Dusaro Dresari
How Times Changed
The time was around twelve o' clock sharp, right at the start of the afternoon. The sun was not shining, and it was raining. Pouring actually, as Jabiim had a tendancy to do. As Dusaro cut through some underbrush on his way to the mission area, he read over the mission statement again, as well as the images provided.
What followed after that was the normal disclaimers about them not being liable for any injuries on the mission, ect, so he rapidly went to what he wanted.
The bounty is an unidentified but very hostile and deadly creature. It walks on four legs, has poisonious, wing like extensions that are very deadly. This lone creature after it was spotted started attacking the Archaeologist's who were investigating the site. The Game Wardens sent to deal with it were later found dead, and the later sent squad of Nimbus troopers were all sent packing and were either dead, badly wounded and completly incoherent, or in once case, completly mad. Exercise extreme caution when dealing with this beast. An image salvaged from one of the Nimbus troopers helmets cameras is shown here.
More information followed, like on when the creature attacked and smaller bits of info, but nothing important. Normally, this wasn't the kind of job Dusaro would be intrested in. Far from it in fact, but something... Called to him on this one. He wasn't sure what but something just seemed a bit off. Since he was in the area, he accepted the bounty himself, and so here he was.
The entrance to the underground ruins was rather plain. It was a bit flooded with the heavy rain, but had that musky smell that tended to premiate underground caverns. The most noteable thing was how... Large the entrance was. That was rather guady looking, though it was also worn down with age. From what he heard, the cavern was only recently unearthed.
He slowly walked into the temple ruins and shifted his nicitating eyelids, looking through ultraviolent spectrum to spot the creature as he started to slowly look around the grand enteriour. Right now, Dusaro still wore a heavy cloak to keep the rain off of him which shrouded most of his appearance, but as he started to slowly enter the first room of the 'temple' like structure. It had a rather grand but very, very aged apperance, with water freely running through the middle of it from ages of erosion. But besides a few spots in the ceiling where it was dripping, there wasn't any more water raining down on him from above. After making sure this was true, Dusaro dropped the heavy, and throughly drenched cloak, rolling his arms.
'Time to begin the hunt.'. He thought with a savage, snarling grin.
[member="Darth Rapax"]
This is a bounty that has been sighned off and backed by -'Jabiim City Gurt's governor, 'Selerial Brennan', the 'Archaeologist Assosiation of Jabiim' and the Jabiim Bounty Hunting Office-. Please report any concerns or questions to the bounty directly to the Bounty Huting Office with this ID signature.
What followed after that was the normal disclaimers about them not being liable for any injuries on the mission, ect, so he rapidly went to what he wanted.
The bounty is an unidentified but very hostile and deadly creature. It walks on four legs, has poisonious, wing like extensions that are very deadly. This lone creature after it was spotted started attacking the Archaeologist's who were investigating the site. The Game Wardens sent to deal with it were later found dead, and the later sent squad of Nimbus troopers were all sent packing and were either dead, badly wounded and completly incoherent, or in once case, completly mad. Exercise extreme caution when dealing with this beast. An image salvaged from one of the Nimbus troopers helmets cameras is shown here.
More information followed, like on when the creature attacked and smaller bits of info, but nothing important. Normally, this wasn't the kind of job Dusaro would be intrested in. Far from it in fact, but something... Called to him on this one. He wasn't sure what but something just seemed a bit off. Since he was in the area, he accepted the bounty himself, and so here he was.
The entrance to the underground ruins was rather plain. It was a bit flooded with the heavy rain, but had that musky smell that tended to premiate underground caverns. The most noteable thing was how... Large the entrance was. That was rather guady looking, though it was also worn down with age. From what he heard, the cavern was only recently unearthed.
He slowly walked into the temple ruins and shifted his nicitating eyelids, looking through ultraviolent spectrum to spot the creature as he started to slowly look around the grand enteriour. Right now, Dusaro still wore a heavy cloak to keep the rain off of him which shrouded most of his appearance, but as he started to slowly enter the first room of the 'temple' like structure. It had a rather grand but very, very aged apperance, with water freely running through the middle of it from ages of erosion. But besides a few spots in the ceiling where it was dripping, there wasn't any more water raining down on him from above. After making sure this was true, Dusaro dropped the heavy, and throughly drenched cloak, rolling his arms.
'Time to begin the hunt.'. He thought with a savage, snarling grin.
[member="Darth Rapax"]