Pre and Post-Gulag Era Republic
Jedi Brighthome
Seela's vessel dropped out of hyperspace just before the asteroid field. Hidden in the Deep Core and, throughout the Galaxy, were Brighthomes. Old places of Jedi learning for Jedi who were at the peak of their power. Prior to the Gulag Plague the Republic had many such temples...Brighthomes they were called. Space station temples had been designed as places of learning, storage, and refuge. Their records were difficult to find and thus their locations even more difficult to pinpoint. Recently however, a scholar had found several dozen of them, many on the edges of known space and thus deep within Sith Empire or Outer Planets Alliance space...And most of those easy to reach stations had been piked clean by Sith, Jedi, and Scavenger alike. The Deep Core was difficult to navigate however, even for a Jedi and a Jedi as old as herself did not need such scholarly works to find these temples among the stars.
After all...She'd lived in them.
The aging shuttle flew through the asteroids and debris of the temple. In its old age it was falling apart, but its massive towers and statues of ancient Jedi heroes still stood tall. She recognized the Hall of Forgiveness, the Hall of Justice, and the Hall of Learning, though several other halls had been destroyed and the face of the ancient Jedi Master Mace Windu was destroyed, its debris floating around the Hall of Strength. Her eyes narrowed as she felt the touch of the Dark Side. The Sith had found this temple at some point after the fall of the Republic. She could sense their stink all over it. Her grip tightened on the steering yoke as anger flowed through her. She quickly quashed it though. Emotions such as anger could be used and harnessed if kept in check by their user, but like everyone there were a few things that made her blood boil like nothing else. She exhaled as her ship pulled into one of the hangars. The station seemed to be mostly functional and she inputted an old docking clearance before internal security measures could activate.
As she stepped off of the shuttle she felt a familiar brush in the Force, that of her old mentor, the head Master of this Brighthome and her own Master in her youth. She smiled that his light was so strong that even the darkness of the Sith could not dampen it here. Her focus returned to the land of the living however and she strode forward. Many of the crates looked like they had been cut or blasted open, likely the Sith and later archaeologists and grave robbers. The halls that had once been rife with the laughter of younglings and the discussion of Knights and Masters echoed through the halls in her mind. A strong feeling of nostalgia filled her as she wandered the halls, searching, looking for something.
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