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Approved Starship Tercio Class Cruiser

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Manufacturer: House Mecetti Nationalized Industries
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Limited

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  • All Standard Star Destroyer Features and communications suite
  • Vehicle Garage with accommodation for 8 Very Heavy Vehicles, 32 Heavy Vehicles, and 64 Average or Lighter Vehicles
  • Repulsorlift systems allow hovering over planetary surfaces.
  • Bridge
  • Containment Shields
  • Accommodation for 300 Officers and crew as well as 100 pilots and 1,000 marines
  • 4 Mess Halls
  • 4 Rec Rooms with accommodation for 100 persons each
  • 4 Gymnasiums with accommodation for 100 persons each
  • 25 Refresher rooms with 20 waste stalls and 20 shower stalls each
  • Cargo Bay capable of holding 5,000 metric tons of cargo
  • 10 Laundry Rooms
    • With 4 Laundry Droids each
    • With 12 Industrial Washer/Drier Machines each
  • Well Armed
  • Well Defended
  • Limited firing arcs for Turbolaser armament, with turbolasers all on dorsal side in mostly broadside arrangement.
  • The ship is less maneuverable than most cruisers, being only as maneuverable as larger star destroyers.

The Tercio Class Cruiser is the product of Vianca Mecetti's new policy of naval modernization for the Mecetti House Guard. Vianca believes that a modern fleet must be made up of smaller, more numerous, advanced craft rather than larger ships which seek to intimidate by size and reputation rather than actual capability.

To this end, she is pursuing a smaller cruiser to become the backbone of the Mecetti fleet, rather than the larger Victory which has been the stalwart of the fleet for centuries. Named for an ancient battle formation of blast riflemen guarded by force-pikemen and shield-bearers, the Tercio combines long-range weaponry, shields, and point-defense into a potent package. It is somewhat less maneuverable than most cruisers, but makes up for it with a complex range of abilities that allow it to attack at a distance and defend against adjacent threats.

With the Tercio, the Mecetti fleet will be poised to emerge with a four-tiered fleet formation. Obscurer destroyers will act as command ships. Singularity Carriers will carry the bulk of embarked craft. Tercio cruisers will provide both interdiction and long-range fire support. And starfighter-scale craft will take the fight to the enemy.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a modernized cruiser which will replace Victory class star destroyers in the Mecetti fleet.
Permissions: NA

Technical Information

Affiliation: House Mecetti
Modular: Yes
Material: Durasteel, Transparisteel, and Titanium (Standard Starship Components)
Defense Rating: Very High
Energy Resist: High
Kinetic Resist: High
Radiation Resist: High
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