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Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders

The Old Ways.

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Tenets of the Crusaders | Faction Theme and Character Fit [OOC]

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This is a quick introduction to our faction—its theme and focus—in the format of a FAQ.

Q: What is the theme of the faction and can my character fit in?
A: "Win or lose, as long as the fight is worthy, then honor is gained. The glory at having triumphed over impossible odds is what drives us. If there's nothing at stake – your possessions, your life, your world – then the battle's meaningless. We Mandalore take everything we are and throw it into battle. It's the true test of yourself – the battle against death... against oblivion." — Canderous Ordo, describing the ways of the Mandalorians. I cannot describe it any better.​

Q: Is this a NFU-centered faction?
A: Yes, very much so. The faction is tailored to NFUs and will remain so. Plenty of options on the board for FU-centered thematics.​
Q: How are FUs viewed?
A: FUs are inherently distrusted — the Sith decimated Mandalore, while we view the Jedi as aruetii who have corrupted and sullied our ways, turning us into space hippies.​
Q: How focused on PvP is the faction?
A: 70% PvP, 30% PvE. 0% smut.​
Q: Are you for strict adherence to the source material?
A: Yes, we emphasize deep immersion and are committed to closely following the original material like a bible. More or less.​
Q: But what about the Sith?
A: While the theme of retribution against the Sith for the desecration of Mandalore can be explored, it is not a central focus for us. We acknowledge the Sith as formidable opponents and see value in the honor gained from battling them, but the narrative of vengeance has been revisited many times. Of course, individual characters are absolutely free to have their own views and motivations. This goes without saying.​
Q: But what about the civilians?
A: In our view, as according to Legends crusader lore, war involves two types of entities: worthy foes and casualties of war. Civilians, as you may have guessed, fall into the latter category. We do not go out of our way to protect them and may engage in actions that affect them, even deliberately (see Cathar, Serroco, Basiliskans). We follow our own rules of combat, guided by the Crusader philosophy, and are weary of the overuse of the "civilian card" for dramatic purposes.​

Q: Mand'alor?
A: A story is in development for a rise of Mand'alor which will unfold in our threads. Yes, we religiously believe that the title of Mand'alor is core to the Mandalorian culture.​

Q: Cathar?
A: Cassus Fett did nothing wrong.​
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