Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Teroch Gra'tua

(Deleted for the crimes of: being out of date, being a terrible representation of the old Teroch and being horribly plagued by odd BBC code that somehow worked its way into the whole thing.

For those of you that are worried, don't, as I am working tirelessly to get Teroch Gra'tua.exe up and running again, so just have patience, because he will be returning, and he will have a larger emphasis on his character, and not how similar I can get him to Revovler Ocelot.)
EDITED: biography, strengths & weaknesses, skills, general info, appearance, height, weight and age.
ADDED: skills section, voice, languages and mention of Teroch's smoking.

(note, not all of the changes are marked in either green or yellow, the colors represent the overall severity of the changes, with green being light edits and red being heavy edits)

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