A Young Tejdóru

A Mature Tejdóru
- Name: Tejdóru (Tey-dour-oo)
- Designation: Semi-Sentient
- Homeworld: Aurum - Cannot be found elsewhere naturally
- Language: N.A - Guttural Noises (Growls, Roars, etc) ; Communication through body-language*
- Average height of adults: Between 0.5-1 metre
- Skin color: Varies; Grey, Ivory and Green are amongst the most common (Often Two-Toned)
- Hair color: NA - Scaled
- Breathes: Type I (Known) II and III (Unknown)
- Strengths:
- Fire: The Tejdóru are natural fire-breathers, using this as their primary source of offensive capabilities; they are also biologically heat-resistant
- Thick Hide: While not impenetrable, the Tejdóru have thick, protective layers of skin to defend them from their foes**
- Flight: The Tejdóru are capable of brief spouts of flight, but not for prolonged lengths of time
- Longevity: The Tejdóru are long-living for as long as they face no deadly damage or disease, until the time that their inner flame dies out
- Weaknesses: [2 minimum]
- Water: The Tejdóru avoid water at all cost, as it is known to quench their inner-fire and hasten their death
- Weak Wings: The wings of the Tejdóru are made from very thin skin-layers, making them weak not only when damaged but from prolonged lengths of flight
- Small: The Tejdóru are small in size, the largest reaching only 1 metre in height, and even then only in the more opportune of conditions***
- Internal Fire: The Tejdóru survive only as long as their internal flame is alight; should something cause it to diminish so too would the creature
- Tiny Predator: ***While the Tejdóru are predators, and in many ways deadly, their size makes them easy pickings for the larger creatures on Aurum
- Distinctions: As mentioned above, the Tejdóru are capable of short periods of flight and are able to breathe fire due to their inner-flame. Their size often causes the unwary eye to be momentarily caught off guard, deeming them cute or adorable which only lures individuals into a false sense of security. They prefer warmer climates, and are often found within the belly of the mountain range on Aurum, amidst the active volcano's, drawing on the heat to fuel themselves, but where necessary they can survive short periods of time in the cooler climates the Galaxy and Aurum itself has to offer. It is very rare for a Tejdóru to reach their largest-noted-length of 39", most rarely surpassing 19".
- Average Lifespan:
Child: 0-50 (2-3" in length)- Young Adult: 50-100 (3-8" in length)
- Adult: 150-250 (8-19" in length)
Middle Aged: 250-400 (19-30" in length)
Old: 400-500 (19-35" in length)
Venerable: 500-Unknown [Unrecorded] (19-39" in length)
- Races: Usually defined by colour, but there's no cultural or social difference between them. N.A
- Diet: Raw and charred meat, usually taken from fellow predators on Aurum (for the thrill of the hunt) but otherwise the weaker species' will do just fine. They are not able to eat as a herbivore would, as their digestive systems cannot break down the fibre. Their favourite hunt is the Dire-Cat, but this can vary between individuals.
- Communication: * The Tejdóru do not have a language, so to speak, instead opting for guttural noises in order to warn and ward off other predators, or to call in their brethren, and are more likely to be found using their bodies to communicate instead: this includes aspects such as the flaring of their wings to try and scare away other creatures, or to be used in a flirtatious nature towards the other gender. If a Tejdóru lowers their head, outside of combat, it is shown to be a sign of submission towards both sentient and non-sentient species, and is usually a tell-tale sign that they are surrendering the fight.
- Culture: The Tejdóru are largely lacking in culture; they only gather formally during mating seasons, which can be postponed for decades between each season. Largely isolationists the Tejdóru prefer the quiet and solitary life, living within mountain ranges or, sometimes but rarely, the wilderness itself - always remaining far from sources of water. As such they make their homes towards the centre of the mountains, away from the icy-tips and the rivers which rage below. The only time this is broken is when they make their homes upon an active volcano, then preferring to venture towards the top or even inside.
- Technology level: N.A - As Semi-Sentients the Tejdóru have no use for technology, although they have been known to have an eye for shiny-materials and minerals, especially the crystals which grow naturally around the mountains on Aurum.
- General behavior: The Tejdóru are extremely difficult to tame, yet when this has been achieved they will be loyal for life. Having a hunter-prey mentality they are natural born predators, and before they are even born their eggs are abandoned by their parents leaving them to survive for themselves from the moment they hatch. While it is not unheard of for the Tejdóru to travel in small groups they prefer to be alone and isolated, claiming their own land and territory in the wilderness or mountain ranges and safeguarding it with their life. The stronger the Tejdóru, and brighter its flame, the more influence it will have over its brethren, regardless of age, colour or 'wealth' (the number of shiny objects they have) - they live by survival of the fittest. The Tejdóru are known to fan our their fragile wings when seeking a mate, but they will rarely mate-for-life, owing to their isolationist approach. However, this can be a confusing gesture to the untrained eye, as it is similar to the approach they take to frighten off foes. For all their violent tendencies the Tejdóru are largely a majestic creature, likely owed to their ability to fly and glide gracefully.
- History: The Tejdóru have been around for centuries, if not millennia, but there have been few tales told of them due to the nature of Aurum itself - a planet that was, until recently, undiscovered within the Galaxy. It is said that when the first volcano upon Aurum erupted it brought forth volatile rocks which, when first cooled then resubjected to heat, cracked open to reveal the creatures within. At first the Tejdóru were large predators who dominated Aurum and it's food-chain, but overtime the varying conditions of Aurum drove them to the mountains from which they had been borne. The lack of space for them to comfortably live caused them to evolve over time to become smaller, in order for them all to fit comfortably upon the planet, but their numbers dwindled as well as their size. (It is unknown exactly how many Tejdóru exist still but it is estimated that there are less than 500 of them at present.) The skeleton of one of the Tejdóru remains within the wilderness of Aurum, noted to be the largest fossil upon the planet, outmatching brethren from its own, larger age by around five times, a behemoth in comparison to the Tejdóru found upon the planet today. It has been dubbed "Volos the Quaker" by those who discovered it, and myths have been constructed in the surrounding systems and the small colony which is establishing itself upon Aurum.
- Notable Player-Characters: Unable to be Player-Character
- Intent: To flesh out the custom-planet of Aurum with a unique-to-the-planet yet unplayable species for PVE (Player-Versus-Environment) roleplay
<Apologies for some areas being small, but it's difficult to write a lot where non/semi-sentients are concerned, especially with technology, culture and history>