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Tendril Dominion / Invasion Rule

Before the posting of this suggestion, I had looked through the Rules to see if something similar had already been on the books. While I did not find anything, I could just as easily have over looked it and if I have done so, please point me in the right direction.

This suggestion focuses on the Tendril / Tentacle Faction Clouds. Mainly in which we see a faction that is holding a handful of Hexes on the map which they fully control, and from this main cloud there are multiple tendril clouds that reach out to far flung worlds (often two to three hexes away from the primary cloud; i.e. The One Sith's control of Panatha or the Primeval's control of Taris).

I feel that this pulls from the depth of the achievement of a faction controlling worlds, in so far as that it seems highly unlikely and unfeasible that a reasonable galactic government would stretch their resources so thin (given that cloud breaking is also a thing and those worlds could easily be lost).

What I am suggesting is a rule for the Dominions / Invasions that would put a stop to Tendril / Tentacle spreading.

The Suggestion follows that no Major Faction should have a world that is up to two hexes from their primary cloud (i.e. The Mandalorian's current Cloud is close together without tendrils springing off of it; where as the One Sith and other Major Factions have countless tendrils spreading off from their clouds). The suggestion would therefore be that a Major Faction would need to hold control of the entire hex before they could push further (as showing the Faction consolidating their hold over the area, rather than hopping two to three hexes away just for one planet).

This would mainly work to curb a Major Faction from just tendril dominioning to gain access to a restricted resources that is on a world that is multiple hexes away from the Major Factions primary area of influence. It would mean that the Faction would need to put in the effort to reach that world for that specific resource.

Personally I believe that this is warranted, or at least deserves discussion on the possibility of the pros and cons that this would produce.
You obviously haven't really studied military history. Super powers, even 'regular' powers, tendril out all the time. Quite common. Not only is this realistic, it has absolutely not a single detriment to the site as a part or in whole.
In my opinion, if a faction wants to tendril, they risk having cloud breaks taking away multiple worlds at once. It's their right to go for it if they think they can prevent a hostile strategic strike like such.
there is a couple of things though with that... first one being it tendrils not because of the factions influence. The one who updates the maps makes the choice and they could make the tendrils thick taking several planets like on a trade route or they could make them small and weave between some planets. Look at the one sith right now they have a hole in their cloud of empty space with no worlds in it to take to fill it in. The entire of taking over a hex is great but some have a lot of empty space and given the distance in space covering and securing all of that would be very very very long and boring.
Amelia Sorenn said:
Primeval's control of Taris).
[member="Zambrano the Hutt"]

We gained a free planet!

Jokes aside; we don't actually control Taris. It's just outside of our influence, but we do control Wayland!

On that note, this suggestion looks at it from one perspective. For example... The Primeval don't conquer worlds to hold them, they conquer worlds, strip them of their resources, and leave them barren/dead before moving on. Not to mention space is a really, really big place. So those little tendrils are probably a lot more imposing from the perspectives of our characters! Containing many minor stars, worlds, etc.

That said -- as someone already stated this too -- a faction risks cloudbreaking regardless. In fact, I'm pretty sure Tefka purposely made all the tentacles so people would be inclined to cloudbreak factions. Although it seems few people try!


Well-Known Member
I got agree with those that posted so far. It makes things less realistic, and much more costly to anyone attempting to pull a OS v GR sort of thing (where half their land mass vanished)
[member="Amelia Sorenn"]

This suggestion also begs the question, "What would happen to all the tendriled territories that currently exist after this rule would be implemented? Are all factions to lose their tentacle territories after all that work?"

I'm afraid I doubt you'll get many supporters for that idea.

To pull a reference, the Old Republic was (tenuously) able to maintain control with their Grand Army stretched thin across the splintered and war-torn galaxy. Don't know if that's the best example, though...

I mean, we already can't establish "colonies" in the sense of claiming territory outside of our cloud.


That is a VERY interesting concept for dominions! This intrigues me immensely...
Before the posting of this suggestion, I had looked through the Rules to see if something similar had already been on the books. While I did not find anything, I could just as easily have over looked it and if I have done so, please point me in the right direction.

This suggestion focuses on the Tendril / Tentacle Faction Clouds. Mainly in which we see a faction that is holding a handful of Hexes on the map which they fully control, and from this main cloud there are multiple tendril clouds that reach out to far flung worlds (often two to three hexes away from the primary cloud; i.e. The One Sith's control of Panatha or the Primeval's control of Taris).

I feel that this pulls from the depth of the achievement of a faction controlling worlds, in so far as that it seems highly unlikely and unfeasible that a reasonable galactic government would stretch their resources so thin (given that cloud breaking is also a thing and those worlds could easily be lost).

What I am suggesting is a rule for the Dominions / Invasions that would put a stop to Tendril / Tentacle spreading.

The Suggestion follows that no Major Faction should have a world that is up to two hexes from their primary cloud (i.e. The Mandalorian's current Cloud is close together without tendrils springing off of it; where as the One Sith and other Major Factions have countless tendrils spreading off from their clouds). The suggestion would therefore be that a Major Faction would need to hold control of the entire hex before they could push further (as showing the Faction consolidating their hold over the area, rather than hopping two to three hexes away just for one planet).

This would mainly work to curb a Major Faction from just tendril dominioning to gain access to a restricted resources that is on a world that is multiple hexes away from the Major Factions primary area of influence. It would mean that the Faction would need to put in the effort to reach that world for that specific resource.

Personally I believe that this is warranted, or at least deserves discussion on the possibility of the pros and cons that this would produce.

For those of us who get headaches from OP's absurd use of Courier font.
[member="Darth Pikiran"]
[member="Julius Sedaire"]

Fonts are the way I make my posts unique!


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