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Approved Starship Terminus Class Frigate

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Pheretha Ren


Terminus Class Frigate


  • Intent: To create a new frigate for the Brotherhood of Darkness
  • Image Source: Image Source
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Bridge
  • Life Support Systems
  • Long Range Scanners
  • Short Range Scanners
  • Long and Short Range Communication
  • Barracks
  • Crew Quarters
  • Shrine of Shadows
  • Escape Pods
  • Bulky: Designed around an old bulk freighter hull, the Terminus Class Frigate is heavily layered in terms of sheer armor plating. Even if it was to lose its extensive layered shielding, the Terminus Class can tank excessive amounts of enemy fire before critical systems become vulnerable.
  • Form Fitting: The general design of the Terminus Class Frigate prevents it from concentrating its fire in forwarding barrage fire, as most sloped hull starships can do. Narrow as it is, the frigate's weapons can only fire in limited arcs in front of it, forcing the vessel to move in to close range with opposing craft to unleash a broadside, where its main strength lies.
The Terminus Class Frigate is the first vessel produced by the Brotherhood of Darkness for its newly founded naval force. Taking its origins from the pirates and smugglers that make up the original compliment of the Brotherhood Navy, the Terminus Class is a modified freighter design converted into a warship. Cargo bays have been replaced with hangars, and a Shrine of Shadows, a temple to the Brotherhood of Darkness's deity, occupies a large segment of the craft. Hardly a perfect warship, this class of ship is intended to help supplement the fledgling Brotherhood Navy until such a time as they can secure large shipbuilding facilities in use for the coming wars.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Pheretha Ren

Simple and solid submission!
  • Your ratings are underpowered (-2), if you want, you can edit.
  • My concern is the Molecular shielding, this is a top class shield, what we usually not allow just with Very High or Extreme defences rating, due to the shield's nature. So please modify the rating to higher, or please explain it, why this defence is only a High rating and not higher.
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