Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Techies, Help! D:

Tonight I was struck with the idea to re-read the reviews for this Kindle app called "360 Security". I have had it for a few months and it seems alright, though I feel like it hasn't really DONE much.

Unfortunately, some of the reviews are rather troubling -- especially the ones about it really being a Trojan virus. Having learned about the Greeks and the Trojans, and understanding what a virus was, I understandably grew concerned, especially as many other individuals had stated it.

Thus, I went to go delete it, and maybe get another security thing. But guess what!

I can't delete it!

No matter what I do, it won't go away. I've tried to delete it from Cloud, and I've tried to delete it from my device; I've even restarted my Kindle. But it just won't leave! And just short of reverting everything back to factory settings (which I don't want to do), I'm at a complete and total loss as to what I should do.

Below is a picture of the icon. It's in the uppermost left corner -- the blue and white icon, with an "S"

Here's the thing. The one instance I can find of a user being told it was malware was by Kaspersky Mobile. Antivirus programs are notorious for finding other antivirus programs to be viruses, has to do in part with how they scan files. This is why legitimate antivirus programs often show up as Heuristic issues, it's also one of the multiple reasons why one shouldn't have multiple antivirus programs running.

Most of the reviews are fantastic, that program is available on the Play store as well. AV-Test had it score a 6 out of 6 on its tests, along with a number of others. One of the best explanations I can see in my few minutes of digging is "It's a decent enough app, but not for a Kindle". It's been known to break the titles and title pictures of applications, though the apps still work.

On to your issue though. From what you've said, I'm assuming you have a) uninstalled it from the device, :cool: deleted it from Amazon, and c) restarted the Kindle (in that order). If that's the case, it sounds like the app might be running with administrator privileges, not uncommon in AV programs.

I don't have a Kindle myself, but on Android the option for "Phone Administrators" is under Settings>Security. From there I can select applications that have admin access. See if there's something similar on the Kindle, if the app is an administrator you may have to remove that access to uninstall.

Sorry for the wall of text, [member=Ibby].

Not responsible for the off-topic contents of pages linked to.
[member="Braith Achlys"]

Lol I know removing the shortcut won't work xD

[member="Audren Sykes"]

Yeah, I know it's gotten a lot of good reviews, which is why I got it in the first place. But I'm uneasy with any app having admin privileges on my Kindle. (Plus, the little black boxes ARE kind of annoying).

Anyway, it worked! Thank you so much :D

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