Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Telforn Slethin

Name:Telforn Slethin
Rank:Sith inquisitor
Height:6' 0"
Force sensitive:Yes

Strengths and weaknesses:
(+) Smart

(+) Fast

(+/-) Fighter:Fights any enemy but begins developing bad habits

(-) Bad at planning

(-) Stubborn

Bio:A sith thought to be dead for many years until a sith warrior was tricked into giving his life to this ancient sith the sith rse from his tomb he took the siths double bladed lightsaber and left the tomb as he left he realized what his destiny was to kill the jedi he walked past many men as they looked at him with astoundment he then stole a sith frigate and went off the destroy the jedi

Appearance:A ripped up shirt with a large hole in the middle and small rips all over showing his skeleton body along with a hood over his head

Wepons:Double bladed lightsaber

Ship:Sith frigate

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