Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Request Tell Me Why

Ok, so a better title would be Tell Me How, but that does not have a addictive song attached to it. So, I have been seeing people using beautiful templates for their posts, submissions, and a variety of other things, and while I have had a few made for me in the past, I want to learn how to make my own. Is there a site that people use to make these templates? Is there specific BBcode stuff that I need to learn and understand? I would love to be able to spruce up my posts and submissions will cool looking artwork I make like others do, so I am really hoping someone can point me in the right direction.


Qoritottoi..... Ashaottoi....
BBcodes are here

We mess around with DIV Codes for the Templates. For example

[div=background: url( center top repeat; margin: auto; max-width: 650px; background-position: 55%; font-size: 105%; border-radius: 45px; box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px #000000;][div=background:url(; margin: auto; max-width: 550px; padding: 15px; padding-top: 20px; text-shadow: 1px 1px darkred; font-family: times new roman;]

that is my DIV code

it ends up looking like this

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sagittis ultrices velit. Curabitur iaculis ante eu risus semper, vel auctor est congue. Nunc elementum sagittis euismod. Nulla semper nunc in ex tincidunt, vel fermentum nibh rutrum. Quisque aliquet ultricies vehicula. Nam a lorem dui. Integer suscipit ante dolor, commodo fringilla erat porttitor in. Praesent tempus faucibus urna, sit amet egestas neque volutpat ut. Integer a fermentum eros, sodales sollicitudin mi.​

Aenean non rhoncus nisl, vitae sagittis augue. Mauris cursus metus augue, eu imperdiet mi lobortis ac. Ut sodales est felis, et commodo turpis euismod vel. Aenean tempus sodales facilisis. Mauris lectus sem, viverra nec sapien vel, sagittis convallis nibh. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Donec vel euismod dolor. Duis dictum risus est, vitae molestie dolor molestie non. Ut dapibus hendrerit pretium. Integer tincidunt felis quis ante ornare fermentum. Mauris egestas ultricies mauris molestie vulputate. Curabitur commodo quam tortor, quis elementum nulla sollicitudin at.​

Quisque magna ante, hendrerit a facilisis vitae, elementum eget nibh. Morbi semper eget diam sit amet volutpat. Aenean rhoncus odio mauris. Cras egestas sapien eu arcu tristique faucibus. Vivamus pulvinar quam justo, ut pulvinar mauris venenatis ut. Fusce fringilla dui ligula, et varius odio gravida id. Proin ut tincidunt turpis, a aliquam urna. Maecenas eget sagittis urna. Aenean porttitor nunc ultrices sem pharetra, eget convallis tortor elementum. Aenean in fermentum erat. Vestibulum vestibulum, metus id maximus fermentum, urna sem blandit odio, in tincidunt elit enim eget sem. Nullam a dui id urna ultrices elementum. Quisque tincidunt fringilla ultrices. Aliquam eget erat est.​

Donec a rhoncus urna. Integer sed lacus non odio hendrerit congue. Ut nisl tellus, facilisis vel augue sit amet, porta aliquet erat. Etiam scelerisque odio lorem, sit amet laoreet nulla imperdiet sit amet. Nulla facilisi. Donec euismod tortor bibendum pellentesque gravida. Mauris sit amet iaculis velit. Nunc at tincidunt ex. Donec congue, ante vel faucibus bibendum, quam arcu rhoncus purus, in rhoncus nulla lectus at lacus. Proin ultrices sit amet nisl ac sagittis. Aenean venenatis, est ut iaculis sagittis, sapien metus auctor lectus, vel iaculis odio justo vel augue. Nunc elementum neque orci, vel rhoncus sem imperdiet at. Aenean dignissim consequat lorem, vel luctus erat aliquam sit amet. Praesent eu purus sapien. Cras consequat posuere sapien, et pulvinar nisi blandit id.​

Sed dictum luctus risus eget elementum. Quisque aliquam vulputate dignissim. Nulla non felis accumsan, aliquet dui at, congue urna. Mauris bibendum condimentum lectus ut tempor. Nullam id ipsum non dolor rutrum consectetur. Sed posuere ipsum non arcu ornare blandit. Donec auctor ullamcorper accumsan. Vivamus consequat fringilla euismod. Duis euismod mi finibus sem ornare dictum. Suspendisse potenti. Cras sit amet erat nec nulla mollis convallis. Ut sollicitudin sollicitudin sem, ultrices facilisis lorem venenatis eu.​
For those who are not the best at understanding long strings of numbers(me), could you explain what all the percentages and numbers are for? I see where to get the bbcode now to start that, but the specific numbers confuse me.

Thank you for the help by the way!



Qoritottoi..... Ashaottoi....
Darth Acharon Darth Acharon Mostly size. Padding Size determines how far the text is away from the border. Text shadow size to determine how large the shadow is. Background position to determine what is the center of the image. Rather intuitive, overall, unless you're adding a border image and I recommend just not doing that if you want to save yourself a headache an a half.
Gotcha. I was able to experiment and get some of what you were showing to appear for myself, but I was unable to get that top bar with an image to appear. What part of the div code is that, so I can see where I may have gone wrong.


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