Master Artisan: Teign is called the God of Smithing and Craftsmanship for good reason, a renowned worker of the trades and Master of his craft, his forged weapons are known to legends within Valkyri folk tales while his armaments have seen mere soldiers become Kings upon the field of battle.
Loyalist: Staunch as they come yet humbled in his loyalty and compassion for his Kin, Teign's heritage is his pride and honor for which he knows no bounds and will go above and beyond to ensure their security and quality of life.
Legend: Revered in Valkyri myth and tales passed down throughout the cultures known to Midvinter, his deeds and those of his Families have inspired generations to take up into the smithing arts, hoping to attain a level of skill and a reputation of pride and honor such as Teign's.
Silent Deity: Withdrawn and Isolated from Common-folk, Teign prefers to focus on his works of trade and craft busying himself with his manipulation of metals and the elements to distract himself from the lesser importance's that are of the realm of man.
Brute: His physique and trade both compliment Teign's strengths yet too echo his weaknesses; what he has in the way of muscle and strength he lacks in the way of an educated mind. Unlike his older Brother Odiir, a born and bred Commander and Herald of influence, Teign has focused his mind on his tinkering rather than the Social Antics of one in his position.
Older Brother: Odiir - God of Wind and Skies
Sister-In-Law: Runa - Goddess of Earth and Oceans
Nephew: Helm - God of War and Justice
Nephew: [member="Velkar"] Odiirson - God of Fire and Mischief
Neice: Éar - Goddess of the Hunt and Fertility
Teign is a bearded giant, even for those of Valkyri Ancestry; his masculine form is that fit for a God among men and in his centuries of experience, he has become a walking goliath to be rivalled only by the largest of his crafted weaponry.
Often seen wearing a collection of furs brandished over leather and casual cotton shirts where not expecting the need for armor or the crafting of such, his rather thin and loose preference for clothing does little to hide the broad width of his shoulders and the body tone for which his craft has helped him to hone.
The heat of the forge however is often a different story and while far more comfortable in his element there at home with his blades and breast plates, Teign can often be found forgoing the dress wear of his upper body completely; his torso therefore exposing old scarred tissue from generations of fighting and standing his ground against man and nature's best.
A Master Artisan of realm of Beornskald and brother to Odiir, Teign Hœgr has become a revered figure for a great smiths and craftsman of the Midvinter and Valkyri people. It is he for whom the Valkyri look to in praise before every great machination or project for which requires great expertise and laboring. His works are blessed with the mythical powers of Beornskald, the realm of fallen hero's and kings, a place that all Valkyri seek to find themselves in the next life, that right earned upon righteous and moral deeds of great caliber.
Unlike his peers, Teign holds no particular dislike nor love for the people of Midvinter, a neutral presence for which he would most prefer to invest his time upon working great magicks into the smithing of legendary weapons, armors and tools fit for those of Beornskald; his one true admiration in an existence that has spanned across the centuries, has been the ever challenging study of the elements against the mind and workings that ones hands can bring into fruition.
A popular legend among the Valkyri and a common tale told around a warm hearth, that Teign's workings are so great, those pieces of his creation and relics of the Gods that have found their way to Midvinter have been but his failures, cast aside into the realm of man. These 'Failures' of his high standard and perfectionist attitude have shaped the history around the world of Midvinter, started and ended great battles and perhaps even led to the first great bloodline to reside over the people.
...These are of course, folk tales and few have ever had anything to go on aside from these stories of a God much more at home with his craft than looking to mingle with the living.