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Approved NPC Tempest Razors

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[*]Role: Mounted Warriors
[*]Links: Swokes Swokes
  • Availability: Unique
  • Deployment: Minor
  • Strengths & Weaknesses:
    Feel No Pain: Swokes Swokes have an extremely high pain threshold. Wounds that would leave others screaming leaves a Swokes Swokes saying “Ow.” Unfortunately, as a side effect of this biological advantage, the Swokes Swokes have lost most of their sense of touch.
  • Merely A Flesh Wound: Swokes Swokes can regenerate lost limbs in ten days. Except for the head. No head? It’s dead.
  • Serpent-Stallions: The Penitents eat people and so do the giant Schinga Shikou serpents they ride into battle. Some of the Penitents even mount T-21 light repeaters just behind the heads of the serpents, with a generator behind the saddle.
  • Wondrous Smiths: Swokes Swokes are excellent with a hammer and a forge, so too are the Penitents. They have an enormous forge in the temple and make their own armor and weapons.
  • Tempest Addicts: The Razor Penitents are all addicted to tempest, a blend of a virus from the Hutt planet Varl and Glitterstim. It’s nasty, it’s not clear what the benefits are, and it causes uncontrollable fits of rage.
  • Cannibals: Nobody enjoys working with someone who might eat you if he gets too hungry. The same is true of the Tempest Razors. Swokes Swokes already look terrifying and disgusting without the added knowledge that this particular sect enjoys eating sapients for breakfast. Friend and foe alike are uncomfortable in their presence and diplomacy is basically nonexistent.
  • Air Support: A band of drugged-up nightmares riding giant serpents is not hard to spot. Consequently, the Tempest Razors make easy bait for any starfighters or armed speeders overhead.

[*]Description: The Tempest Razors are a sect of the Swokes Swokes religious extremist group known as the Beatific Razor. The Tempest Razors, exiled from their homeworld and listed as a dangerous extremist group, have secluded themselves in an isolated temple on Nar Kreeta, in a canyon that falls within the boundaries of Gorba the Hutt’s territory. There they raise broods of serpent-stallion mounts known as Schinga Shikou. Each member of the Tempest Razors is known as a Razor Penitent. The specific tenets of the Tempest Razors are unknown to outsiders, but it involves cannibalism and copious amounts of the drug called tempest. Suffice it to say that when Gorba the Hutt heard a band of cannibal zealots were feeding on travelers within his territory he was none too pleased at the annoyance. However, he struck a bargain with the Tempest Razors. They are permitted to remain on Nar Kreeta in peace, but they serve Gorba as mercenaries. The Tempest Razors do not seek payment for their service. Instead, they only want to keep whatever prisoners they capture, presumably for food, and to keep any gemstones and jewelry they come across. Gorba’s majordomo, Brutus, was quite confused about the last demand, until he met some of the Swokes Swokes in person. They surgically embed gemstones and jewelry into their body as a form of status. The more bejeweled a Swokes Swokes is, the more important they are seen to be by the others. So, now Gorba loans out his marauding band of bedazzled, serpent-riding cannibals to those in need of a mercenary company. Gorba keeps the credits, the Razors keep the captives and gems. The leader of the Tempest Razors is Swahab the Maimed, an old, mean Swokes Swokes with two Krayt Dragon pearls embedded in his skull.


The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
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Affiliation: Bareesh Kajidic
Link the relevant profile/submission.

Equipment: Force Pikes, Vibroaxes, Vibroblades, T-21 Repeaters with Power Generators, Heavy Armor, Schinga Shikou.
I need you to provide a Wookieepedia link to the Schinga Shikou.

Feel No Pain: Swokes Swokes have an extremely high pain threshold. Wounds that would leave others screaming leaves a Swokes Swokes saying “Ow.” Unfortunately, as a side effect of this biological advantage, the Swokes Swokes have lost most of their sense of touch.
Same thing here, provide a link to the Swokes Swokes. Preferably under "Links" in the Out of Character Information section.

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