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Duel Tempus Fugit [Bleak Citadels]


Credius Nargath Credius Nargath

[Rage of Mars]

The ride to Vjun was relatively short and without any issues. It was a station on the way back to Zakuul from Nathema after he met with Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis and oversaw the early construction phase of a new outpost on the remote world. Once dead and now recovered, it was a curious feeling. Everyone said that the presence was gone, that His touch could not be felt anymore. Aurelian still felt it. It was there, at the edge of the senses, a shape at far reaches of peripheral vision which disappeared when you turned to look at it.

Vjun was different. It was a dead world, acid rain making the surface barely liveable and the past wars of the New Imperial Order and Sith have not made it any more hospitable and appealing. He had lost soldiers here, fighting with the Imperials. A necessary expense and sacrifice at the time, now many years and, indeed, Empires ago. The white hull of the shuttle moved through the thick clouds into the sandy-grey environment the planet was covered in. They headed straight for the outskirts of Castle Bast. The presence here was certainly not evaporated. The touch of the Dark side and presence of the long-gone Chosen One were comparatively fresh. The Griffin had tasted it before but never had considered its nuisances as special.

His Scions had seen a hidden chamber, sealed beneath rock and concrete, where a relic lies. Origins or use unknown, but the taste of Sith in it was overwhelming. A Scion nearly suffered an aneurysm by coming too close in the vision which marked it as sufficient of a target for Aurelian to personally take care of it. There is not one bit of the antiquated religions which was permitted to survive. It was his Eternal Crusade.

His gilded sabatons crushed pebbles and rubble as he hit the ground. The sound was repeated several times by those who accompanied him. None of them less impressive in physique than the High Imperator himself, but they lacked his radiant aura. It was like a god of war materialised in reality, a king of soldiers, so bright and yet grim that it was difficult to directly look at him for a long time for those that were merely mortal. At his hip was a mighty sword, sheathed and yet its burning strength could be felt by those nearby. A large shield and a wrist-mounted gun appeared to even be harmless in the larger picture, nearly unnecessary on the figure.

The voice was one of pure determination and conviction, so enduring and far reaching in its strength that it seemed like it would never need to shout to reach beyond noise and range.

Let us proceed.

Part I

Vjun - Castle Bast

[Ruins of Elturel]

Usually, whenever one of his Children of C would have found something interesting, the Lord of Hunger would have sent his Sceleratis to check out the location and subsequently scour it for whatever this interesting thing mentioned by his Children of C would be. However, this time, things were different...much different. While he had no qualms in sending his droids to deal with nosy onlookers or even jedi, in this case, the reports were...not as inviting.

Deep within the massive ship looming in orbit over Vjun, within a sealed room guarded by the aforementioned sceleratis, a decrepit old man, withering and decaying by the second, rested upon a black, granite chair, veins of gold and eerie green seemed to run simultaneously across the black chair, a hollow, gurgling breath audible as this man ravaged by what seemed to be the very nature of time slowly shifted his weight, reaching his bony hand forward and spreading his thin, ghoulish fingers. From out of nowhere, several auridium and electrum chalices spontaneously ignited with a green, unnatural fire. A smell of decay crept up within the shadowy space, as several sceleratis suddenly entered the green glow spread by the fires, their metallic appendages clasped firmly around the shoulders of about half a dozen men, women and children.

Spreading out his hands, the withering and decaying man seemed to smile, as the corners of his dry, cracked lips curled ever so slightly upwards. No warning would be given, no mercy would be attained, for in but a mere moment, lightning was cast out of the strange man's fingers, arcing from one chalice to another, from one victim to another, until a chain was formed, a chain of pain, fear, hatred and utter despair. Souls would burn, tethers would be unfurled until finally, a cold fog rolled out of the strange man, grasping at each of the suffering folk, and as oif their souls were to be condemned to the void, the monstrous, decaying man seemed to drag all the life and vitality out of each of the suffering victims, drawing it all into himself...

[Beneath the Surface]

A single shuttle and an entire wing of starfighters found itself reaching the surface of the planet of Vjun, a world barren and desolate, a place where one might not expect to find any jedi...but Sith on the other hand, the Sith would know this place for what it was, for what it has been and what it could one day become once again. The background, the history of this place was one of genius, betray and intrigue, all wrapped in violence and vice. Legendary SIth of old had called this place home, organizations and cults had vied for its connection to the dark side and through it all, the planet still remained, broken and battered by its own convulsions in the form of the acid rains corroding the lands beneath.

Rumours had drawn in the man who now exited the shuttle alongside a massive man wearing a trenchcoat and fedora, towering over its master like a giant would tower over man. From the starfighters, the Sceleratis emerged, each armed with their standard weaponry and their cloaks. The armored man leading them stood still for a moment, his eyes behind his mask flashing crimson and gold for but a moment, the inhuman nature in full display for a mere moment. Raising his hand, the sceleratis formed up behind him. "We are not alone...I sense a strong presence at the castle...divide yourselves in two teams, cloak yourselves and investigate."

With a nod, all the Sceleratis engaged their cloaks, dividing themselves into two teams as they started to run towards the Castle, while the Armored master and his hulking servant decided to take the easy route and walk towards the structure unabated if possible and unopposed if it was the armored man's choice. "My children have spoken, now their master shall claim its prize."


Credius Nargath Credius Nargath

[Rage of Mars]

The squad of Eternal Legionaries moved in perfect cohesion to guard their gene-sire, their Lancers and Carbines ready on their shields as they were prepared to counter any suddenly arising threat. Their left shoulder plate showed they were the First Squad, Second Century, First Cohort in the Legio Invicta, a griffins head in laurels with an I in the forehead on red, the wreath carrying a II. The Eternal Legion was a ground for strong unit identity and comradery, offering both belonging and purpose to otherwise quite alien clones.

While the movement was registered by Aurelian, as one of many processes going on which occupied his mind, his primary focus shifted suddenly from the path ahead on his HUD to information relayed to him by his armor-senses. A ship had entered orbit and released strike craft soon after. Considering chance and random encounter improbable at best, he quickly and nonverbally informed his unit of the presence and steered them from their path to remnants of walls and halls for cover.

The Griffins thoughts calculated the possibilities and options. If his Scions had seen a vision, others might have too, if Jedi or Sith, that remained to be seen. Though a large ship and strike craft suggested it would not be Jedi, too aggressive. Correction. It would not be actual Jedi, but the current warmongers of the Alliance were entirely capable of appearing with turbolasers to a knife-fight. So Sith, or worse, Imperials. He did not desire to fight the latter for the trophy but would dispatch them all the same. Yet he had to be more complete with that. Sith or other Darksiders were little problem, just another greedy being with a lust for power and they could be annihilated with no second thoughts. So they had to find out first who they were dealing with. These considerations happened within less than a hundredth of a second, his capacity to compute information was immense.

Strangely the strike craft disappeared from his sensors after they went too low. Did they land? Why? That meant they did not know that he was here or did not intend to destroy him in quick strafing. An increase in complexity or chance for an ambush. Yet if they landed, he had to account for at least one additional combatant for each starfighter, it was the optimal middleground between assuming it were drones with zero pilots and bigger vessels with more than one pilot. A curious decision which could either mean that the leader is more concerned about being guarded and assisted in direct combat than with vastly superior firepower through air supremacy. Or that the pilots are vastly superior in personal combat than as pilots. Yet that ranked lower in percentage than the former.

He promptly transmitted his considerations and orders to the Squad, the eight Legionaries receiving the command and quite easily understanding the assignment. The pilot of the shuttle also received a warning and to prepare the shuttle for exfiltration and strafing itself but not lift up yet. If they had discovered it, they did not care, if they had not discovered it, they could be surprised. Unless there was an armada in the system, there was no reason to consider this mortal danger. Even by the simplest of minds - they had the high ground.

And Aurelian decided to show that. The path up to the castle was covered in burnt wreckages of droids, tanks and blocks of ferrocrete, signs of a battle long ago. A curious sight as he saw the wreckage of one of his tanks among them as well. He walked to what was the gate to the castle and stood there, in the center of it, at ease. One hand on the top of his shield, one hanging low as if he was a guardian stature that protected this old battlefield from disturbance. The squad had swarmed out into the surrounding ruins, out of sight and preparing a potential ambush.

The stage was set for whatever encounter might happen.

Part II

Vjun - Castle Bast


With their cloaks covering them from most visual senses and aids, the Sceleratis approached the castle, halting as their sensors picked up on the veritable graveyard they were standing in front of. From discarded armor, to crushed walkers and even parts of crashed starfighters, it indicated this place had seen its fair share of battle. Yet whilst they were attempting to scan these wreckages, their sensors picked up onto something much, much more important: Lifeforms seemed to be present in the vicinity.

Lifeforms detected

Remain on Stealth protocol

Relay scanning report to KRONOS

Confirmation of recipient KRONOS

Scanning report sent

Scanning report received

Hold position until new updated orders

With those orders coming from the KRONOS AI within the Master's armor, the Sceleratis followed their orders and maintained their positions, keeping vigilant watch over the graveyard separating them from the entrance to the structure. As only droids could do, they made not a single movement, their mechanical limbs steady and unmoving, their hearts non existent, stress or fear was no factor, neither was the desire for self preservation, as each of them had been programmed that their existence, their whole body and every line of code within their core did not belong to them, but to their master; the man who sought to bend not the galaxy or it's people, but the Force itself to its very will.

Scanning report...transcribing
As Credius and MT-001 continued to calmly walk forward, the armored man suddenly stopped, receiving the transcribed report on his Sceleratis' findings. There were lifesigns detected, but there was no proper pinpoint for it. It was a pity that his sceleratis had gotten so outdated, while they were still perfect for their tasks, it became apparent that to counter the new armors and capabilities among the people in the galaxy, the Sceleratis needed some serious updates or a replacement.

"The Sceleratis have detected lifeforms," Reaching for his chest, the Masked man let out a dry, hollow chuckle, his fingers caressing a small trinket strung up around his neck by a thin, metallic chain. "Perhaps we should go greet them."

Reaching further to the back of his neck, the masked man unlocked the clasp of the chain and handed it to the massive humanoid standing next to him, as it in turn masked the hulking being's own connection to the force, removing the Dolos Necklace from his body revealed that no matter how tall or muscular the giant was, he was nothing compared to the masked man. Far and wide his energy, his pressure could be felt, as if it was radiating with intense bloodlust. His eyes, no longer covered and veiled by the Dolos Necklace's influence shone bright with crimson and amber shades, slit pupils peering at the castle itself as the man's lips curled into a grin behind his mask.

"It seems...I will have to present myself properly in order to draw some attention my way,"

Darth Imperius Darth Imperius



Credius Nargath Credius Nargath

[Rage of Mars]

Aurelian kept standing like a statue carved from gold as he eyed the two figures approach. The lenses of his helmet were of an ice, cold blue, giving off a sign off life even if it was more akin to that of a targeting laser as they looked straight at the duo. He made no move, no reaction was offered physically.

Nor metaphysically. His presence in the Force was equally cold and absent. The connection was there and not a feeble one at that, but it was dormant, sleeping, waiting. For the more attuned it would even feel repressed by a spirit and will do indomitable that it was difficult to comprehend. A cold fury was lingering, kept at bay.

The gilded plate was rich with decorations, lightning, a dragon, a griffin, finely engraved and a distinct Eternal-Imperial heraldry marking him as the Overlord of said Empire. The shield his hands were resting on was large and equally decorated. The right gauntlet featured some wrist mounted blaster, double barred and even that was fine decorated even though the blackening of the barrel spoke of active usage.

In front of the destroyed castle he seemed like the conqueror who destroyed it, proudly guarding over his triumph and waiting for anyone to challenge it. The fact he was so apparent, so present was meant to be offsetting and drawing the attention. It was an open challenge.

"Who are you?"

Part III

Vjun - Castle Bast

"Who are you?"

"Just someone who wishes to find something that is rumored to have been burried in this place," The voice was jarring, hollow and completely devoid of any humanity. It sounded like the howling wind on a long forgotten burial ground, like bones creaking under the weight of the passing ages, inhuman and yet so human all at once. "Someone who simply wishes to take what they want, what they need, what they deserve."

The masked and armored man took a few steps forward, his eyes visible through the holes within his mask, orbs of crimson and gold staring straight at the knight, the king, the conqueror perched upon his throne of war, there was no mistaking it, they had a similar leaning within the force, but there was still the question to what this particularly imposing figure wanted. It was a riddle to the Abomination, but knowing that this one was most likely the one in control of whatever lifeforces were around them... perhaps it was indeed time to force this golden conqueror to play his hand.

"Step back," The masked man snarled at the hulking giant who had been walking next to him, with this tower of muscle taking a step back, the Abomination took another few steps forward, taking in a deep breath as he let out a devious chuckle. "I am Credius Nargath, Lord Halcyon of Hunger and I do not think we have been properly introduced before, but let me allow you to understand exactly where you and those who serve you stand."

Raising his left hand, Credius' lungs filled themselves with air as his cape suddenly started to flutter in an unseen breeze, suddenly shifting in direction when the Abomination moved his hand forward, the pressure he exuded becoming palpable, a cold front seeming rolling over the entire area filled with a dread and despair that would turn any lesser man to madness and any hardened soul to caution. He couldn't feel much coming from this... golden knight, but knowing how he usually operated using his dolos necklace, two of them were playing that game...but at the very least he could utilize one of his specialties to at the very least allow that armored juggernaut to clearly understand that this particular being wouldn't be so easily intimidated by their size and girth.

Scanning lifeforms...
Locating lifeforms...
Results inconclusive...
Locating lifeforms...
Results inconclusive...

It looked like KRONOS couldn't pinpoint the locations of the lifeforms that had been scanned by the Sceleratis, who were still standing by at the edge of the mechanical graveyard. It was rather annoying to Credius to have to keep in mind that there were others listening on this conversation that weren't under his control.

Scanning Droid Cores...
Results... promising.

Darth Imperius Darth Imperius


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