Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
After the Bombardment of Mugg Fallow
Onrai stood alone on the surface of a scorched and lifeless Mugg Fallow. For hours the full firepower of the Void Irregular Fleet had been focused on the world covered by Mnggal-Mnggal. The seas had boiled and the agony of the world seeped into the galaxy itself, the rot god pained by the stab of countless beams of energy into its heart. Mugg Fallow was where its infestation began, and so too was where its existence would begin to end.
And now Onrai was working to make sure of it.
The amorphous ooze was the last vestige of the original children of El’ Shuddem, the infernal Soulworm. Typhojem had long been slain, his heart a gift given to Darth Mori. Gorog was no longer, her power subsumed by the great will of
Ingrid L'lerim
. Onrai herself had slain Ooradryl and his spawn in the fluidic bounds of Otherspace. That left only one - the abomination whose vestiges still creeped within the husk-world, and which still lurked on other worlds within the galaxy.
Of course, the best laid intentions were always prone to failure or interference. Such was the case as Onrai watched her servants work to craft the great ritual circle. Provided things went as plan, the resulting ritual would drain the life of all Mnggal-Mnggal and only Mnggal-Mnggal within the system, thus ripping out the heart of the beast and serving to remind it that it held no power anymore.
Whether such held true was a different question entirely.
Valery Noble
Onrai stood alone on the surface of a scorched and lifeless Mugg Fallow. For hours the full firepower of the Void Irregular Fleet had been focused on the world covered by Mnggal-Mnggal. The seas had boiled and the agony of the world seeped into the galaxy itself, the rot god pained by the stab of countless beams of energy into its heart. Mugg Fallow was where its infestation began, and so too was where its existence would begin to end.
And now Onrai was working to make sure of it.
The amorphous ooze was the last vestige of the original children of El’ Shuddem, the infernal Soulworm. Typhojem had long been slain, his heart a gift given to Darth Mori. Gorog was no longer, her power subsumed by the great will of

Of course, the best laid intentions were always prone to failure or interference. Such was the case as Onrai watched her servants work to craft the great ritual circle. Provided things went as plan, the resulting ritual would drain the life of all Mnggal-Mnggal and only Mnggal-Mnggal within the system, thus ripping out the heart of the beast and serving to remind it that it held no power anymore.
Whether such held true was a different question entirely.