Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Company Creation Template
  • Image Source: (Please link to where you found any images used in the submission, or to the original artist(s) if possible. TinEye or Google Image Search can help.)
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Primary Source: (Please link and cite the sources which you are modifying for your use in your submission.)
  • Corporation Name: Tel'alith Labs
  • Headquarters: Taris
  • Locations: Taris, Flax
  • Operations: Research & Development mostly in technology, but dabbling into other areas of expertise.
  • Parent Corporation: N/A
  • Subsidiaries: N/A

Tel'alith Labs was founded in 183bby by Allannia Tel'alith as she supported the movement started by Alrin Werr. As Werr Drive Yard focused on ship building with Du'thra Engineering providing assistance & delving into engine design that left Allannia Tel'alith her favorite thing... science. With Tel'alith Labs coming into being they began to look into circuits, communications technology, and weapons. They chose a destroyed skyscraper at the edge of the Tarisian sea so they could rebuild it along with fixing the biosphere starting on their doorstep. They quickly created the Veil Network to secure their peoples transmissions and build a base for future paying customers that wanted a secure way to send data that was neutral in the galactic scheme of things.

Allania Tel'alith made friends with a few Jedi early in her life and was deeply intrigued by their holocrons. With the help of at first two Jedi she began to work on making machines to delve the depths of what they did with the force. This process lasted decades and who was helping her also changed with the years. The main point of interest was how so much data and an interactive entity could be packed into such a small form factor. The research continued through the Clone Wars, Imperial era, and a couple decades longer. Leading to a novel manufacturing techniques that would be applied to droid brains & their communications technology.


Aleratha worked diligently in the family labs on various projects. Always bouncing from one exciting project to another, traveling pinto the field to collect data or run trials that couldn't be run in the labs. The most important work she was given was the setting up of the new Veil Network central hub ensuring that the capacity could keep growing. Her uncle retired from being the CEO and a family vote was held, on the second round Aleratha was chosen. Leading the company to have the great grand daughter of the founder at the helm almost 1,100yrs after its founding.

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