Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Terrible News!

Now, for the last three weeks or so I've been flirting with disaster over my charger. It's been busted, but it still was able to charge.

Now it is finally broken. Which means I have to get a new one. Why didn't I get a new one three weeks ago? I did, but it got lost in the shipping it seems.

So! Another has been ordered, and I've no idea when it will get here. As such, [member="Ordo"] sadly we wont be able to do our duel.

Here's hoping the charger comes soon.

(Posted from the phone)

Stephanie Swail

[member="Krest"] I hate a title thread that always makes you wonder what disaster has struck as you open it...

...but this is equally awful news!

I hope you get sorted soon!

Ruby Wilded

Pray to the shipping gods. No not those shipping gods! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

It'll get there soon @Krest. Find out if your package for the old one had insurance for mailing, or see if the manufacturer or whoever you bought it from will give you your money back. Last resort is a charge back since you probably used a credit card.

I want my Master back!

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