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Approved Tech Temiye Ansible Comm System

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  • Manufacturer: Force-Tech
  • Affiliation: Corbin Vasher (X), V01DΩ (X), Force-Tech (X), Rimward Trade League (X), Book of Mos Motesta (X), Mandalorian Enclave (X)
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: Temiye Ansible Comm System
  • Modularity: Can be put in comlink, comm pack, comm tower, or comm suite in a starship.
  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Material:
  • Modified Hyperdrive Parts allow data to be sent through Hyperspace.
  • Functions as hypertranceiver,
  • Strong, resistant metals to protect the unit. Includes a degree of Ion/EMP resistance.
  • Very strong encryption.
  • uses S-threads.
  • Near Instantaneous Communication
  • Extremely difficult to intercept due to use of S-threads
  • Even with the protective materials, the units can still be damaged. Damage to the inner workings renders a unit nonfunctional. It must then be repaired before it can be used again.
  • Limited Ion/EMP protection.
  • Audio messages have no way to counter listening devices added to relays, except removing them.
The Temiye Ansible Comm System is essentially an upgraded and finely tuned combination of hypertwave, Holonet, and subspace transceivers. This allows near instantaneous communication from one end of the Galaxy to the other. This works with all forms of data communication, from prerecorded messages to real-time holocalls. It even works with text, unlike conventional hypertransceivers. Because the information is sent through Hyperspace, it is difficult for any communication to be intercepted or jammed. The system can technically be sliced into, but such an action would be rather pointless, as no data logs are ever kept, unless by a connected computer. The most a slicer could do is shut down the unit or take control to send messages. It is possible to slice into the receiving end and intercept the communication that way. Can be used in conjunction with most standard jamming suites, so that you don't end up jamming your own communications. The system contains backup communications systems. In the highly unlikely event that the Holonet and the relay tranceivers get damaged, the system can also use subspace to send the message, though this takes time and is not instantaneous.
Each unit itself can act as a relay, and the smallest unit, the comlink, has a range of 100 lightyears without relays.

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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher

This is very interesting again, but unfortunately not how the communication works in SW. You can solve this with wormholes, but you can never be able to faster the light/information to that fast to reach this: "This allows instantaneous communication over an infinite distance." Yes, there are some similar technology on the site, but all have much-much more weakness and restriction, and none of them are Mass Production. For example I also wrote similar, but that is communication between alchemised and separated twin objects, not to mention you have to be Force user and you always have to wear the object, otherwise the other's messages and information will never reach you, not to mention about the other weaknesses.

So you have to decrases the production scale (because of this, you have to delete mosst of the factions/person from the Affiliation), and you have to add more serious weaknesses to the submission, which ones are really weaknesses and limit the technology.

If you want to keep the current one (mass production and every other thing), please link a canon link to this technology, otherwise, please make the changes what I asked.
Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher

This is very interesting again, but unfortunately not how the communication works in SW. You can solve this with wormholes, but you can never be able to faster the light/information to that fast to reach this: "This allows instantaneous communication over an infinite distance." Yes, there are some similar technology on the site, but all have much-much more weakness and restriction, and none of them are Mass Production. For example I also wrote similar, but that is communication between alchemised and separated twin objects, not to mention you have to be Force user and you always have to wear the object, otherwise the other's messages and information will never reach you, not to mention about the other weaknesses.

So you have to decrases the production scale (because of this, you have to delete mosst of the factions/person from the Affiliation), and you have to add more serious weaknesses to the submission, which ones are really weaknesses and limit the technology.

If you want to keep the current one (mass production and every other thing), please link a canon link to this technology, otherwise, please make the changes what I asked.
Ok, I think I understand what you're saying. Gonna need a bit to figure out how exactly I want to do this. Shouldn't take too long though.
OK. I added Hyper Transceiver to canon link and built off that. It does a very similar thing, but is faster, smaller, and doesn't require relay stations. I feel this is practical within the Star Wars universe, given how old Hypertransceiver tech is. Advancements are entirely possible and probably, and this is just an advanced version.
I also added an extra weakness. And I changed it from being instantaneous (and removed faster than light from description) to near instantaneous. I really wanted a true ansible, but I can be happy with this if it is acceptable.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher

I hope you know this is now more powerful than it was before I asked you to edit. You incrased the intercept or jam to Extremely difficult, and incrased the encryption.

This is not how the Hyperspace works, there is a reason why the space also full of transceiver.
Hyperspace was an alternate dimension of space-time, similar to subspace or otherspace that was coterminous with realspace: each point in realspace was associated with a unique point in hyperspace. Essentially, a ship traveling galactic north in realspace as it jumped to hyperspace would travel north in hyperspace too. Every object in realspace, like stars or planets, also had a "shadow" in hyperspace at the same location it occupied in realspace.

And it is still not feasable. I men even with a 0.01 hyperdrive you are not able to create that fast technology what is able to broadcast/convey any information without delay especially not to the other side of the galaxy. They can get stuck in the shadow of planets, stars, other ships, etc.. So what you try to write it is teleportation or it does not take into account the laws of Star Wars and the Hyperspace's physics.
Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher

I hope you know this is now more powerful than it was before I asked you to edit. You incrased the intercept or jam to Extremely difficult, and incrased the encryption.

This is not how the Hyperspace works, there is a reason why the space also full of transceiver.

And it is still not feasable. I men even with a 0.01 hyperdrive you are not able to create that fast technology what is able to broadcast/convey any information without delay especially not to the other side of the galaxy. They can get stuck in the shadow of planets, stars, other ships, etc.. So what you try to write it is teleportation or it does not take into account the laws of Star Wars and the Hyperspace's physics.
So it's impossible to not need any kind of relay station?
Edit: Actually, it seems like it might be possible with subspace, but I'm not sure about the unlimited range part... The best ones way back then had a range of 100 light-years. But it does say subspace transceivers are instantaneous, faster-than-light communication
Edit: I'm looking up as much as I can on these subjects and am getting a clearer picture. Still working on the sub.
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Corbin Vasher Corbin Vasher

I can see it's just a mashup of several technologies, but I wanted to raise element of the sub with you for you to explain more clearly.

How does this work? All the technologies you mentioned are well established, but at the same time they are all capable of being intercepted or blocked. Why is this mix so different?
Wookieepedia says hypertransceivers use S-threads, so they're nearly impossible to intercept. I added mention of S-threads to that for clarity. Also added the listening device weakness from wookieepedia as another weakness. John Locke John Locke
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