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Tendon Marr


Serenno Nobility

Tendon Marr


The Sith Empire





Fixed at an impressive six feet, and weighing a muscular 187 lbs, Marr is sleek and well defined. He lacks any significant cumbersome body fat, possessing a crisply defined muscle system. Marr’s eye’s nearly glow a brilliant and captivating shade of emerald green, a menacing feature laced with deception and cunning. His hair is short and cropped, mostly feathered back and out of his face. It compliments his vibrant olive skin tone which is free of marks and abrasions. For all intents and purposes, Marr is extremely handsome, leaving an overall presence which is both aggressive and powerful.


Tendon Marr is viciously calculating, willful, and remarkably ambitious. As the heir to the Household Marr of Serenno, Marr developed a strong will, and an even stronger ardor for power. He is cruel, holding little regard for most, and a rare bit for a few. But he is so brutally determined and loyal, his arrogance is somewhat quelled by his own silent desires. Truly, though, he is the jack of all trades. He has a charming, perhaps romantic side, as well as an accommodating side to him, in addition to the fact that he is exorbitantly zealous, yet hugely independent. Marr is not above using and abusing others to achieve his proverbial enterprise.

To Marr, power means the most. He fervently believes that with more power, a person may attain anything they desire. Marr thirsts for it, concerning himself with matters that may only give him more. He possesses a practically systematic state of mind and a sense of situational awareness which is near perfect. In addition to, Marr can effortlessly assess the skill and mindset of an opponent. Marr is the very epitome of the Sith: highly intelligent, somewhat villainous, and completely merciless. He shares similar political delusions with the order, though in essence, he cares little for it.

(>) Razor-sharp senses and physical prowess, including dexterity, constitution, and improved reflexes make Marr extremely formidable in combative situations. He is also quite strong, with the potential to overpower certain foes.

(>) Marr is acutely charismatic. He knows just what to say and when to say it. Should he put the effort forth, he can entrap others within a sinister sphere of influence with his jagged and cunning tongue.

(X) Marr is arrogant, and at times, he overestimates his own abilities. Most of these instances involve only his tough talk, however his arrogance is backed up with immense fervor, making it a danger to not only others, but himself.

(X) Teamwork is impossible for him. Marr cannot work effectively with others due to his lack of trust, as well as his distaste for cooperation. Though he can set aside pettiness for the sake of an objective, a team dynamic is nonexistent.

J-Type 327 Nubian - Heavily modified to suit Marr’s intended purpose. With the addition of two proton torpedo tubes, overclocked sublight engines, and a short range sensor jammer, this vessel is primed and ready and is able to handle whatever Marr puts it through.

Tendon Marr’s story began on the planet Serenno, a distant world on the outer rim which is home to some of the most influential people in the Galaxy. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, his father already the young count of House Marr di Demici. During the developing years of his life, Marr had everything handed to him, establishing an attitude very early on which he would carry well into adulthood. He was taught to abuse those underneath him, and strive to achieve what those above him possessed. Growing up, Marr was allocated a cadre of servants who waited upon his every whim. Save for one, he tortured these men and women endlessly, be it they byproduct of sheer boredom, or of his cruel wrath. The one exception was only known to Marr as Tran, a veteran ex-Mandalorian who had fallen upon difficult times. Tran was essentially Marr’s right hand and a loyal worker, to boot. In exchange for humane treatment, Tran taught Marr how to throw his first punch and shoot his first rifle, among other things.

As he grew into manhood, Tran became more of Marr’s personal aide than anything. During a routine visit with his father to the dignitaries of the D’Astan system, the elder Marr di Demici’s convoy was ambushed by rogue pirates acting on a kidnapping scheme to ransom money from the family back home. When the chaos broke loose, it was Tran who sacrificed himself, taking a vibroblade to the head whilst forcing Marr into the back of a retreating speeder. He was butchered in cold blood, and it’s a moment which would never leave Marr’s mind. Months later, the pirates were finally caught, and Marr was unable to acquiesce the fact that the majority of them would serve a prison term and probably be released. Using an alias, Triad, the 16-year-old Marr utilized the backwater channels of several syndicate oriented holonetworks. He was able to transfer funds from one of his mother’s untouched accounts into the pockets of a group known as the Black Hats. In turn, this shadow group decided to forgo the subtleties and completely destroy the detention center where pirate scum were taken.

Unfortunately, Marr’s “Triad” identity wasn’t as foolproof as he had thought. After realized the exploitative value in working with a child, the Black Hats took Marr from his home in the dead of night. He had disappeared without a trace, prompting the outrage of his house, and more importantly, his father. Without considering what he was facing, Marr’s father along with a team of mercenaries had tracked the Black Hats, cornering them in their headquarters. Unbeknownst to them, Marr had been moved to the planet Korriban for safe keeping. The elder Marr and his strike force were dispatched without haste by Black Hat defenders. It was at this point where these men had come to the realization that ransom was no longer an option. The debate rested on murdering Marr in cold blood, or putting him to work. One might think that 2 years of slavery would humble a person. Not Marr, though. If anything, it fueled a rising anger which had been planted in his belly since Tran’s death. Unfortunately for Marr, he was kept under lock and key, whipped and beaten constantly and stored in a cramped prison cell which was barely large enough for him to sit comfortably, never mind lie down

It was through his imprisonment that Marr learned a valuable lesson in the virtues of patience. He waited, for what in particular? He wasn’t sure. What he had taken away from Tran’s teachings, though, was that the perfect opportunity for anything, really, will arise given a substantial dedication to the idea that it will come. And so it did. While Marr’s “pen” was being given its once-monthly freshening up, he was being led away in chains. Before being cuffed, though, Marr had flexed and turned his wrists, giving him space to free himself. With one great spasm, Marr ducked away from the jailer and swiped his keys right from his very belt. And so Marr ran, as fast as his atrophied muscles would allow, and as hard as his burning heart would allow. All was not well, however, as the Jailer was close behind. This would be Marr’s baptism in blood. When he reached the inevitable dead end in the spiraling hallways of the Black Hat outpost, he slipped into the shadows of the dimly lit facility. The Jailer sprinted through, scrutinizing his surroundings to find just the slightest glimpse of Marr. When the guard turned his back, just for a moment, Marr executed the opportunity as well as any 18-year-old boy could.

Marr lunged forward, clutching a jagged shard of transparisteel which had been carelessly left behind. He dug the edged weapon into the throat of the Jailer, bringing him to the floor with a great thud. He was not frightened by the stagnant pool of blood which formed beneath the homemade valve which was the Jailer’s neck. In fact, Marr felt quite satisfied by his actions, and in turn, allowed the Jailer to bleed out in a puddle of his own bodily fluids. It was a slow, agonizing death which would be met with no mercy, and Marr watched it in its entirety. When his focus returned to his objective at hand, Marr was ready to go, and he was unafraid of anyone who might get in his way. Marr’s victory was rather short lived. Soon, the Black Hat sentries caught wind of the Jailer’s demise and reinforced the perimeter. Eventually, Marr was overpowered and captured. The leader of the outpost personally oversaw his capture, and wanted to deal with Marr personally for the death of his friend, the Jailer. He was thrown into a dimly lit chamber, followed by the Capo who brandished a tubular like object, metallic in color. He claimed it was the lightsaber of a Jedi Knight who had fallen into his clutches months before. His most prized possession, he exclaimed, would be replaced with Marr’s head.

The Capo went on a tangent, gleefully recalling how he was a part of the security team which wiped out Marr’s father. He taunted Marr, berated him, and insulted him, lacerating his chest and arms with minute burns with the bright green blade. “It matches your eyes!” The Capo proclaimed as he moved the blade closer and closer to Marr’s left eye. He mashed both shut as tight as he could. By now, he was shaking with anger, hyperventilating and spitting at the Capo. As the blade neared closer, Marr went primal. Every emotion he had felt in the past two years: anger, hatred, contempt, shame, remorse, every emotion concentrated into the palm of his hand, resulting in an unseen force which repelled the Capo to the floor. He screamed a ferocious war cry and charged, using what he would later identify as the Force to pull the Capo’s lightsaber to his hands. He sliced the binders from his wrist and instigated an all out assault. Given his lack of experience with such a weapon, it’s a miracle on its own that Marr didn’t cut his own legs off, but he was no longer in control, rather an unseen entity had taken over. A Divine Intervention indeed. The Capo, obviously stunned, attempted to flee, only to be cut down at the knees by an enraged Marr. His deep green eyes which almost costed him his life were now a glowing red and yellow.

Marr was far from finished; dismembering the Capo would be a process, and with a final spit to the face, he removed the mobster’s head from his shoulders. Leaving the outpost was simple from then on. Still immersed deep within the throes of the Dark Side, Marr gripped the Capo’s head by a tuff of hair and stormed out the chamber door. The group of Black Hats who had congregated to hear Marr die turned and ran, while others were paralyzed with fear. Regardless, nobody dared interfere. Among his personal effects, the Capo possessed a sleek Nubian starship. Marr helped himself to that, and whatever else remained of his captor’s estate. When he returned to Serenno, Marr was disheartened to find that the Marr di Demici household was in near shambles. It had been overpowered and subsidized by the larger House Von Zeyte in his father’s absence. Even his mother had re-married into the family like the gold digging queen she was. Marr collected what was left inside of the looted household, including the contents of his emergency safe which remained untouched. Within was enough credits to get by comfortably, and a holocron marked “Contingency.” He was unable to open the latter. There was nothing left for him on Serenno, though. Not right now, at least.



Jorn Mair

You put alot of information that added to your characters back story.

Makes it almost seem like I have experanced what he did.

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