Mercenary, Artist.
NAME: Tegan 'Gallows' / Aiwass
FACTION: Neutral
SPECIES: Sith Pureblood
AGE: Mentally 54, Biologically 20
GENDER: Male in a female body
HEIGHT: 5'6"
EYES: Yellow
HAIR: Dark Red
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+ Sword and Gun - Does carrying a lightsaber you don't know how to use just to distract people from the blaster in your hand you DO know how to use a dirty trick? Yes. Yes it is. Tegan isn't afraid to fight dirty, fight in an adaptive way, or just generally fight for the sake of it.
+ Taught by Experience - Tegan went straight from being a carefree kid to shooting quadguns and dealing with boarding parties. To say that Tegan has experience in dealing with (or being among) pirates is an understatement.
- First Law of Gender Bending - Sure, Tegan's life was saved by a transplant into a clone body that just happened to be the opposite gender, but was still a compatible switch. Despite the convinience of that one moment, Tegan has yet to find a suitable replacement, and remains stuck where she is. It's been a year, and Tegan is no better at being a woman than she is at bench-pressing Kyrat dragons.
- Shell-shocked Veteran - One doesn't spend a career working as a/with pirates without seeing some horrible, horrible things. Things that keep one up at night.
- Punch Clock Hero/Villain - Yes, mercenaries and pirates will work for the highest bidder. Does that mean that you should doubt one's loyalty? Only if your check bounces or the other guy has more credits than you do. The reputation of being a mostly-shameless turncoat is a plague on the mercenary profession, and Tegan is no exception to that.
- Scary Dogmatic Aliens - Even if they've been all but extinct for almost a forever, enough people know what a pureblood Sith looks like that it can create problems for Tegan.
Tegan and her crew tool around in a repainted Impetus-Class gotten off of an unlucky GTS captain.
Tegan was born a carefree human child in a stable home on Dantooine, with a mother and father and loving siblings. He was generally well provided for, reasonably happy, and when he turned fifteen? Left it all behind to explore the grand, mysterious depths of space aboard a a freighter. He was hired on as a laborer. It was hard work, but good work.
And for a time, he was reasonably happy, decently paid. For about a year or so, at least. The freighter was attacked by pirates, and Tegan was offered the chance to join the crew and earn a chance to live, or die right then and there. He took for the former option, and proceeded to spend the better part of three decades bouncing from pirate crew to mercenary company and back until he was finally in command of his own ship and his own crew. He was tall and willowy, and had an absurd talent with ropes and bindings - both of which, combined with Tegan's usually somber way of doing things, earned him the moniker 'Gallows'.
After four years or so, Tegan and his men decided they were tough enough to take a foray into Sith Space. They managed to do alright for a couple of months, until one routine board-and-raid wound up with Tegan fatally wounded aboard a captured Sith vessel. His crew frantically scrambled to find a way to save him, and in storage discovered a clone body - albeit a female one. Tegan was 'ressurected' in the body of a Pureblood Sith, a woman genetically made and cloned to help usher in a new era for the 'true Sith'.
Aaand since then, her life has been more of the same. Only with red skin, different body parts, and a severe problem with keeping the crew of her ship in line.