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Character Teresa Pelles/Darth Pellax

Blackened Valkyrie — The 14th Wife

NAME: Teresa Pelles
ALIAS: Darth Pellax
AGE: 24
SEX: Female
SPECIES: Human (Augmented)
HEIGHT: 5ft 5"
WEIGHT: 7st 67
EYES: Ruby Red Sith Orange + black

HAIR: Short black
SKIN: Pale white

SEXUALITY: Pansexual


The girl is always generally seen in the Modified Darth Revan's robes or her light armor. When people can see her face they will notice the deep scar over her right eye and the dark veins around her eyes. Her skin is extremely pale. The thick black eyeliner makes her red eyes stand out even more. Teresa also uses matte crimson lipstick.

Teresa has also been subjected to extream experimentation at the age of 21 when she was captured. The end results was growing large black feathered wings and metal nails made of laminanium.
She also has a tattoo on her face.

Powers - Inept I, Proficient III -
Force choak - II
Force Lightning - I
Force speed - I
Force jump - II
Telekinesis - I
Persuade - I
Pyrokinisis - I
Cryokinisis - II
Dopplegänger - II

Powers to or been learnt-
Force horror
Mind control
Fraction Information

FACTION: unknown
RANK: Apprentice


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Blackened Valkyrie — The 14th Wife
Strengths and Weaknesses



Speed - her speed is for all of the above she has trained herself in this aspect to gain an advantage over those in a fight or chase. if you feel lucky I'd run if not hope that her strength isn't good.

Strong - oops sorry spoke too soon as well as her speed he physical fitness is at it's peek, meaning if she's bearing a sword watch your limbs because it won't matter who you are there coming off.

Strategist - your plan won't work. Teresa has became good at fast thinking in combat she will know your next attack before you do.

Flightnew- Since been experimented on Teresa has grew large black feathered wings capable of lifting her from the ground.


Photographic memory - she can never forget things she's seen. This is both an aide and a down fall as she can learn things faster but when it comes to her abilities to see the past of force users or items held by a force user for a long time, it can mix with her own memories making it difficult to split apart.


Risk taker - if it means her objective gets done she will do it weather it's life or death.

not patient - don't ask this girl to wait because by the time you get back she will have either have gone or will be killing things.

no consequence - to Teresa nothing has a consequence as far as she is concerned. there are blasters pointed to her head and someday this will be her down fall.

Wings - while wings have it's perks it also has many down sides. The girl is unable to fit in small cramped star fighters meaning she has to use a ship with a lot of cockpit room. They are an easy target while in and out of flight.
Blackened Valkyrie — The 14th Wife


The beginning of her story stared at birth. The girl was an offspring to a forbidden relationship between a Jedi and bounty hunter. After the Jedi abandoned the woman she could barely get by with having to look after a child who needed constant supervision and care. Over the first few months she began to resenting the child and angry at her lover who left. With next to no feelings for the baby girl she ended up been sold to a young man. The woman didn't know the man was a sith. Although that information wouldn't changed her mind as the credits promised was good. Credits that she never saw but rather the crimson blade the man wielded ending her life.

As Teresa grew up she only knew how to live as a slave and serve her master. She'd clean and bring the man his meals and fresh clothes along with the many others he owned. Others who were older and able to serve in other ways to meet his needs. Teresa however was used to get the places others couldn't. This job one day led to her finding a book behind a towering bookshelf. A book that had detailed sketches of how to fight with a handheld weapon. The girl never moved it from that spot and had the others to teach her how to read. Over time she learnt the book till she could recite it without thinking.

By the time she felt tight going behind to clean she had moved the book and hidden it in the slave quarters. When the man wasn't around the girl would put words into actions not only learning the knowledge mentally but physically. Every night she wondered what was outside the walls. She knew the sky was blue in the day and dark at night but everything else was a dream. When she hit the age of eighteen, Teresa had gotten hold knife from the kitchen before she had to deliver the man's tea time meal. Her mind was focused in milling him and escaping. She couldn't bare been confined to the same walls.

She reached the room and began to act with caution since by the man not sat at his desk but stood facing the door with something in his hand. It would grow a large red beam of light and hummed. Her mind remembered the device from somewhere. She knew it was dangerous. She knew that he knew her plan. The girl would throw the tray of hot food onto the man before she tried to strike. Quickly the girls body would hit against the wall with force. Raising her arms up as he lifted the device she'd cower against the wall only to hear a thud from the other side if the large quarters.

Teresa opened her eyes to see him getting up with a large dent in the wall. They'd then dart to the device that wasn't in his hands but in the floor. I'm a rush the girl scrambled across the floor to try grab it. As her hand got round it she felt her hair been ragged as a foot kicked the girl in the face tossing her over. The man reached down to prye the device from her hand as he did her thumb slid against a switch. Raising her arm Teresa impaled the man in the abdomen making him scream out in pain.

In his final moments he'd beat her breaking ribs and bloodying her face. After he went limp she'd push the body from off her then laid there in pain. One of the other slaves found her not long after and carried her to a bed. By the time she woke up they had deserted taking what they could that was valuable. When she finally had the strength to leave the only things she held onto was the bloodied clothes and device.
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