Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Tearing Out the Heart

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
After the Bombardment of Mugg Fallow

Onrai stood alone on the surface of a scorched and lifeless Mugg Fallow. For hours the full firepower of the Void Irregular Fleet had been focused on the world covered by Mnggal-Mnggal. The seas had boiled and the agony of the world seeped into the galaxy itself, the rot god pained by the stab of countless beams of energy into its heart. Mugg Fallow was where its infestation began, and so too was where its existence would begin to end.

And now Onrai was working to make sure of it.

The amorphous ooze was the last vestige of the original children of El’ Shuddem, the infernal Soulworm. Typhojem had long been slain, his heart a gift given to Darth Mori. Gorog was no longer, her power subsumed by the great will of Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim . Onrai herself had slain Ooradryl and his spawn in the fluidic bounds of Otherspace. That left only one - the abomination whose vestiges still creeped within the husk-world, and which still lurked on other worlds within the galaxy.

Of course, the best laid intentions were always prone to failure or interference. Such was the case as Onrai watched her servants work to craft the great ritual circle. Provided things went as plan, the resulting ritual would drain the life of all Mnggal-Mnggal and only Mnggal-Mnggal within the system, thus ripping out the heart of the beast and serving to remind it that it held no power anymore.

Whether such held true was a different question entirely.

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Location: Mugg Fallow
Valery: Appearance
Tag: Onrai Onrai
From within her meditation chamber, Valery's mind regularly extended out into the Force, allowing her to not only focus or reflect on her immediate duties but also receive glimpses of what could come next. Through her visions, she could often see and feel the events of the present as they were unfolding — especially those things that caused painful tremors to echo far across the stars.
This is ultimately what had brought her on her path to Mugg Fallow, a world deep within the Unknown Regions she would have otherwise never traveled to. During her recent meditations, she had felt intense agony and despair radiating outwards from the planet, and by following this echo through the Force like a trail, Valery had found her way to the planet.
She soon arrived in the X-wing she started her journey with, which was built with stealth in mind to avoid being tracked or discovered prematurely. Her presence in the Force would be masked as the landing gear touched down on the strange world, and after hopping out of the cockpit, she began to follow her senses towards the source of darkness she felt.
From afar, she quietly observed as figures appeared on the horizon. Onrai Onrai and her servants were crafting something she hadn't quite seen before, but as a former Jedi Shadow, Valery's experience with Sith and Dark Side magic or rituals was vast. The feeling it gave her suggested that something terrible was ongoing.
So cautiously, she began to make her approach.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
The sensation of the Jedi arriving on the planet was not unsensed by Onrai as the ritual circle was continually assembled. Within minutes, the circle would be complete and the ritual could be cast to exterminate the Mnggal-Mnggal wholly and completely. Onrai had of course presumed that Valery’s reasons for coming to the world in question were simple: she wanted to observe the death of the monstrous being’s essence within its home system the same way as many others. This was not a permanent cure, as of course it existed in many places on many other worlds, but it was all about tearing out the heart.

The Jedi would be allowed to come closer to the ritual circle.

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Location: Mugg Fallow
Valery: Appearance
Tag: Onrai Onrai
Drawing on her training as a former Jedi Shadow, Valery cloaked herself entirely in the Force and continued her path towards the ritual that was being prepared. What exactly its purpose was remained unclear, but its consequences echoed through the Force — she perceived a ripple of death. Whoever the figure responsible for it was, everything pointed at a plan that could shroud this planet and surrounding territory in more darkness.
Eventually, Valery made her way closer and watched as the servants began completing the ritual circle. Knowing what this meant, Valery no longer had any time to quietly observe from the Shadows. She needed to take action.
So with a great leap, she moved across the distance between herself and the servants and faded out of her Cloak. With the Force channeled into her limbs, she attempted to send a wave across the ground to knock around the servants, and stop them from finishing their work. Her attack, if successful, would not be lethal.
It was merely meant to stop their progress.
"I think that's quite enough," Valery said as she got up to her feet, the hilts of her lightsabers already drawn in her hands. She then turned to Onrai and stared the figure down with her fiery orange eyes.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Indeed, their progress was impeded. Some of the servants were merely dazed by the shockwave, while others were having serious issues getting back up on their feet and at least one had been knocked unconscious by the blast of energy. The only one who seemed to have been unscathed by the impact of the wave was Onrai herself, a hand raised and a frustrated look barely visible across her shadowed face.

“So apparently Mnggal-Mnggal can use the Force now? Or did it tempt you with riches or knowledge into helping aid its survival? If the galaxy is to survive, it must be exterminated, wherever it is found.” She was quite cross that the Jedi had become an unknowing pawn within the grander galactic game.

“I suppose I should explain who I am?” She asked. “Or are you at least informed on such yourself?”

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Location: Mugg Fallow
Valery: Appearance
Tag: Onrai Onrai
"What interest would you have in killing something for the greater good?"
Valery looked over at the shadowy figure, not overly convinced that the ritual she was trying to start was meant to be helpful in any way. If anything, she was likely killing it to gain something from it herself. Considering the darkness she felt, likely something troubling for the Galaxy and its people.
"But please, do explain yourself."
She wasn't familiar with the figure in front of her, so it was a lot more difficult to understand her true intentions and desires. Perhaps whatever the dark figure offered could provide her with the context she needed.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
“It’s simple.” She said to the Jedi who stood before her, addressing her directly. “Mnggal-Mnggal is a primal force of destruction. It only exists to eat, to grow, to consume. If it is not destroyed, it will continue to pose an immense threat to the entire galaxy. All life will be devoured. I have destroyed most of it on this world - but this ritual must happen in order to kill all that remains in the system.”

She stared at the Jedi with intense abandon. “Now are you going to help, or are you going to attempt to interfere once more? Time is of the essence.”

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Location: Mugg Fallow
Valery: Appearance
Tag: Onrai Onrai
This situation is a lot more complex than it seemed at first. When she traveled here, it was under the assumption that something dark and obviously wrong was happening, but now this figure was claiming that she was trying to protect the Galaxy by killing this creature?
"I do not trust you. There must be other ways if you've destroyed it without a ritual already."
Valery said as her eyes narrowed towards Onrai and her servants. Even if they were here to kill this creature, she feared that some ulterior motive was involved. For Sith or those corrupted by the Dark Side to travel all the way out here with the intention to only do good wasn't something, she believed easily.
"What are you looking to gain here?" she said, still standing in the way of Onrai completing the ritual.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
“Destroyed most of it. Not all of it.” She said, motioning to the scarred and scorched landscape of the planet. “Orbital bombardment wasn’t enough to kill every remnant of it. And there’s still plenty in the orbiting ships floating in the ring. This ritual is the only way to kill all of it that remains in the system and ensure that for the first time in millennia Mugg Fallow is safe for the occupation of any sentient.” She said.

Onrai glared daggers at the Jedi who still impetuously was trying to interfere in her ritual. And she had to ask what it was that the twice-false goddess gained?

“I gain an intergalactic threat being severely neutered. Which you should be thankful for as well, Jedi, unless your aggressive moralizing is going to encourage you to preserve the existence of this monstrosity. I have allowed you to reach the circle with relative safety under the pretext you understood the threat needs elimination. I see now that was a mistake.” She sighed.

“So I ask again, are you going to interfere, or are you going to allow me to conduct this ritual in peace?”

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Location: Mugg Fallow
Valery: Appearance
Tag: Onrai Onrai
"It was a mistake."
Valery said as she looked between Onrai and her servants. Even if this entity was a threat that needed to be purged, there was no way she trusted Onrai to be doing this without ulterior motives. Or perhaps, there were other ways to address the issue. As a Jedi, she didn't believe in extermination being the solution when no other clear attempts have been made to solve a problem.
A ritual, likely Dark Sided in nature, was something she couldn't trust at all.
"I'm not going to allow you to continue this ritual, so I highly encourage you and your servants to leave."
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
"Then we're going to have a problem." She said, looking at her servants. Though most were unarmed, there was some protection - a single Bloodtrooper and two Oppressor-16 Dark Troopers. The two large droid troopers powered up their energy shields and raised their repeating blaster cannons at Valery, the Bloodtrooper's lightsaber coming to its hand as its own shielding powered on. The three moved to slowly advance on Valery as Onrai motioned for the other workers to continue finishing the ritual circle, a deliberate act that would hopefully end the existence of the remaining Mnggal-Mnggal on the planet.

"I say again, Jedi, you have no idea what you're defending. If you think the Dark Side is bad, the primordial evil that has manipulated you into becoming its protector is far, far worse."

Valery Noble Valery Noble

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