Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Her home on Vjun was now quite comfortable to her. The castle she lived in not quite as empty as it had been in the past. She had cleaned it after its most recent battle and turned it into what she thought of as a home. From Castle Bast, she was able to live a normal life, continue her quest for knowledge and her work within the Dominion. There was no other place she wanted to be.

There was something odd in this life though. Her husband was Jedi while she was a sith lord. In the business life, this wouldn't matter to her. In her personal life, a couple should be of similar thoughts and beliefs. In his time living in the castle, her husband had started to study a bit of the knowledge it held. He had delved into the castle's past as well as his own with Darth Vader.

There were subtle changes within him, but he was still the man Ra had fallen in love with. In a way, he was turning darker and was maybe close to a point in life where if the correct catalyst was found, would be more alike Ra than before. If that didn't happen, then she had the feeling an end was coming. Not wanting to lose the man she loved, she decided to take upon herself to see if she could provide that catalyst and not lose him entirely.

There was a risk in her actions and that it would drive him away. However, he appeared to be living in a purgatory of a sort and Ra wanted to assist him in finding a way out of it. No matter what happened in the end, this was something that was needed. Either way, there was a new life in front of them and she would rather he be with her in all things.

After sharing dinner together, they sat in the library. Already having previous considered her course of action, she had given the servants some time off and now it was only them in the castle. It might not have been noticed by Jakkor, but she had cooked the dinner herself and done all the serving. It had been such a long time she had done this for them. If he asked, she would say it was a treat she had decided to do.

Enjoying an after dinner drink with her husband, she looked over at him and smiled.

"Are you liking it here?"

[member="Jakkor Kess"]
Jakkor was still getting used to his surroundings, and would often meditate most of the time to find some sense or some piece of mind, he felt that he had nowhere to go in this Galaxy, that the years he had spent wandering around and his hatred for dark siders led him nowhere. He didn't know what to do or even how to feel, except such things weren't true when he was with his wife. He had so far found comfort with her, and he was still oddly surprised that a Sith Lord fell in love with a Jedi Knight who came from a different time. So he cherished every time he spent with her and so didn't regret not one bit.

He enjoyed the recent meal they had together with not a worry on his mind, and after retreating to the archive room to study ancient text. Even though most of the collection belonged to Vader himself, and that alone made his skin crawl, he still enjoyed the company of his wife regardless. He still enjoyed the time nonetheless and would not trade such things for anything else in the world.

When she asked him a question of the matter of him liking it here, he responded in a gentle manner. "Yes I do as long as it has you in it, it doesn't matter where we go."

Ra pleased with his answer and with that smile on her face nodded.

"Do you have any desire to go any where special?"

He appeared to have started to study and she wondered if he had learned anything. That might be a door to try and wedge open and use to go through with her plans. Setting her drink down on the table next to her chair, she walked over to stand beside his and look down to see what he was looking at.

When he did study, she wondered if he attempted any of the skills. It was something she had never asked.

"Have you learned anything from what you study?"

Placing a hand on his shoulder, she looked down at him.

[member="Jakkor Kess"]

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