Ayden Cater
Grumpy Goat
With SWRP nearing it's six month mark, and with all the threads that have come and gone since, it has become apparent that, specifically towards the beginning, our tech submissions weren't looked at with the same standard as ones made now. Add to that the changes in our expectations and template, and confusion is inevitable.
To that end, I'm going to be working with several others to comb through the early tech submissions and work on bringing them up to our current expectations. What those of you who made tech submissions before May can do for me to expedite this process is take your submission(s) and simply copy over all its relevant data to the new template and PM me the results. As well, this would also be a good time to apply some lessons learned over the months. For instance, a lot of capital ships in the early months listed single cannons, where as now most capital ships are listing batteries.
As well, I'll be working on something of a FYI on terms like batteries, starfighter squadrons and wings, and how all of these will be tied in together.
To that end, I'm going to be working with several others to comb through the early tech submissions and work on bringing them up to our current expectations. What those of you who made tech submissions before May can do for me to expedite this process is take your submission(s) and simply copy over all its relevant data to the new template and PM me the results. As well, this would also be a good time to apply some lessons learned over the months. For instance, a lot of capital ships in the early months listed single cannons, where as now most capital ships are listing batteries.
As well, I'll be working on something of a FYI on terms like batteries, starfighter squadrons and wings, and how all of these will be tied in together.