Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved Tech Tech Specs

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Manufacturer: Tampson Consolidated, a wholly owned subsidiary of House Mecetti Nationalized Industries
Type: Electronic
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Very Light
Size: Small


Image source:, prompted by me and edited in paintshop​

Canon Inspirations: Optical Sun Shields, Magnispecs, Glasses, Interface Visor, Infrared Goggles
  • Embedded sensors scan in the ultraviolet and infrared wavelengths, along with the visible spectrum.
  • HUD system in lenses.
  • Wireless computer link.
  • Embedded comlink.
  • Provides up to 10x magnification for distance or close detail
  • Corrects any vision problems due to weak eyesight
  • Available in a multitude of styles and colorations.
  • Polarized lenses protect eyes from bright lights.
  • Wide variety of optical overlay and vision options.
  • Built-in communications.
  • Spectacles can make an operative visually distinctive.
  • Strong electromagnetic energies interfere with operation of spectacles.
Introducing 'Tech Specs' from Tampson Consolidated, a wholly owned subsidiary of the House Mecetti Nationalized Industries. These high-fashion spectacles do much more than correct your vision. They enable thermal or starlight low-light visibility, provide vital data overlays, and communicate with external devices. It is said that field agents of the Ministry of Inquiry have long been issued such eyewear for roles when they are not holding an entirely clandestine identity. This includes field security roles, bodyguard duties, or active operations. Now you can acquire this eyewear for your own operatives, in a wide variety of styles and colors. Alternatively, get the tech specs built into field operations gear such as helmets and visors. The only limit is your imagination. Get your pair today!

Out Of Character Info

Intent: Create a personal optic/sensor/data display device for field operatives and secret police
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: House Mecetti Nationalized Industries
Modular: Yes
Material: Polished Transparisteel, Electronics, and Titanium
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