. He seemed familiar, yet she couldn't entirely place him where. It had been a while since she was around any of the Mandalorians. It had been a while since she had even seen any. No doubt that after the war, they had fled to regroup.

She offered a small smile as he seemed to find the menu amusing. "Sure thing. I'll be right back." Getting the bonbons and baked treats was easy enough and so she prepared those first, setting them on a plate. Then Kay had a look at the various teas on her shelves. It took her a moment, but she decided on Cassius tea. It was deemed as a possible healing tea, or at least one that certainly promoting good health. Setting the tea in a cup and placing it on a tray with the plate, she carried it back to the man and slid it towards him.

"Here you are. Enjoy. What brings a Mando out here anyways?"
“Hram o hory…”

He nearly choked on the mouthful of pastry. Kaine always told him he'd die trying to cram too much food into his mouth at once … Kai e had been wrong so far, even though there had been several close calls over the years. Chewing a few more times he swallowed mightily and prepared to give her one of the infamous Corellian smirks of self confidence. But instead the large amount of food he had swallowed tried to remain lodged in his throat.

Giving a fast nod of thanks while he desperately took the offered tea and took a large gulp. Talk about out of the frying and into the fire, and emphasis on fire.

An unmanly screech tried to escape the blockage as Abel effectively scorched the interior of his mouth. Tears sprang to his eyes as after one more swallow the food continued on its way and he could breathe again. Grunting he cleared his throat in a raspy cough.

“As I was saying … Same old story. A Mando just looking at a possible job. But I'm thinking these two groups will probably off each other and themselves before I get the contract.”

Slowly he took another sip, cautiously this time. He needn't have worried, he couldn't taste a karking thing. In his second attempt at the rogue grin he leaned forward.

“So what's a dame like you doing in a place like this?”


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Abel Forsworn Abel Forsworn

Kay raised a brow as he spoke with his mouth full. Then she couldn't help but crack a smile, and yes it was at his expense as he was making a fool of himself. But still she kept herself partly distracted with wiping down the countertop.

No doubt the side effects of the Boba Bon Bons would start shortly. They tended to heighten the senses of those that ate them. Kay was always curious at just how fast or slow people reacted to them. It differed greatly and not just among the various species. It depended upon metabolisms as well as Force sensitivity.

She nodded as he spoke of the people here killing eachother before he'd land a job doing what it is that Mandalorians did best. Altiria/Anarris was always close to the brink of war, yet neither side seemed to be wanting to be the one to start it. And it was all over a name of the planet. The two sides just couldn't agree on which was better.

Abel turned his question on her. Kay glanced to the ceiling for a moment, as though the answer was written up there, before she lowered her gaze to him and folded her hands on top of her towel on the countertop. "I own it. I'm in a new chapter in my life and this is what I'm doing with it. It's not much, but it keeps me out of trouble and out of the limelight." Her head tilted to the side a little as she studied him. "Have you got a place to stay yet? Or are you shipping out? I've got rooms to rent here. Not msny, but a few are available for travellers."
He, too, glanced to the ceiling as she prepared her answer. When she responded he nodded slightly while taking another hesitant sip before it was his turn to remark at the inquiry. He glanced up, as if seeking a response from above, in a comical mirror image of her own moment of introspection. He frowned at the pub gods who designed not to answer. Those impish bar gods always choosing to show up after too much liquor had been consumed and never before.

"I believe I could stay a few nights, if you have room and the inclination to put up with an old wardog like myself. Of course I noticed you said this is a new chapter for you. Interesting …"

Taking another drink he felt a slight tingling in his tongue as he tasted a hint of flavor. Brows arched as he glanced at the woman again. He just knew he had scorched his taste buds but now he could faintly taste once more. There was more to the refreshments she offered. Just as he began to believe there was more to her then met the eye. Although there was plenty for the eye now. He smirked as he leaned back.

"Most people say they are closing the book and starting a new one. But instead of using the euphemism of a book for a completely new beginning, a chapter implies a beginning of something shorter. Not necessarily life altering. And anyway, sometimes trouble and the limelight can be fun. Now aren't you supposed to tell me a story of your life that warms me up so I can then pour my problems out to you?"

Kay-Larr Kay-Larr


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Abel Forsworn Abel Forsworn

Kay nodded as the 'old wardog' decided upon renting a room. She plucked out a ring of keys from one of her pockets and unclipped one from the ring with '4' labelled on it. She then slid it on the counter in front of him.

An eyebrow rose as he remarked on her choice of wording. In her mind one book represented one life and although her careers had changed, her life altered completely, she still thought of it as remaining in the volume of just one book. But she could see his point as well.

Kay smirked a little as he asked about her getting some of the weight off her own shoulders in order to entice him to do the same. Wasn't that how it went in holomovies?

She cleared her throat a little. "Well I used to lead a whole lot of people, I used to be a Senator too in my younger years. But I don't think that I was very good at it for I gained a lot of enemies and the results of that are a broken family and me reduced to selling tea. So what about you?"
Kay-Larr Kay-Larr

Little fireworks flashed in his brain as she talked a bit about her life. Signs, flashing signals, and people made out of dough balls tried to direct his internal attention at specific details that would focus his mind to see clearly the hints and clues to her identity. All laid out before him like an ancient game of Scrabble. Unfortunately for him, he was more of a tic tac toe man. Unless it had to do with danger, death, or dames in distress than he would remain optimistically obtuse.

"Sounds like you had a busy life. Maybe you just need a breather, not a change. Maybe this is your intermission and after the break you get to finish your story."

He took the key that was slid to him and pushed up from the bar. Taking the drink it tossed it back, thankfully having cooled off and not melting his throat. That would have made his cool rise from the bar a horrifyingly bad impression while meaning he'd need another bacta mist spray for his throat. Not that this sorta thing happened often … Abel gave her a real smile for a moment.

"You know, I've been around a long time. Worn a couple of different hats. And when I moved on I didn't feel as if I could revisit my past as easily as flicking back a few pages. Maybe that's just me, I'm not exactly a spring porg anymore. But you know the best things about something broken? With enough patience, perseverance, and pure cussed stubbornness things can be put back together. It's up to the person. Now I need a bath and a change."

Giving her an elaborate curtsy for some unknown reason he then moved from the bar more than ready to get out of his beskar'gam.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay tilted her head to the side a bit in thought as she heard what Abel Forsworn Abel Forsworn had to say. Perhaps this was just some intermission in her life. Whatever it was, it felt as though she had shoved everything aside, including her family, in order to do something else. But as her son had told her; she can't hide from everyone forever. Deep down she knew it too. She could feel it, however the stubborn side of her just wanted to ignore it and prove herself wrong.

"Perhaps you're right...this is just a break..."

He got up then, clearly ready to spend some time on his own in his room. That elaborate bow, however...

Kay recognized it! Or at least she thought that she did. Her eyes squinted a little as she tried to picture Abel a bit differently, and a bit younger....

The Sith ball! That was where she had seen him! But did he recognize her at all? Perhaps not. Kay decided to try to get him to remember. "You move with such grace that would befit a glorious ball; even one hosted by the vile Sith Empire..." The shoe was dropped. Now she waited.
He moved with a world weary pace, intent on getting to his room and shucking his armor before enjoying a luxuriant bubble bath with bath beads. Hey, even a rugged manly man could enjoy the pampering offered by a good bubbly bath. And as he neared the end of the counter to round it heading for the rooms, he heard her mention a ball, even one hosted by the Sith Empire. He froze, a split moment that upon the battlefield could have been his end. Even so, he turned, a cold smile etched upon his face as both wrists rotated to activate the weapon systems within the gauntlets. The trident strapped to his back vibrated subtly as the repulsors activated and went into standby mode.

He looked at the pretty woman calculatingly as his mind flickered through possibilities and outcomes, mind remembering all the 'customers' in the store as he analyzed the threat index of each. In a flash his mind filtered everything, even the fact that there was no instinctual reaction of danger.

Calmly Abel reconsidered all the words spoken by the hostess. She had called the Sith Empire vile, which did not place her on friendly terms with that particular government. His mind flashed back to that particular night of the ball and in the small smile he received from a woman today he found the familiarity of Lady Kay, Queen of Commenor. Unconscious twitches deactivated the weapon systems in his armor and the Trident across his back as he took a step back towards the woman with a roguish grin upon his face.

"It would seem that we have met before milady. I must apologize for checking you out, you being a married woman and all. But I didn't know who you were. And , eh, I was merely checking to see if you had any weapons hidden on your form … yeah, that's the reason."

He smirked as he leaned across the bar.

"Of course I should have known. I've met only one person as knowledgeable and focused on tea, and that's you. Huh, so, what is Lady Kay doing on this backwater planet?"

His following words were spoken in a quieter tone, not wanting their conversation to drift. If she wished to remain incognito, then he would acquiesce.

Kay-Larr Kay-Larr


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Abel Forsworn Abel Forsworn didn't react in the way that she had expected. At first anyways. Perhaps it was because she had mentioned the Sith Empire. It was clear as day how much he hated them for their invasion of Mandalore.

But then Kay saw it, that spark of recognition as he suddenly remembered her. The tension between then broke and that rougish smile brought with it some ease.

At the mention of her being married, Kay lowered her head slightly. "No need to apologize. I haven't been married for a while now; divorced before my husband's death. So you needn't worry about your innocent flirtations."

To his comment on how she ended up here, Kay spoke just as quietly, leaning in close so that it'd be easier for him to hear. "It's just Kay now. No titles, no...nothing. I lost everything when the Eternal Empire captured me in between Silver and the Clans territory. I escaped my own execution after a sham trial and exiled myself here; away from everyone. No one looked for me when I was held prisoner, so I assume that nearly everyone thinks that I'm dead." She offered a light shrug of her shoulders. "It's probably better that way."
He let out a snort of amusement at calling anything he did 'innocent'. Yet he was hesitant to dispel the trappings of innocence she draped over his actions. Yeah, completely innocent. A glance for his own safety … his own well-being. He'd have to remember that line. But then Kay continued. So many events over such a short period of time. It seemed a though nothing was a foundation anymore. Every aspect of trillions of lives upended in an unending cycle of unyielding sorrows.

Moving his hand over to hover above hers he chose to allow her to decide if his offered solace would be taken or accepted. Sometimes all you need is a hug, sometimes you just need a hand, and sometimes you just need yourself. He wouldn't strip her of that decision.

Having taken a seat, his upper torso still easily leaning over the bar, he searched her eyes. He was looking for the woman he met at the ball, the woman who possessed the gall and grit to make an appearance in the den of her enemies and still stood uncowed and unbroken.

"Lady Kay, for that is who you are and not a mere title, you have a choice to make. Same as just about everyone else. You can stick your head in the sand with your shebs up in the air for anyone to come by and beat your shebs like a set of bongo drums. Or you can stand the feth up and do something. Yeah you got gut punched. Yeah it sucks. Yeah it hurts. And yeah, it'll happen again. You say you failed Commenor? You stood in the gap for them. You did what you had to do to keep them safe for as long as you did. Just because something was taken from you, positions lost, and death fell as indiscriminately as an evening rain doesn't mean what you did, and endured, was worthwhile."

He looked down at the bar that had been polished so rigorously and cared for that he could near see a reflection in the sheen.

"Many Commenor citizens had the chance to live under your rule. Many had the chance to escape. Many have been saved by your sacrifices. It's easy to do nothing, to cast away responsibility to another. So you have a choice milady, are you going to stay dead, or fight and live. And trust me, it's easy to choose death, it takes guts and balls the size of … err … it takes a lot of guts to stand up and fight, to live. So which one are you?"

Kay-Larr Kay-Larr


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay turned her hand over, palm up so that Abel Forsworn Abel Forsworn could place his hand in hers. She needed a lot of things and comfort was one of them. Her self isolation kept her out of trouble for the most part, but it also kept her alone. And perhaps in that she felt like a shell of her former self.

Listening to Abel's words, she held his gaze while she thought of the meaning behind them. He was asking her to choose to get involved in the Galaxy's affairs again. Such a thing always gets her in trouble and caused her so much grief. Many mistakes were made, many bad choices. Yet here was Abel trying to assure her that none of that mattered; and that there was some good that came out of all of it.

Kay swallowed a lump in her throat. Veiere had told her on their last meeting that she was choosing to let fear run her life while she stayed on Altiria. Only now was she starting to understand what he had meant.

"Come, let's go upstairs where we can talk more privately." Still holding onto his hand, she moved around the countertop and led him up the steps to where the rooms were. Instead of leading him to his, Kay took him to her own. Hers was larger than the rented rooms, and she felt more comfortable there.

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