Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Teresa Allens


NAME: Teresa Allens (playby Kaya Scodelario)
FACTION: Um none?
RANK: Highschool Junior
AGE: 18, What? I was held back a year!
SEX: Um Female. A little too obvious.
HEIGHT: 5'6"
WEIGHT: I'm 145 lbs.
EYES: Light blue
HAIR: Black with slight mix of brown, really just depends on the lighting.
SKIN: White.
FORCE SENSITIVE: Um I don't think so? never been tested.


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+Hand eye coordination: I play sports, and I have two younger brothers that want to wrestle with me. Hard not to beat them both at the same time.
+Many hearts: No it does not mean that I love alot of people, but I have hearts in different places than other species, so if I were to get hit in the chest with anything it wouldn't be fatal like it would be for Humans, and I don't rely on one heart to pump my blood.
+/-Smarticle Particle: I am smart, I just choose not to act that way.
-Dyslexia: says enough, its hard for me to read.
-Crazy in the head: People say I am crazy for seeing different shapes that glow up whenever I touch them. Because apparently I am the only one who can see them.
-Secret life: Being 18, I need a job, and well, I'm a "dancer" to put it in short term.

I dress in clothes, you know the things you put on your body? Anything will really go with me, but people say that I look good in green. i mean black hair, light blue eyes and probably just having a nice shirt and jeans will be most often what I will be wearing.

Backstory, Oh okay. Well I grew up in an average home on Atoa like every other one of my kind. Seeing as how I do horrible in my classes at school, I was often reprimanded for not paying attention or even doing the normal tack on the teachers chair. Alot of them were funny at times. My father got mad at me all the time for doing what he called "indescribable acts of stupidity" Really I thought he was just an old fart that wanted everything to be his way.

My mother and I love to go shopping for clothes and other things, since she spends most of her time at home taking care of my two younger brothers, my dad has to work two jobs to pay the bills. He does vehicle maintenance, and also designs speeders for a small company. I have two younger brothers who I could care less for, and I'm a junior in Highschool.

Asariy Vaé

Hey. This girl. Her and Asariy should RP. Maybe we could like become friends and stuff and then I could introduce you to someone who can like test if you have the Force and all that. It'd be a good gateway.

@Teresa Allens

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