Teroch Werda

Name: Teroch Werda
Alias: Ad Ureschaab
Rank: Verd
Age: 47
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Culture: Mando'ade
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Alignment: Chaotic-Neutral
Height: 6'1
Weight: 200lbs
Eyes: Pale-blue
Hair: Brown
Skin: Caucasian
Force-Sensitive: Unknown

Ad par akaan[Son of War]: Teroch was bred for war, believing like all Mando'ade it is a holy endeavor.
Dral[Strong]: Years of hard life in both war and work have hardened Teroch, making him sturdy and strong.
Gaan-at-Gaan[Hand-to-Hand]: Through the years Teroch has developed and mastered his own style of fighting.
Mirdala[Clever]: Teroch has a quick mind, allowing him to process events and act accordingly in the span of seconds.
Atin[Stubborn]: Teroch is not easily swayed, holding fast to ideals and notions his own.
Tracy'uur Irud[Blaster Arm]: Having a quick and steady gun-arm has saved Teroch's life on more than just one ocasion.
Kyrayc Sur'haai[Dead Eye]: No man is impervious, not even Teroch. The blindness in his left eye serving as a reminder of that fact.
Adenn [Merciless]: It takes a dull heart to so willingly walk into battle. Those looking for empathy withing Teroch will find none.
Aruetii Or'parguur[Outsider Hate]: Working as a ver'verd has garnered Teroch little love for outsiders. He has gazed upon their moral standings and found most wanting.

A wise man once said: "A man's scars tell the story of his struggles." If truth can be found in these words, then Teroch's story is one marred with hardship. There was a time when he crisp polished styling of a virtuous warrior. Hair trimmed neat, face shaven, armor shinned. An age ago it would seem. For now the man's hair grows long, drooping across his shoulders and down his back. Face harboring a beard fully grown. Yet neither the hair on his head nor on his face is enough to hide the scarred flesh upon his cheeks and brow. His eyes burning still in their pale-blue hue, the left not betraying it hasn't seen naught but darkness in years.
Men that see true horror rarely come back from it. A piece of themselves remains lost there with the innocence they once held. When Teroch first ventured out and fanned the flames of war he saw true madness there. The Mando'ade believe war is itself is an act of holiness, that belief entrenched itself within Teroch's mind and built the foundation of the man he would become in later years.
A man grown, people found Teroch lacking in shows of remorse. Among his own people he seemed normal enough, he cared for them after all. Yet among the people of strange worlds he put off airs of distaste and ire. Aruetii were not warranted respect in his eyes, so they received none.
Let it not be said, however, that Teroch is a darkened and brooding soul forevermore. Compatriots tell a different story of the man. One of bravery and honor, and of stalwart loyalty to comrades in the face of adversity. It would be said that those Teroch loves, he would surely die for.
"And so I was called to war, how gladly I went. Not until I saw the great funeral pyres did our dead haunt me, and did I weep."
At their height the Mandalorian Clans proved to be a force unmatched in the Galaxy. The flames of holy war spreading from world to world in a holy crusade. There was zeal in the Mando'ade then, pride. Verda young and old marched under the Mythosaur Skull banner with undaunted purpose. Teroch had been there then, another child taking on the cause of his ancestors. He bore witness to the greatness of his people in an age where conquest seemed all but impossible. Yet so too did he see their fall. For in their hubris the Clans grew soft, and Manda'yaim fell.
In truth it all began in that moment for Teroch Werda. His father killed in the last great war, his brothers gone on the far reaches of known space. His clan had always been small, but now he was alone. When the scramble for the title of Mand'alor began the depths to which his people had fallen was revealed. Teroch wished no part of it. So rather than rejoining his people as they fled to Onderon, Teroch took dar'manda upon himself.
The Mandalorian took to making a living the only way he knew how, with bloodshed. Working as a bounty hunter or mercenary whenever a chance revealed itself. The underworld soon became a second home for Teroch, and though he missed fighting alongside his kinsmen, his new life became quite comfortable. He was able to make a name for himself as a man that always delivered, finishing contracts with ruthless precision. It was in this time he came to know Quell Dormo, and the Luck Wearers.
"They could not be trusted, no, but the pay was good. The killing I did there was unlike that in war, where you stare down your enemy. It was quick and quite. In truth, I began to prefer it that way."
At their height the Mandalorian Clans proved to be a force unmatched in the Galaxy. The flames of holy war spreading from world to world in a holy crusade. There was zeal in the Mando'ade then, pride. Verda young and old marched under the Mythosaur Skull banner with undaunted purpose. Teroch had been there then, another child taking on the cause of his ancestors. He bore witness to the greatness of his people in an age where conquest seemed all but impossible. Yet so too did he see their fall. For in their hubris the Clans grew soft, and Manda'yaim fell.
In truth it all began in that moment for Teroch Werda. His father killed in the last great war, his brothers gone on the far reaches of known space. His clan had always been small, but now he was alone. When the scramble for the title of Mand'alor began the depths to which his people had fallen was revealed. Teroch wished no part of it. So rather than rejoining his people as they fled to Onderon, Teroch took dar'manda upon himself.
The Mandalorian took to making a living the only way he knew how, with bloodshed. Working as a bounty hunter or mercenary whenever a chance revealed itself. The underworld soon became a second home for Teroch, and though he missed fighting alongside his kinsmen, his new life became quite comfortable. He was able to make a name for himself as a man that always delivered, finishing contracts with ruthless precision. It was in this time he came to know Quell Dormo, and the Luck Wearers.
"They could not be trusted, no, but the pay was good. The killing I did there was unlike that in war, where you stare down your enemy. It was quick and quite. In truth, I began to prefer it that way."

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