Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Terrence Winter

Terrence Winter


Terrence Winter

I believe in the cause of the First Order...because in a galaxy of Empires, Democracies and Warlords, they are one of the few who fight for a cause greater than themselves.

Personal Information

Faction: First Order

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Height: 5'11

Weight: 145 Lbs

Hair Color: Raven Black

Eye Color: Grey

Force Sensitive: No

Species: Human

Personality: Terrence Winter is a stubborn, tenacious, and exceedingly loyal individual. A restrictive childhood led Terrence to develop a general disliking of authority figures, though he knows when to look down. When he sets himself to a task, he will not hesitate to do whatever it takes to achieve his set goal, rules and regulations falling to the wayside as he strives for success. He does not have many friends, but those he does he holds close to him, and protects with a fury unequal to any other thing in his life.

Historical Information

Terrence Winter did not have an exceptionally exciting life.

Terrence Winter was born on Bespin, the tenth child of a tabana gas mining family indentured into service on a great floating platform. His earliest memories were working in the refineries along with his siblings and parents, constantly bent over in the darkest and smallest corners of the refineries. He was the youngest, and smaller than all his siblings and was able to get to those places no one else could. Beatings were common, hunger was rampant, and every day Terrence woke wondering what he had done to earn this fate. He spent nearly two decades in those refineries, under one regime or another without ever seeing any change.

Then the reformed First Order came.

They offered Terrence and others like him something they had never been given before, a choice. No matter their background, their actions, their upbringing or even their personal ability, they were all given a choice to start fresh in the First Order. A few did not accept the offer, but Terrence and many others did without hesitation. He joined the First Order military, and for the first time in his life began to earn a true income. For the first time in his life he received a steady stream of meals, a bed he knew would be there at the end of the day, and comradery with others like him. He committed to the First Order in mind, body, and spirit, and has never looked back.

He was transferred to the naval academy not long after he entered training, and quickly rose to be one of the leading members of his class. He was awarded with honors upon his graduation, and eagerly took his post in the First Order Navy, eager to serve the nation that had given him a second chance.


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