Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Terra Ouron

NAME: Terra Ouron
AGE: 14
SEX: Female
EYES: Green
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: White
FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes but unaware.


Is rather smart for her age.
Strong willed. Refusing to give up.
Is somewhat skilled with a blaster.
Is very attached to her family and friends. Giving her a reason to fight.
Is skilled in flying and reparing ships.

Hot headed. She never turns down a challenge.
Has a weak body. She can't fight in hand to hand combat without training.
Is very attached to her family and friends. If put in danger Terra may become reckless and angry.
Will not kill if she can help it. Allowing foes to get away or attack her again.
Not very good at staying hidden should the need arise. Can be easily tracked.

APPEARANCE: Terra has brown hair and green eyes. Terra's hair is long a reaches down to her back. She also wear a white shirt and blue jean plants.
BIOGRAPHY: Terra lived a pretty uneventful but still happy life. Terra's father was a ploit transporting trading goods form planet to planet while her mother made a living repairing space ships. Learning from both of them Terra chose to take up the same line of work as her father in order to rasie up enough money suport the family on her own.
SHIP: Dynamic-class transport ship that once belonged to her father Kayden Ouron. Nick named Little Princess.

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